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Can you please port the code from Java to Java Web Start or something else?

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Randy Britton

Jan 8, 2018, 7:16:00 PM1/8/18
to WordleUsers
 My teachers love wordle.  It does not play well with most of their machines - ergo, it's a major PIA every time they want to make a wordle.

Looking at almost all the FAQs and problems with Wordle in this forum, almost all are compatibility problems with java versions.

Can you all do us a favor and port this to something other than Java??

Thank you!

Jonathan Feinberg

Jan 8, 2018, 7:18:58 PM1/8/18
On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 3:18 PM, Randy Britton <> wrote:
 My teachers love wordle.  It does not play well with most of their machines - ergo, it's a major PIA every time they want to make a wordle.

Looking at almost all the FAQs and problems with Wordle in this forum, almost all are compatibility problems with java versions.

Can you all do us a favor and port this to something other than Java??

I'd like to, but between a demanding career and a busy family life, there isn't much time. I have begun to tinker with a rewrite that will use C++ compiled to JavaScript via WebAssembly, but that will probably take me the better part of a year, if it happens at all.

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