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Random words query

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Bryant Sullivan

Jul 28, 2020, 2:42:26 AM7/28/20
to Wordnik API
When I call the query without the library my url looks like:,adjective,adverb,preposition,proper-noun&minCorpusCount=10000&maxCorpusCount=-1&minDictionaryCount=20&maxDictionaryCount=-1&minLength=0&maxLength=-1&limit=5&api_key=MY_KEY

I need a list of common words, ultimately 5 of each nouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositoins, adjectives. So here, I'm trying to get just nouns and when I use this as written I get:

trial1: b'[{"id":0,"word":"incapable"},{"id":0,"word":"pose"},{"id":0,"word":"courtesy"},{"id":0,"word":"equal"},{"id":0,"word":"dragon"}]'
trial2: b'[{"id":0,"word":"topping"},{"id":0,"word":"swallow"},{"id":0,"word":"burden"},{"id":0,"word":"residence"},{"id":0,"word":"steven"}]'
trial3" b'[{"id":0,"word":"third"},{"id":0,"word":"stray"},{"id":0,"word":"consolidation"},{"id":0,"word":"berry"},{"id":0,"word":"irregular"}]'
trial4: b'[{"id":0,"word":"sculpture"},{"id":0,"word":"wear"},{"id":0,"word":"substitute"},{"id":0,"word":"awkward"},{"id":0,"word":"beast"}]' 
trial5: b'[{"id":0,"word":"fare"},{"id":0,"word":"best"},{"id":0,"word":"lyric"},{"id":0,"word":"hatch"},{"id":0,"word":"calm"}]'

It doesn't seem to matter if I use the excludePartOfSpeech option at all. Nor does it seem to matter if it's written as is or as "verb%2Cadjective%2Cadverb%2Cpreposition%2Cproper-noun". I was just wondering if there was something about the way I wrote it that was incorrect or if I'm thinking about this wrong. I will continue to poke around the forum and see if I can find an answer. The couple that I did come across were older and they don't seem to be relevant anymore.

Thank you so much.

Erin McKean

Jul 28, 2020, 10:58:45 AM7/28/20
Hi Bryant!

Unfortunately, we've had to temporarily turn off the part of speech parameter to handle a bug. I hope that we will have it working again soon.

I apologize for the hassle!


Erin McKean
Wordnik is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
The Wordnik mission: every English word, available to everyone, everywhere

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Bryant Sullivan

Jul 28, 2020, 3:42:36 PM7/28/20
ah, I see. If I could ask, and forgive me if this is already answered somewhere else but, 

if I needed a list of random nouns, is it necessary then to use the exclude parameter to exclude all other options?


Jarred Baird

May 12, 2021, 2:24:18 PM5/12/21
to Wordnik API
has the include/excludePartOfSpeech parameter been enabled again?

Erin McKean

May 12, 2021, 2:30:19 PM5/12/21
Sadly, not yet. Soon, I hope!

Thank you for your patience!


Jarred Baird

May 12, 2021, 2:45:09 PM5/12/21
to Wordnik API
It seems it has been disabled for about 5 years now. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Martin Gregory

May 29, 2022, 8:30:11 AM5/29/22
to Wordnik API
I'd love to jump in and help fix this too.

Is there any prognosis?

It seems as if there is a curse across all word-server APIs that disables random-part-of-speech generation!

Erin McKean

Jun 10, 2022, 11:13:13 AM6/10/22
Hi folks! So sorry for the delayed reply, I moved a few weeks ago and am still catching up!

The good news is that I have a prototype that we're testing and I hope we'll have something available to the beta testers list in the next couple of months (if you're not on the beta list, you can join here:

If you have experience with Redis and/or HapiJS and would like to volunteer to help with code review, please let me know! We can offer a Wordnik t-shirt as a thank-you. :) 

Unfortunately, this particular code is not likely to be open-sourced in the near future. Since the API is the core service that supports our nonprofit work, we haven't been able to figure out a way to open source our code and continue to generate the revenue we need to keep the lights on. :)

Again, thank you for your patience!

Erin McKean
Wordnik is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
The Wordnik mission: every English word, available to everyone, everywhere

Brian Berns

May 14, 2023, 5:38:27 PM5/14/23
to Wordnik API
It seems that parts of speech are still not working when fetching a random word. Is there any chance of a fix?
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