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Enabling Motors // User 'Buttons'

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Blake Hament

Jun 14, 2019, 4:42:11 PM6/14/19
to WoodenHaptics users and developers

Ok I feel confident that my electronics all check out. All channels seem good. Still have not been able to enable the motors for actuation yet though.

Should the motors automatically be enabled with Chai3D demos? Chai3D seems to be looking for button inputs from the device, like to trigger potential field or damping. I found some reference to buttons and "ixchan" in fsdaqhapticdevicethread.cpp for beta api. For 2015 code, I see "a_status = GetUserSwitchofMyDevice(a_switchIndex)" in CWoodenDevice.cpp. I see some differences in pin numbers for PCB v1 and v2, I am using v1 with DAQ.

When you have the time, would really appreciate more guidance on how enabling should be executed.

Thank you,

Jonas Forsslund

Jun 18, 2019, 6:00:02 AM6/18/19
to WoodenHaptics users and developers
Hi Blake,
Thanks for your patience. To easier be on the same page I have uploaded a new (public) version of haptikfabrikenapi to github.
It is with latest commit set to build in app mode, i.e. you can compile and run it directly as a test application. It will enable all motors and output 0.1 amps to them.
(To change back to library mode, edit the first lines explains how)
See the main.cpp source code for how to tweak and test different values. As before, when everything is enabled and running the green led of escons should be steady on. Let me know what happens.

Btw, do you use QtCreator as IDE? It is very useful I think.

Best regards

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Blake Hament

Jun 18, 2019, 4:49:13 PM6/18/19
to Jonas Forsslund, WoodenHaptics users and developers
Hi Jonas,

It's funny you mention QtCreator, I was just recommended by another colleague and started using this week. It is very helpful! 

Now I can see where the enabling should happen in the code: line 425 and 426 of fsDAQHapticDeviceThread.cpp. I have double checked the pin numbering with the schematics and actual boards, looks good. I'm using PCB v1, so my DAQ sends analog out signal through J1 connector pin 41, this goes to pin 20 of Maxon Motor 50/5 driver chip. I just tested, and when I run FsDAQHapticDeviceThread::open(), the DAQ sends a 5V signal out of pin 41, but the lights continue blinking on the 50/5 chips.

I have had trouble finding documentation for the 50/5 about enabling via external signal. Perhaps I need to setup and configure the DigIN channel pin 20 for enabling with the Maxon Studio software for each of the chips?

Code is much easier to search and debug now that I'm using QtCreator, thank you!

Best Regards,

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Blake Hament

B.S. Physics, Duke University '14
M.Ed. Secondary Science, UNLV '17
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Candidate, UNLV

DASL: Robotics Research

Blake Hament

Jun 18, 2019, 7:34:11 PM6/18/19
to Jonas Forsslund, WoodenHaptics users and developers
In Maxon Studio, I did find option to set Digital In 2 (pin 20) as "enable" pin. Now when I run haptikfabriken API, the channel with motor chip configured for enable sends current to the motor for a few ms, then I get a slow blinking red light (I think it's 2x per second, from the manual that could mean: • Thermal Overload Error • Overcurrent Error • Power Stage Protection Error • Internal Hardware Error).

Did you do motor configuration and/or tuning with Maxon Studio? With motor shafts attached to mechanism? Could you please share the nominal current, max rpms, and max current you used to configure the 30mm Maxon Motors? I tried 2A, 9500 rpm, 10.8 A, like in online motor specifications, but the motor was responding super fast and started to damage the WH mechanisms. 

Thank you!

Jonas Forsslund

Jun 24, 2019, 4:28:57 AM6/24/19
to Blake Hament, WoodenHaptics users and developers
Especially figure 7 is the most important. Exactly which part number do you have for your motors? You can find all values in the data sheet. The values of the first screen may be different on on yours. Note that you will have to configure for PWM if you use the usb, and Analgoue if you use the DAQ.


Blake Hament

Jul 19, 2019, 6:51:12 PM7/19/19
to WoodenHaptics users and developers
Sorry for late response. My issue was that I was trying to setup the motor drivers with the encoders. After seeing your config screenshots, I realized I should just calibrate an open-loop current controller. I have motor # 310009, I used Maxon spec sheet to configure and was able to enable motors no problem once I configured without encoder.
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Blake Hament

B.S. Physics, Duke University '14
M.Ed. Secondary Science, UNLV '17
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Candidate, UNLV

DASL: Robotics Research

Blake Hament

B.S. Physics, Duke University '14
M.Ed. Secondary Science, UNLV '17
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Candidate, UNLV

DASL: Robotics Research

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