Trying to not give up. IE Does ANYONE have a working export in windows?

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Mike Norton

Feb 2, 2017, 12:59:47 PM2/2/17
to worldengine
Hey guys. I so love the idea and concept but have been pulling my hair out trying to get things to work. The big missing thing is good documentation on installing.

I have installed the windows binaries.
I have attempted to build the windows source.
I have installed via PIP in a linux VM

And each and every turn I take I keep getting errors on the most important part. Exporting a usable height map to use in Unreal.

If I try export in the windows binary I run into the hard coded file structure where its missing files and is trying to look in psi29a's folder structure. . I mean. . I would gladly give you a user on my box if you want :) But I can't locate where this hard wired directory structure is coming from. I have installed Gdal on my windows box and no avail.

So then I installed onto the linux VM thinking. . Hrm. . you guys are hard core linux guys who seem to have had issues building the windows bin. . fair enough. . Lets go native. . But trying to export there ran into version issues.

What I want to do, is build a rich world. Export to a very high quality 16 bit greyscale without the jaggys that the current png export is producing and then work out a way to use the biome and weather maps for auto generated landscape material and foliage.

On a side note. Is there a way to parse the .world file with something like microdem or some other application that can read the format and possibly output?

I am not giving up. Not yet :)

Thanks for any tips everyone. 

Mike Norton

Feb 2, 2017, 1:01:03 PM2/2/17
to worldengine
Oh. . and to add. If I can figure out the secret sauce and reproduce it over and over I will document it so we can add it to the wiki. . Anything to help. 

bret curtis

Feb 2, 2017, 3:54:37 PM2/2/17
to Mike Norton, worldengine
Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time with WE. I do plan to
jump back in to development mode in the near future to help smooth
things over. The whole 'making one single binary' thing for windows
is and remains a pain in the ass. I'm hoping to remedy this in the
near future by looking into [1] nuitka which can help us compile and
make packages. We currently use pyinstaller which is a bit brittle.

As for use the source, it should 'just work' but the crown jewels is
in the gdal libraries. Sadly these are moving targets sometimes. I try
to keep my builds close to Debian stable and Ubuntu LTS releases.

All my documentation on how to setup an environment and even build
packages is in the file. If anything changes, I update that.

If you have a problem, please signup to github and create a issue on
the tracker if it doesn't already exist. :)


Follow up, I just grabbed the latest from master on github...
installed the requirements. I had to bump to the latest version of
numpy and pygdal, but after that... everything worked as expected:

python worldengine export ./ --export-format PNG
Worldengine - a world generator (v. 0.19.0)
name : seed_31040
width : 512
height : 512
seed : 31040
no plates : 10
ocean level : 1.000000
step : full
has biome : True
has humidity : True
has irrigation : True
has permeability : True
has watermap : True
has precipitations : True
has temperature : True
ls -al seed_31040_elevation.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 bcurtis bcurtis 245326 Feb 2 21:40 seed_31040_elevation.png

The pain was getting the right gdal libraries installed.

I hope that gets you motivated in the right direction.

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Mike Norton

Feb 2, 2017, 3:58:08 PM2/2/17
to bret curtis, worldengine
Thanks Bret. . It does. . It does help to know you got it working. I will keep hammering away at it and try to follow all the error codes to install the right libraries.  

Thank you!

bret curtis

Feb 2, 2017, 4:03:37 PM2/2/17
to Mike Norton, worldengine
Take a look at appveyor.yml, it is what we use for CI on windows
environments to make sure everything works via unit tests. This
involves gdal too. So you should be able to follow this 'recipe' to
have WE running from source on your machine.

Give that a go.



Feb 26, 2017, 1:53:23 AM2/26/17
to worldengine,
Hi all,

I managed to get WorldEngine running great on my Win 10 laptop using PyCharm Community Edition which also has the added bonus of Debugging.

My list of Libraries for v2.7 is as follows:

'altgraph==0.9', 'apptools==4.4.0', 'bbfreeze-loader==1.1.0', 'bbfreeze==1.1.3', 'configobj==5.0.6', 'configparser2==4.0.0', 'cx-freeze==4.3.4', 'cython==0.24', 'docopt==0.6.2', 'future==0.15.2', 'gdal==2.1.0', 'h5py==2.5.0', 'jinja2==2.8', 'markupsafe==0.23', 'noise==1.2.2', 'nuitka64==5.1.250', 'numpy==1.11.0', 'packaging==16.7', 'pathlib==1.0.1', 'pefile==2016.3.28', 'pi3d==2.11', 'pillow==3.2.0', 'pip==9.0.1', 'pipreqs==0.4.3', 'protobuf==3.0.0b3', 'py2exe==0.6.9', 'pyface==5.1.0', 'pygame==1.9.2a0', 'pygments==2.1.3', 'pyinstaller==3.2', 'pyopengl-accelerate==3.1.1', 'pyopengl==3.1.1a1', 'pyparsing==2.1.1', 'pypiwin32==219', 'pyplatec==1.4.0', 'pypng==0.0.18', 'pyqt4==4.11.4', 'pywin32==220', 'requests==2.9.1', 'setuptools==20.3.1', 'six==1.10.0', 'traits==4.5.0', 'traitsui==5.1.0', 'untangle==1.1.0', 'wheel==0.29.0', 'yarg==0.1.9'

Obviously some of these won't apply (such as bbfreeze, cx-freeze etc.).

Hope this helps??



bret curtis

Mar 14, 2017, 7:23:15 AM3/14/17
to Shando, worldengine, Mike Norton
Just a heads up, I've been doing a bit of work on WE with regard to
exporting and GDAL.

We have no options, have a look:
Export Options:
You can specify the formats you wish the generated output to be in.

--export-format STR Export to a specific format such as BMP or PNG. All
possible formats:
--export-datatype STR
Type of stored data (e.g. uint16, int32, float32 and
Export to desired dimensions. (e.g. 4096 4096)
Normalize the data set to between min and max. (e.g 0
Return only a subset of data starting at width
and height,
up to and including width and height offset.

For example:
python worldengine export --export-format envi
--export-datatype int16 --export-dimensions 4096 4096
--export-normalize 0 2000 --export-subset 2995 3072 1024 1024

This will take the result of a world file, export the heightmap to the
ENVI (raw) format, using the int16 datatype. It will upscale from the
original 512x512 to 4096x4096 (using CubicSpline), then normalize the
data-set to between 0 and 2000. It then exports a subset of that data
at the specified width and height offset, up to 1024 by 1024.

That is a lot of functionality right off the bat and I've used this
successfully to import into my 3d visualization/simulation software...
including OpenMW (FOSS Morrowind replacement.) and looks beautiful. :)

I hope others find this as useful as I do.

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