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Movie Filming - Nov 12&13 on Chapel St in Wooster Square 🎥🎬🎥

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Wooster Square Watch

Nov 10, 2024, 3:25:18 PM11/10/24
to Wooster Square Google Group

Dear neighbors, 

Here is a heads up about an upcoming movie that will be filming for two days in front of 552 Chapel Street - and the brownstones in that block.

Planners have been working directly with the City and Parks Department as well as the NH Police Department to manage parks use and traffic disruptions. There will be no parking along Chapel Street in that area those days as a result. Look for signs posted with those details. 

The filming dates are scheduled for this week Tuesday & Wednesday, 11/12-13. 

Here is the basic sitemap and a link to an article about the film! 

Sarah B. Greenblatt
Wooster Square Watch

City of New Haven COVID-19 Call Line - 203.946.4949
Non-Emergency Police Service - 203.946.6316
New Haven Police District Manager Lt. Brendan Borer -
Ward 8 Alder Ellen Cupo -, 203.584.7071
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