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New Year Updates

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Jan 5, 2023, 2:57:12 PM1/5/23
to Wooster Sq Google Group
❄ Happy 2023 ❄

Here are a few updates as we start a new year! 

Public Safety
At today's first Compstat Meeting of the year, two vehicle break-ins were reported in Wooster Square over the holidays. On 12/16 at 121 Wooster Street a car was unlocked and a knife was stolen. On 12/27 at 52 Warren Street a computer was stolen from the trunk of a car which appeared to have no forced entry. Police are waiting for video security footage to learn more. 

A reminder to all: please remember to lock your cars AND remove valuables.  

Christmas Tree Pickup 🎄

From the Department of Parks and Public Works: "Christmas Trees will be picked up the same day as your trash and recycling. Trees MUST be bare - NO TINSEL/ORNAMENTS/PLASTIC BAGS, ETC - and left at the curb. Discarded trees will be picked up until January 27th. After that date, you will need to bring your tree to the transfer station for disposal."

I hope you all find health, joy, safety and peace in the new year! 


Sarah B. Greenblatt
Wooster Square Watch

City of New Haven COVID-19 Call Line - 203.946.4949
Non-Emergency Police Service - 203.946.6316
New Haven Police District Manager Lt. Brendan Borer -

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