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Register for the MEAS Symposium in Washington, D.C. - June 3-5, 2015 - “Building Lasting Impacts for the Future of Extension”

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Andrea Bohn

Mar 5, 2015, 12:11:49 PM3/5/15

Please express your interest by filling out the form here no later than March 31

As the MEAS project comes to a close, consortium leaders and key actors will converge in Washington, D.C. to consolidate on the knowledge gains made by the project and reflect on its role for the future of extension and advisory services. Over a period of three days we will review the main lessons learned and celebrate the successes MEAS has experienced over the past five years.

This will be an important time to also reflect on how our understanding of the concept of "pluralistic extension" has grown along with the evolving roles of different players in EAS (public and private extension, farmer organizations, educators). We will come away with a comprehensive response to the question: How can the extension system be prepared for sustainable success?

WHAT? Join the MEAS consortium in Washington, D.C. as we discuss and explore the future of extension and advisory services

WHO? Development professionals, academics, government officials, thought leaders, and extension experts.


Direct Link to the Registration Fom

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