Woodstock Town Board Meeting Tuesday Night on Solar Array

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Dec 17, 2012, 8:44:49 PM12/17/12
to woodstock-p...@googlegroups.com
The Town Board will meet tomorrow night, Tuesday December 18th, at 7 PM at the Community Center on Rock City Road.  The most important issue before them is the proposed solar array the town is considering installing at the water treatment plant on Route 212. I'm asking that you attend the meeting.

Hello Everyone,

This one comes from David Gross.

I have spoken with some members of the Town Board and they are unanimous in stating that a public show of support for the solar array is needed to assure that this proposal will go forward.  There are many arguments for and against the proposal, but the long and the short of it is that the solar array would go a long way to meeting the town's commitment to being carbon neutral and would certainly reduce the amount of carbon introduced into the atmosphere to generate the electricity used by the town, but might cost the town more money.

The chance that our expenses would be increased is speculation.  The reduction in carbon emissions is fact.  We do not know what the future of petroleum costs (including          methane) will be.  We do not know that hydro (with all its attendant environmental impacts) will be available to us, or at what cost.  We do not know the extent to which the state and federal governments will encourage renewable energy sources.

We do know the current state of power generation puts us all at risk.  Coal and oil have significant environmental impacts.  Aside from global warming (and methane is even more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide), there is a cost to the early deaths and ill health caused by the air pollution those sources engender.  How many children are we willing to condemn to early deaths from respiratory disease?  How much does it cost us to have people out of work at age 50 because they can't breathe any more?  I needn't mention the risks that nuclear energy poses.

Please come out tomorrow to show your support for Woodstock taking a step forward on the path to responsible energy production.  Your presence will mean a lot to the members of the Town Board.
Best regards, David Gross
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