I have been working on updating woodenhaptics kit in an attempt to make it more complete and slightly reduce cost. I propose the following changes:
* Red ball handle (kitchen drawer knob) improves affordance i.e. makes it clear where to hold
* Smaller motors (30 mm, Maxon RE30) are cheaper and lighter which lowers inertia.
* Switching to 19.5V power supply so we can use standard laptop chargers, I have successfully used the Innergie Powergear 90
* USB support working (but still beta)
CAD models for new body c (arm) can be found on onshape (the collaborative, free-to-use cad software I use now)
Code for mbed and computer side is shared on the experimental-branch of the github. Needs to be cleaned up and packaged yet, but its there.
Updated PCB:s are also there (version 0.4).
I have also made some assembly instruction videos covering the whole process but I only speak in the first two videos, since the rest was recorded while serious work took place in the lab I didn't want to disturb by "talking to myself" :) let me know if you have any feedback. I know cabling is badly captured and probably need more explanation.