Annotum Alpha Released

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Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 23, 2011, 5:19:26 PM6/23/11
Today I'm pleased to announce the alpha release of Annotum, the scholarly authoring and publishing platform based on WordPress. for more info and information on how to get started.

Comments/questions welcome!


Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.
Solvitor ► Problem Solved.
+1 240 389 2255
Skype: carlthewebmaster

Mark Hahnel

Jun 23, 2011, 6:50:11 PM6/23/11
Hi Carl,

This looks fantastic. I couldnt find a demo so I set one up here:

It looks really good for an alpha, at the moment Im a bit confused as to how to display a list of the articles.

For anyone else who wants to test it out, sign up on the demo site and we'll play around with the review funtion etc.



Martin Fenner

Jun 23, 2011, 7:23:06 PM6/23/11
Excellent news Carl. And thanks for setting up a demo site Mark. I look forward to play around with the Alpha.



Am 24.06.11 00:50 schrieb "Mark Hahnel" unter <>:

Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 24, 2011, 6:56:34 PM6/24/11
Hi. tried setting up a test on my website, and got this error after activating the theme.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in/home/content/f/e/l/felagund/html/dubi/journal/wp-content/themes/annotum-base/plugins/cf-revisions-manager/cf-revision-manager.php on line 23

Any ideas?

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 24, 2011, 9:01:27 PM6/24/11
Thanks Mark, and thank you for setting up a demo server!

 I have a demo site at but had not yet opened it for others to use. I had intended to use it to set up a bunch of sample content -- more of a display of what the system can do now for readers/viewers -- but I can open it up to registrations if people think that is useful.

As you explore, I'm happy to answer any questions about the review stuff -- the main thing to remember is that admins and editors can do almost anything, so for testing it is useful to create an author account or two and separate accounts for editors and reviewers.

It's also a bit hard at present to get a list of published articles, so I would recommend publishing a few and using the "recently..." widget in a sidebar.  This will list the recently published articles.

Thanks again and I look forward to your feedback!


Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 24, 2011, 9:02:42 PM6/24/11
I have not seen that error.  What version of WordPress are you using, and was this a brand new site or one with content / themes/ plugins already in place?


Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 24, 2011, 9:15:01 PM6/24/11
WP 3.1.3, fresh install - I made a test blog for annotum. I checked around, and it seems like this is possibly a PHP version issue - I'm not sure what version my provider has. Could that be it?

Dubi Kanengisser

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 24, 2011, 9:31:55 PM6/24/11
I will check and get back to you. Sorry for any inconvenience!


Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 24, 2011, 9:35:18 PM6/24/11
A quick search on that error message turns up:
The private and public keywords for access control are features from PHP 5. Likewise, the constructor declaration __construct() is a PHP 5 feature.

Are you running PHP 4.x? You can always check by sticking a test.php file in your root that contains just:



Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 24, 2011, 9:42:51 PM6/24/11
Mark: I registered as solvitor -- if you can set me up with Editor access to the annotum/collabbook site I can set up a few things.

I note in your home page post a question about adding reviewers.  That's pretty simple and similar to adding coauthors.

Create an article and add some text.  Submit for review.

Log in as an editor (or admin) and look on the right-hand side of the screen.  You'll see a box to add reviewers.  For now you can only add existing users by user name; in a future version we hope to allow email addresses (people not yet users would get an invite to register).

Here's a screen shot of that part of the article editing page:

Hope this helps!


Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 24, 2011, 9:46:33 PM6/24/11
Yeah, it's 4.4.9. So that means I can't use annotum unless I get my provider to upgrade? Bummer... Oh well...

Dubi Kanengisser

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 24, 2011, 10:00:08 PM6/24/11
Sorry about that!!  The amazing thing is that hosts are still using 4.x when 5.x came out in 2004!  Bad on us though for not either informing you or coding for 4.x+5.x.

FWIW, allows essentially free hosting and could be used to host a test site.

Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 24, 2011, 10:26:50 PM6/24/11
Nope - they only allow installing WP2.8, and no custom themes. Odd... But like I said, no worries - I just wanted to try it out for fun.

Dubi Kanengisser

Martin Fenner

Jun 25, 2011, 5:40:54 AM6/25/11

I’ve also set up Annotum and used Phil Bourne’s example PLoS Comp Biol article from the Beyond the PDF workshop:

Annotum looks nice, and the coauthors part seems to work well. Two quick comments:

  • Wordpress sometimes get a little bit confused, as it expects posts and not articles (e.g. In the Dashboard)
  • You can add Post Authors, Coauthors and an author in three different places, which is confusing
  • The author template doesn’t seem to display the articles of that author or his biographical information

Further testing will tell how well Annotum plays with the scholarly plugins out there. My ePub Export plugin currently only works with posts and pages. It should be easy to make it work with Annotum – ideally with an ePub button next to the “PDF” and “XML” export buttons.



Am 25.06.11 03:01 schrieb "Carl Leubsdorf, Jr." unter <>:

Mark Hahnel

Jun 25, 2011, 7:13:02 AM6/25/11
Hi Carl, full access rights to do what you want on there now :D



Mark Hahnel

Jun 25, 2011, 7:21:42 AM6/25/11
Also, a user has found his article is not showing up here: - Any idea why? You should be able to access the backend.

Martin Fenner

Jun 25, 2011, 9:08:06 AM6/25/11
I've added support for my ePub Export Plugin to Annotum. To automatically create ePub files in Annotum, you have to
  • Install version 1.1.1 of my ePub Export Plugin (released today, adds support for article custom post type)
  • Make small changes to two Annotum files (tools-bar.php and template.php):

Also today, I finally created a public repository for the ePub Export Plugin at GitHub:


Kaveh Bazargan

Jun 25, 2011, 9:19:25 AM6/25/11
On 25 June 2011 14:08, Martin Fenner <> wrote:


Why are your figures in Doc format, Martin? ;-)

Kaveh Bazargan | |

Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 25, 2011, 1:09:46 PM6/25/11
to Wordpress for Scientists
OK, managed to get my PHP updated to 5, and now the site works -- .
I've been toying around with it a bit, and I've encountered something
odd - the post on the front page doesn't display links in it. The link
is there if you open the post on its own... I can't figure this out.
Any ideas?


On Jun 24, 10:00 pm, "Carl Leubsdorf, Jr." <> wrote:
> Sorry about that!!  The amazing thing is that hosts are still using 4.x when
> 5.x came out in 2004!  Bad on us though for not either informing you or
> coding for 4.x+5.x.
> FWIW, allows essentially free hosting and could be used to
> host a test site.
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:46 PM, Dubi Kanengisser <> wrote:
> > Yeah, it's 4.4.9. So that means I can't use annotum unless I get my
> > provider to upgrade? Bummer... Oh well...
> > Dubi Kanengisser
> > On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 21:35, Carl Leubsdorf, Jr. <>wrote:
> >> A quick search on that error message turns up:
> >> <<
> >> The private and public keywords for access control are features from PHP
> >> 5. Likewise, the constructor declaration __construct() is a PHP 5 feature.
> >> Are you running PHP 4.x? You can always check by sticking a test.php file
> >> in your root that contains just:
> >> <?php
> >> phpinfo();
> >> ?>
> --
> _______________________
> Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.
> Solvitor ► Problem Solved.
> +1 240 389 2255
> Skype: carlthewebmaster

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 25, 2011, 1:29:29 PM6/25/11
It is possible that the home page is showing only an 'excerpt' of the
post, a default for that kind of content. You can change the home page
to be a static 'page' rather than a list of recent posts via the
dashboard > settings > reading.

Hope this helps.


Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 25, 2011, 1:46:13 PM6/25/11
yes, but I wanted to keep the posts format. I tried finding the excerpt setting, but I guess this requires going into the PHP files themselves...
I take it the references module isn't done yet?

Dubi Kanengisser

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 25, 2011, 3:11:05 PM6/25/11
That's right, we haven't done much with references as yet. I know Martin has done some work using the WP links function and there is a plugin from Mendeley, but I'd be interested in other ideas for how this feature might work.

As for the posts on the home page, most likely it makes sense for the home page to display a list of recent articles rather than posts, or some combination of the two.  It's not ideal as it is now, unfortunately.

Thanks again for your questions and interest, and above all patience!

Skype: carlthewebmaster

Dubi Kanengisser

Jun 25, 2011, 3:14:45 PM6/25/11
A Mendeley plugin would be awesome - I was going to suggest that, actually.
The way I figured it would work is that every once in a while a new "issue" would come out, and then the editor would post a ToC as a post. I guess some level of flexibility is necessary here. Wish I could be of more help for this very interesting project. The most I can offer is a layman's view.

Dubi Kanengisser

Martin Fenner

Jun 26, 2011, 4:40:16 AM6/26/11
I would recommend to handle references indepent of any specific reference management tool. It would not be good to require authors to use a particular reference manager, particularly if the reference manager is not open source. Ideally the reference management implementation would be generic enough that it can connect to the most popular reference managers. There are different approaches for a generic reference management implementation already out there:

These three approaches can of course be combined.


Am 25.06.11 21:14 schrieb "Dubi Kanengisser" unter <>:

>> +1 240 389 2255 <tel:%2B1%20240%20389%202255>
>> Skype: carlthewebmaster

Phillip Lord

Jun 27, 2011, 7:49:42 AM6/27/11

This looks interesting. How separable is the review workflow system? We
have been using EditFlow, which works but doesn't quite fit perfectly
(actually it has too much stuff that just confuses).

"Carl Leubsdorf, Jr." <> writes:

> Today I'm pleased to announce the alpha release of Annotum, the scholarly
> authoring and publishing platform based on WordPress.
> for more info and information on how to get started.
> Comments/questions welcome!
> -C

Phillip Lord, Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 7827
Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Email:
School of Computing Science,
Room 914 Claremont Tower, skype: russet_apples
Newcastle University, msn:
NE1 7RU twitter: phillord

Phillip Lord

Jun 27, 2011, 7:56:02 AM6/27/11

The way we have approached references on is, whether
possible, to be independent of the editing environment; otherwise, you
have to replicate the entire tool chain.

For references, we have kcite working straight-forwardly with tools like
Mendely, Papers or best of all Emacs. The latter is easy to hack (took
10 lines of code I think). The others we added support by creating a
Citation Sytle Language format which feeds into kcite. Very easy, as it
just needs to dump the DOI into a short code. All very transparent to
the user; they just add a reference to their article.

As Martin says, combines very nicely with a CiTO/semantic
representation, because this can be coded entirely in the wordpress
layer. At the moment, I think, the only difficultly with building
references in wordpress is performance; the database queries are slow.
But, I think, this can be solved with a little bit of ajax, so that
database queries happen asynchronously.


Martin Fenner <> writes:
> I would recommend to handle references indepent of any specific reference
> management tool. It would not be good to require authors to use a particular
> reference manager, particularly if the reference manager is not open source.
> Ideally the reference management implementation would be generic enough that
> it can connect to the most popular reference managers. There are different
> approaches for a generic reference management implementation already out
> there:

> * talk directly to CrossRef and PubMed (the Kcite plugin,
> * use the WordPress Links Manager (my Wordpress Link to Link plugin,
> * Embed reference information directly in HTML, using a standard format (


Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 27, 2011, 10:14:42 AM6/27/11
Thanks Martin for your comments.

You wrote:

Wordpress sometimes get a little bit confused, as it expects posts and not articles (e.g. In the Dashboard)
Yes, cleaning up the dashboard is on the list of fixes yet to come. 
At present it is challenging to get lists of articles, for example on the home page. 
  • You can add Post Authors, Coauthors and an author in three different places, which is confusing
Good point!  The main idea is to do this from the editing screen (not 'quick edit'). 
  • The author template doesn’t seem to display the articles of that author or his biographical information

I will look into this; probably just not implemented yet.
Further testing will tell how well Annotum plays with the scholarly plugins out there. My ePub Export plugin currently only works with posts and pages. It should be easy to make it work with Annotum – ideally with an ePub button next to the “PDF” and “XML” export buttons.



Am 25.06.11 03:01 schrieb "Carl Leubsdorf, Jr." unter <>:

Thanks Mark, and thank you for setting up a demo server!

 I have a demo site at but had not yet opened it for others to use. I had intended to use it to set up a bunch of sample content -- more of a display of what the system can do now for readers/viewers -- but I can open it up to registrations if people think that is useful.

As you explore, I'm happy to answer any questions about the review stuff -- the main thing to remember is that admins and editors can do almost anything, so for testing it is useful to create an author account or two and separate accounts for editors and reviewers.

It's also a bit hard at present to get a list of published articles, so I would recommend publishing a few and using the "recently..." widget in a sidebar.  This will list the recently published articles.

Thanks again and I look forward to your feedback!


Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.
Solvitor ► Problem Solved.
+1 240 389 2255
Skype: carlthewebmaster

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Jun 27, 2011, 10:52:01 AM6/27/11
The workflow is pretty deeply ingrained in the theme, not even a separate plugin.  However, even as is you could use the current workflow with any sort of attached document -- if you didn't want or need to publish in WordPress, you could conceivably attach word documents or PDFs to 'articles' in Annotum and use the workflow standalone.

William Gunn

Jun 27, 2011, 5:38:12 PM6/27/11
Martin's right that Mendeley Desktop isn't open source, but the Wordpress Plugin is (AFAIK), so there shouldn't be any issues with using it, I wouldn't think. The current plugin is focused on accessing a user's Mendeley library, but this could easily be extended to work with the research catalog, making Mendeley just a convenient source for citation info as open data, without anyone being required to use the reference manager part.

The general sentiment Martin expresses, about avoiding platform lock-in, is a good one and one I fully agree with. Mendeley is just a good source for citation data as Open Data in this case.

Phillip Lord

Jun 28, 2011, 5:11:26 AM6/28/11

The unfortunate reality of the situation at the moment is that
scientific bibliographic information is often held within closed
databases. Both Mendeley and crossref fall into this category.

It's something that I would like to address with kcite. At the moment,
you can cite things by DOI -- socially useful, but using a technology
that I feel is dreadful and entirely without purpose. In the end,
though, I want knowledgeblog articles to advertise and release their own
metadata, via http, with citation by URI.

We can't change the past, but it would be good if scientists in the
future released their papers in a way which allows automatic capture of
citation information direct from the source.



Jodi Schneider

Jun 28, 2011, 7:08:14 AM6/28/11
To cite data by URI, consider COinS [1][2], which was designed to implement the core of OpenURL in a Web environment.
With OpenURL capture is not automatic but uses the citation, so is "direct from the source". There are COinS plugins for WordPress already; see [3] for a list.

I think Phil & I have agreed to disagree about DOI though. :) Its main advantage has been in getting publishers to make hyperlinked bibliographies which do in fact resolve. And while CrossRef is not open, you can access a lot of the data, even as linked data.

To improve "automatic capture", ensuring that the metadata is machine readable from within the publication would help. Check your favorite publications: are they using XMPP metadata in PDFs? Does the HTML embed the metadata (as microdata, RDFa, etc)? Reporting problems -- to societies, librarians, and publishers -- can't hurt.


PS-Regarding open metadata, OKFN is doing great work in this area, in case you're not already in touch.

Phillip Lord

Jun 28, 2011, 8:26:58 AM6/28/11
Jodi Schneider <> writes:

> To cite data by URI, consider COinS [1][2], which was designed to implement
> the core of OpenURL in a Web environment.
> With OpenURL capture is not automatic but uses the citation, so is "direct
> from the source". There are COinS plugins for WordPress already; see [3] for
> a list.

Knowledgeblog already supports COinS. We ended up writing most of a
plugin ourself as the ones we found were mostly broken (they used
filters, but dumped to output stream, rather than added to $content if
you are interested).

But COinS is not a good solution for harvesting metadata. Part of the
reason for this is that it's got a nasty ugly syntax (yep, another
metadata standard I don't like!). The main reason, though, is that it is
embedded in document.

Imagine two blog posts A and B, with A referring to B. Both refer to
other posts/DOIs etc. A person comes along to post A to read it.
Wordpress decides therefore to retrieve the metadata for post B as
COinS. But this is embedded in post B. So wordpress retrieves post B,
from another wordpress (or itself). The WP hosting B doesn't know this
is computational, so retrieves all the metadata for its reference list.

Obviously this is bad, and worse if we have circular references. In the
first instance, I plan to publish metadata using the JSON that kcite
uses internally on a REST uri. Now, given a URI, I can retrieve the
metadata from the same server, but without retrieving the full text.

> I think Phil & I have agreed to disagree about DOI though. :) Its main
> advantage has been in getting publishers to make hyperlinked bibliographies
> which do in fact resolve.

Resolve in a complicated way, using another protocol, and to any old
random digital object.

> And while CrossRef is not open, you can access a lot of the data, even
> as linked data.
> To improve "automatic capture", ensuring that the metadata is machine
> readable from within the publication would help. Check your favorite
> publications: are they using XMPP metadata in PDFs? Does the HTML embed the
> metadata (as microdata, RDFa, etc)? Reporting problems -- to societies,
> librarians, and publishers -- can't hurt.

My problem is that there are too many standards, most of them very
complicated, and most of them not being used. CoINS, microdata,
microformats, RDFa, meta tags.

As always, I want standards to support me, not the other way around.


Jodi Schneider

Jun 28, 2011, 9:29:17 AM6/28/11
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Phillip Lord <> wrote:
Jodi Schneider <> writes:

> To cite data by URI, consider COinS [1][2], which was designed to implement
> the core of OpenURL in a Web environment.
> With OpenURL capture is not automatic but uses the citation, so is "direct
> from the source". There are COinS plugins for WordPress already; see [3] for
> a list.

Knowledgeblog already supports COinS. We ended up writing most of a
plugin ourself as the ones we found were mostly broken (they used
filters, but dumped to output stream, rather than added to $content if
you are interested).

Better to tell this to the authors, than me. :)

But COinS is not a good solution for harvesting metadata. Part of the
reason for this is that it's got a nasty ugly syntax (yep, another
metadata standard I don't like!).

The main reason, though, is that it is
embedded in document.

Imagine two blog posts A and B, with A referring to B. Both refer to
other posts/DOIs etc. A person comes along to post A to read it.
Wordpress decides therefore to retrieve the metadata for post B as
COinS. But this is embedded in post B. So wordpress retrieves post B,
from another wordpress (or itself). The WP hosting B doesn't know this
is computational, so retrieves all the metadata for its reference list.

Obviously this is bad, and worse if we have circular references. In the
first instance, I plan to publish metadata using the JSON that kcite
uses internally on a REST uri. Now, given a URI, I can retrieve the
metadata from the same server, but without retrieving the full text.

> I think Phil & I have agreed to disagree about DOI though. :) Its main
> advantage has been in getting publishers to make hyperlinked bibliographies
> which do in fact resolve.

Resolve in a complicated way, using another protocol, and to any old
random digital object.

Right. :) There are better ways, but functional ones are ok until we have those. :)

> And while CrossRef is not open, you can access a lot of the data, even
> as linked data.
> To improve "automatic capture", ensuring that the metadata is machine
> readable from within the publication would help. Check your favorite
> publications: are they using XMPP metadata in PDFs? Does the HTML embed the
> metadata (as microdata, RDFa, etc)? Reporting problems -- to societies,
> librarians, and publishers -- can't hurt.

My problem is that there are too many standards, most of them very
complicated, and most of them not being used. CoINS, microdata,
microformats, RDFa, meta tags.

As always, I want standards to support me, not the other way around.

It sounds like this will involve creating yet another standard -- but hopefully a unifying one!



Phillip Lord

Jun 29, 2011, 5:35:23 AM6/29/11

Jodi Schneider <> writes:
>> Knowledgeblog already supports COinS. We ended up writing most of a
>> plugin ourself as the ones we found were mostly broken (they used
>> filters, but dumped to output stream, rather than added to $content if
>> you are interested).
> Better to tell this to the authors, than me. :)

It's such a small thing that it was easier to just fix it, to be honest.
I think we have released our plugin onto, so that's
another one for people to try!

>> > I think Phil & I have agreed to disagree about DOI though. :) Its main
>> > advantage has been in getting publishers to make hyperlinked
>> bibliographies
>> > which do in fact resolve.
>> Resolve in a complicated way, using another protocol, and to any old
>> random digital object.
> Right. :) There are better ways, but functional ones are ok until we have
> those. :)

My understanding is that the URI has been around for a while, and is
functional, and implemented on many platforms. Perhaps I am wrong about

The bottom line is that 99% of (technical) users when faced with a DOI
just turn it into a URI, so that normal people can click on it. This
should probably tell you something.

BTW, I have absolutely no evidence at all for that statistic, so feel
free to contradict it!

>> As always, I want standards to support me, not the other way around.
> It sounds like this will involve creating yet another standard -- but
> hopefully a unifying one!

People don't create unifying standards. Communities do!


Simon Cockell

Jun 29, 2011, 5:42:10 AM6/29/11
On 29 June 2011 10:35, Phillip Lord <> wrote:

Jodi Schneider <> writes:
>> Knowledgeblog already supports COinS. We ended up writing most of a
>> plugin ourself as the ones we found were mostly broken (they used
>> filters, but dumped to output stream, rather than added to $content if
>> you are interested).
> Better to tell this to the authors, than me. :)

It's such a small thing that it was easier to just fix it, to be honest.
I think we have released our plugin onto, so that's
another one for people to try!

Just a note on this one - we also added support for Co-authors Plus style multiple authors to this plugin, along with fixing the slightly buggy behaviour.


>> > I think Phil & I have agreed to disagree about DOI though. :) Its main
>> > advantage has been in getting publishers to make hyperlinked
>> bibliographies
>> > which do in fact resolve.
>> Resolve in a complicated way, using another protocol, and to any old
>> random digital object.
> Right. :) There are better ways, but functional ones are ok until we have
> those. :)

My understanding is that the URI has been around for a while, and is
functional, and implemented on many platforms. Perhaps I am wrong about

The bottom line is that 99% of (technical) users when faced with a DOI
just turn it into a URI, so that normal people can click on it. This
should probably tell you something.

BTW, I have absolutely no evidence at all for that statistic, so feel
free to contradict it!

>> As always, I want standards to support me, not the other way around.
> It sounds like this will involve creating yet another standard -- but
> hopefully a unifying one!

People don't create unifying standards. Communities do!


Research Associate, Bioinformatics Support Unit,
Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences,
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Framlington Place,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle, NE2 4HH
Tel: +44 (0)191 222 7253  (Leech offices: Rooms M.2046/M.2046A - Mon-Wed)
Tel: +44 (0)191 246 4833 (Devonshire offices: Rooms G.26/1.16 - Thu/Fri)

William Gunn

Jun 29, 2011, 7:14:46 PM6/29/11
Phil, can you explain to me why you say Mendeley is a closed database, when the catalog pages are public and there's a CC-BY license on everything available via the API?  We really want this data to be as useful as possible to as many people as possible (that's the whole point!), so if there's some area that's really under-served by the current setup, please let me know and I'll pass that information back to the developers.

William Gunn | Head of Academic Outreach | +1 646 755 9862

Mendeley Limited | London, UK
Registered in England and Wales | Company number 6419015

Phillip Lord

Jun 30, 2011, 5:14:54 AM6/30/11

William Gunn <> writes:
> Phil, can you explain to me why you say Mendeley is a closed database,
> when the catalog pages are public and there's a CC-BY license on
> everything available via the API? We really want this data to be as
> useful as possible to as many people as possible (that's the whole
> point!), so if there's some area that's really under-served by the
> current setup, please let me know and I'll pass that information back
> to the developers.

Perhaps I have misunderstood. I haven't had time to look at the terms
and conditions recently. I don't have a pressing need for the database
at the moment, so I wasn't planning on reading the legal stuff.

So, just quickly, tell me, can I download the entire database from
somewhere, install an independent copy of it, and release modified
versions of this copy?


William Gunn

Jun 30, 2011, 1:40:47 PM6/30/11
My understanding is that the use of the CC-BY license, as opposed to CC-BY-ND, means exactly that. The scale of the database means there's significant technical issues in doing so, but as far as getting the data - knock yourself out. Let me know if you have further questions.

Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.

Sep 25, 2011, 2:41:25 PM9/25/11
As an update, I've recently posted some screenshots on the Annotum site here: , and set up a preliminary demonstration site at

Comments welcome!


Sep 26, 2011, 2:56:10 AM9/26/11
congratulations, the screenshots look really nice, I like how you display figures and tables. I will update my Annotum installation and test it a little more, especially the DOI lookup. BTW, some navigation links on the demo site are broken.

Von: [] Im Auftrag von Carl Leubsdorf, Jr.
Gesendet: Sonntag, 25. September 2011 20:41
Betreff: Re: Annotum Alpha Released

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