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Private rural service provision: the experience of Samriddhi in Bangladesh

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Andrea Bohn

Dec 17, 2013, 9:42:11 AM12/17/13

“Private rural service provision: the experience of Samriddhi in Bangladesh”. The document can be accessed at:

The underlying objective of the study was to draw the knowledge and experiences, document best practices and challenges, and consolidate lessons learnt from facilitating quality, accessible and affordable private rural service provision. The study, in a very accessible presentation, analyzes and documents best practices and challenges, and consolidates lessons learnt.

Samriddhi is a multi-year project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh.  We hope that the recommendations presented will enhance the provision of relevant and sustainable services in rural areas for poor and extreme poor households. It is also a case that challenges the conventional wisdom that “the poor cannot and will not pay for advisory services”. 

Wider sharing of the document is highly appreciated and encouraged.

Best regards,

Zenebe B. Uraguchi


Dr. Zenebe B. Uraguchi

International Adviser, Market Systems Development / Rural Economy

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh

Skype: zbashaw

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