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Neighborhood Updates

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Jul 31, 2024, 12:42:16 PM7/31/24
to Wooster Sq Google Group
Greetings All, 

I took a few weeks away and am back to provide public safety and community updates. I hope you are all having a safe, healthy and fun summer so far! 

Public Safety
There were a few public safety incidents in our neighborhood this past month, listed below: 
  • 6.28.24 at 9pm - Burglary-Breaking & Entering at 191 Wooster Street
  • 7.12.24 at 9:32pm - Larceny from a vehicle at 673 Chapel Street
  • 7.14.24 at 8:35pm - Larceny from a vehicle at 341 St. John Street
New NHPD Home/Business Camera Connection Program

The New Haven Police Department is building an innovative interactive map of security cameras in New Haven that will:

  • Be accessible only to the New Haven Police Department
  • Increase the efficiency of direct video evidence collection
  • Provide immediate contact information to investigators for camera owners
  • Enable communities to work together to create a safer New Haven

The information below says that camera registration takes less than one minute via the secure online portal. Registering your cameras does not allow the New Haven Police Department access to your live video stream - it only enables investigators to know a camera is present at your location and easily request video evidence should an incident occur. Please use this link to register your Wooster Square home or business camera. You can also contact our NHPD District #1 Manager, LT. Borer if you have questions. He can be reached at: bbo...@newhavenct.gov

Is there anyone in our community who is handy and would be interested in volunteering to fix our Little Free Library on Academy Street just north of Court Street? Our Little Free Library is such a resource for the Wooster Square Community and we are looking for someone to take on its repair and ongoing  maintenance. Please let me know if you are that one of a kind neighbor. See attached photo below of its needs. 

That's it for now! Happy almost August! 🌞😎🌞


Sarah B. Greenblatt
Wooster Square Watch

City of New Haven COVID-19 Call Line - 203.946.4949
Non-Emergency Police Service - 203.946.6316
New Haven Police District Manager Lt. Brendan Borer -
Ward 8 Alder Ellen Cupo -, 203.584.7071
Little Library.jpg
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