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Dissensus based Delphi for organizing International Extension Congress

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G.A.K. Kumar

Apr 2, 2016, 12:58:57 PM4/2/16
to Worldwide Extension Network
Dear Extension Professionals

The ever evolving characteristic of Extension Education has been the soul of the subject since its inception in early fifties. The first decade was marked by exploratory research (what is what) during which the basic concepts and constructs were developed. During  subsequent decades, Extension Education evolved itself by incorporating knowledge, techniques, methods and approaches from other subjects such as psychology, sociology, communication, entrepreneurship, IT and so on. Now, after six decades let’s make a conscious and systematic attempt to further evolve ourselves and the subject using the platform of International Extension Congress (IEC) - 2017.

Keeping the purpose of the congress, the title, themes and sub-themes should be decided using the large pool of talent in Extension. Therefore, Dissensus based Online Delphi Approach developed by Martin Steinert, 2009 is used to decide title, themes and sub-themes of the congress. The traditional Delphi technique aims to minimize the expert estimation variance.  Since we aim at dissensus instead of consensus so that we can get as heterogeneous responses as possible, we will be able to consider an isolated innovative idea even if it is not supported by the majority of the experts. 

As the FIRST STEP towards organizing IEC, you are requested to give response to following items to enable us to finalise the title, themes and sub-themes of the congress. Further, you may kindly to visit the link atleast one more time so that you can modify your response in light of the response from others, if required. Please forward this mail to other extension professionals known to you. 

Please feel free to forward this mail to other extension professionals known to you.

Apologies for cross-posting!

Please use following link to fill the google form


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