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The Making of a Messenger: Engaging Extension and Advisory Service Providers in Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

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Andrea Bohn

Oct 14, 2014, 8:38:23 AM10/14/14

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The Making of a Messenger: Engaging Extension and Advisory Service Providers in Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture


October 29, 2014 - 09:00 am EDT


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Agriculture extension agents are a valuable source of information and expertise for many small scale farmers across the globe. As global understanding builds around the linkages between agriculture and nutrition, efforts are currently underway to integrate activities promoting nutrition into agriculture extension programming in several Feed the Future countries. Join SPRING and the Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services (MEAS) project in a two-part webinar series exploring these efforts in Malawi and Ethiopia.

The first event, scheduled for October 29th at 9:00 a.m. EST, will focus on MEAS’s assessment of agricultural extension, nutrition education, and integrated agriculture-nutrition programs and systems in Malawi. The assessment aims to inform the design of an activity that will strengthen delivery of coordinated and integrated extension and nutrition outreach services in Malawi’s Feed the Future focus districts. Vickie Sigman, Independent Senior Agriculture Extension Specialist, will discuss the various programs and systems in place in Malawi to deliver integrated extension and nutrition outreach services, service constraints, and possibilities for addressing existing constraints. Paul McNamara, Director, Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services Project, and Valerie Rhoe, Catholic Relief Services, will serve as a respondent as part of the presentation.    

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