I think we realized questions about the inovation and the relations with
the innovation system. We think each countries take experiencies about the
onnovations case in the actually and in the last years.
We make the question: That type of the system innovation take the
countries with relations to the social actors . In this type of
innovations system which the position of the small farmer and the big
farmers. The small and the big farmer have realized innovations the
possibility of inovations is different in each case.So, which the role of
the Rural Extension you founding in relation to the Innovations System or
in relation to the Innovations that take in daily in the small farmer- The
big famer take the bets position with relations of the System Innovations
because take more acces of comerzialization, credits, and others
conditions.Is very different to think in the base social production for
the food segurity from small famers for the society. In this case the role
of the Innovations System, the Innovations from knowledge and the role of
Rural Extension are will think in the different forms.
Marisa Gonnella
---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: Facilitating Innovation - and the role of Extension and Advisory
De: "Andrea Bohn" <
Fecha: Vie, 18 de Abril de 2014, 8:44
by Dominique Hounkonnou, Suzanne Nederlof, Niels Röling and Arnold van Huis
?The international consensus was that productivity growth requires a smooth
flow of ?innovations? from science to ?ultimate users?. That consensus is
to other pathways. One is Innovation Systems: innovation emerges from
interaction among diverse but complementary actors in an agricultural
domain. Their concerted action can create and interlink the services and
conditions that provide realistic opportunity. When the mix is right (when
they have voice and access to e.g., credit, inputs, technology, marketing
and rights) farmers participate in modern markets. Extension becomes
effective when it is part of, or even brokers, the mix and helps actors
capture opportunity.
Sustainable intensification of smallholder farming is a serious option for
global food security. That option is more resource-efficient than further
intensification of industrial agriculture. Researchers agree on a pervasive
bias against smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa. When it comes to
commercial food production, they face very small windows of opportunity.
Innovation platforms on which key actors agree to establish enabling
conditions for categories of smallholders are an option. Facilitating them
is a role for extension.?
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