Hi Jonas,
I changed the torque constant as you suggest. I've also tried adjusting the max current (1.74 A for 310009). I played with the "...aligned..." params so that my position and angles change as I expect, forward kinematics look good.
But I still don't really feel the forces I am trying to render. Using the existing spring force lines in haptikfabrikenapi main.cpp, I expect to feel an increasing repelling force as I move away from the origin. I really don't feel anything except a quick jerk now and then, usually during calibration when the motors are first enabled. If I take my hands off the WH device, sometimes I see the motors push it in the correct direction, but it is a very weak torque.
I've tried just directly sending current to the motors with setCurrent and then observing the device motion with my hands off. I've gone up to 3A (max current for 310009 for short operation), but that's not even enough to overcome the gravity on Lb and Lc with motors B and C. Motor A can rotate body A with a little push to overcome static friction at 3A, but this is well over the suggested max current for continuous operation, 1.74 A. I've also played with the max_linear_force parameter, but I believe it is not used, I see "5" hardcoded in setForce() as the force limit in haptikfabrikenapi.cpp.
My thought now is that the 310009 motors do not have enough torque for the WH device. However, looking at the speed/torque/current graphs for 310007 and 310009, it looks like they should be supplying very similar torques at their respective max nominal currents (85.6mNm vs 89.7mNm). A quick, rough calculation of the torque necessary to overcome gravity on fully extended arm B with motor B (for now considering arm C not attached) is torque = mass_b*(9.81 m/s^2)*Lb = 320 mNm. Of course it will be less if arm B is closer to vertical, but still, this is easily 2 or 3 times bigger than the ~90mNM torque the motors are rated for.
Do you still get strong force transmission with the 310007? Sometimes I get huge frictions from the cables overlapping, but even when I'm very careful that the joints are all rotating freely, I don't experience much force transmission. Appreciate any ideas you have for what to try next, especially if you think these motors should be strong enough.
Best Regards,