I can get my own lists but not other users lists

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Andrew Tatham

Mar 2, 2016, 3:55:11 PM3/2/16
to Wordnik API

# using python 3.5 e.g. https://github.com/wordnik/wordnik-python3
from wordnik import swagger, WordApi, WordsApi, WordListApi, WordListsApi, AccountApi

apiUrl = 'http://api.wordnik.com/v4'
apiKey = "<my api key>"
client = swagger.ApiClient(apiKey, apiUrl)

account_api = AccountApi.AccountApi(client)
word_api = WordApi.WordApi(client)
words_api = WordsApi.WordsApi(client)
word_list_api = WordListApi.WordListApi(client)
word_lists_api = WordListsApi.WordListsApi(client)
username = "andrewtatham"
password = "<my password>"
auth_token = account_api.authenticate(username, password).token

# I can get my list ok e.g. https://wordnik.com/lists/hello-world
my_lists = account_api.getWordListsForLoggedInUser(auth_token)
for my_list in my_lists:
    print("{username}, {name}, {numberWordsInList}, {description}, {permalink}".format(**my_list.__dict__))
    list_words = word_list_api.getWordListWords(permalink=my_list.permalink, auth_token=auth_token)
    for word in list_words:

# andrewtatham, hello world, 2, this description intentionally left blank, hello-world
# world
# hello

# but I can't get other peoples lists e.g. https://wordnik.com/lists/twitter-loves
list_words = word_list_api.getWordListWords(permalink="twitter-loves", auth_token=auth_token)

# urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
# File "/Users/andrewtatham/twitterpibot/twitterpibot/logic/wordnikwrapper.py", line 34, in <module>
#   list_words = word_list_api.getWordListWords(permalink="twitter-loves", auth_token=auth_token)
# File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wordnik/WordListApi.py", line 242, in getWordListWords
#   postData, headerParams)
# File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wordnik/swagger.py", line 73, in callAPI
#   request = urllib.request.urlopen(requestParams)

Erin McKean

Mar 2, 2016, 4:35:04 PM3/2/16
to wordn...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrew!

Sadly, this is not a bug but a feature. Other users' lists are not
available through the API at this point.

We are considering changing this for the next version of the API -- if
you could let us know a little bit more about the use case, that would
be great!

You probably won't be able to write to other users' public lists via the
API in the next version -- they'll be read-only.



On 3/2/16 12:55 PM, Andrew Tatham wrote:
> # using python 3.5 e.g. https://github.com/wordnik/wordnik-python3
> from wordnikimport swagger, WordApi, WordsApi, WordListApi, WordListsApi, AccountApi
> apiUrl ='http://api.wordnik.com/v4'
> apiKey = "<my api key>"
> client = swagger.ApiClient(apiKey, apiUrl)
> account_api = AccountApi.AccountApi(client)
> word_api = WordApi.WordApi(client)
> words_api = WordsApi.WordsApi(client)
> word_list_api = WordListApi.WordListApi(client)
> word_lists_api = WordListsApi.WordListsApi(client)
> username ="andrewtatham"
> password ="<my password>"
> auth_token = account_api.authenticate(username, password).token
> # I can get my list ok e.g. https://wordnik.com/lists/hello-world
> my_lists = account_api.getWordListsForLoggedInUser(auth_token)
> for my_listin my_lists:
> print("{username}, {name}, {numberWordsInList}, {description}, {permalink}".format(**my_list.__dict__))
> list_words = word_list_api.getWordListWords(permalink=my_list.permalink, auth_token=auth_token)
> for wordin list_words:
> print(word.word)
> # andrewtatham, hello world, 2, this description intentionally left
> blank, hello-world
> # world
> # hello
> # but I can't get other peoples lists e.g.
> https://wordnik.com/lists/twitter-loves
> list_words = word_list_api.getWordListWords(permalink="twitter-loves", auth_token=auth_token)
> # urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
> #
> # File
> "/Users/andrewtatham/twitterpibot/twitterpibot/logic/wordnikwrapper.py",
> line 34, in <module>
> # list_words =
> word_list_api.getWordListWords(permalink="twitter-loves",
> auth_token=auth_token)
> # File
> "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wordnik/WordListApi.py",
> line 242, in getWordListWords
> # postData, headerParams)
> # File
> "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/wordnik/swagger.py",
> line 73, in callAPI
> # request = urllib.request.urlopen(requestParams)
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Andrew Tatham

Mar 2, 2016, 4:41:37 PM3/2/16
to Wordnik API

I hadn’t intended to add/remove words from the list. I wanted readonly access to these other lists to use as source data for a twitter bot of some kind. 

Hadn’t worked it out in any more detail than that yet. Was just finding interesting lists to use.

Any idea when the next version of the api will be? and what likelihood this feature will be in it?


Erin McKean

Mar 2, 2016, 4:44:26 PM3/2/16
to wordn...@googlegroups.com
Thank you! This use-case is dear to our hearts (yay bots!) ... we don't
have a release date yet but "not before June" is the best I can say. :-)

If you like you can sign up for the beta-testing list here and get first
crack at testing it once it's up: http://eepurl.com/bPCg0D

I hope this helps!


Anthony Shore

Jun 6, 2018, 1:53:48 PM6/6/18
to Wordnik API
+1 for that feature request. I, too, would like to fetch words from others' lists.

No interest in using them for a bot. I’d like to train an RNN on words fetched from Wordnik lists.

Thank you!

- Anth

Erin McKean

Jun 6, 2018, 1:57:51 PM6/6/18
to wordn...@googlegroups.com
Cool! can I ask if you are interested specifically in other users'
lists, or would a set of lists on different topics also work? We're
trying to figure out the right balance between user content and
Wordnik content. :)


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Anthony Shore

Jun 8, 2018, 3:29:32 PM6/8/18
to Wordnik API
Generally, it’s fetching lists of a certain topic that I’m looking for. Some users and their lists are more exhaustive than others, some are more original than others. I’ll search for a word that is emblematic of a topic then look through the lists containing that word. There are a lot of false positives (I'm looking at you GRE and Twitterbot lists ad nauseum), so some curation on my part is both expected and welcome.

As I haven’t yet begun building my own lists on Wordnik, every list I browse is somebody else's.  


- Anth

Erin McKean

Jun 9, 2018, 12:08:35 AM6/9/18
to wordn...@googlegroups.com
Topic-based lists are definitely on our roadmap -- sorry I don't have
an ETA. When we have something to announce we'll do it first through
our beta announcements list: http://eepurl.com/bPCg0D


>> >> > <mailto:wordnik-api...@googlegroups.com>.
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