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event updates, with a note about WFPI’s future and Iran and YOU

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Charlotte Martin

Jan 6, 2020, 2:05:24 AM1/6/20
Hey to anyone out there who hasn’t been connecting with us lately but has been jolted into a new or renewed focus on war and peace work with the dialed up Iran situation, we want you and need you.  We are still here, but could definitely benefit from new folk, new energy, new ideas.  If you’re thinking, “well, I might come to X kind of thing if it’d be like Y,” let me know ( your ideas, yearnings, criticisms, anxieties, whatever, please!  (And if anyone wants to take over for me as supposed leader of the group after way too long, have at it!)  Let’s make sure that, when our children or grandchildren ask what we did when all this was blowing up, we have an answer.  Let’s help each other make sure we have a good answer.

John Shumaker Memorial
Steve Hanken arranged for a get-together to honor John Shumaker, who died on October 26, 2019 at age 70. Steve is sharing some memories of John at the Artisan's Sanctuary in Marion on Nov. 29, when John would have been 71
  • Alternative Discussion Group
    Tuesday, January 7th and 21st
    7:00 to 9:00 pm
    New Venue
    We meet at the Knutson's place
    at 2510 26th St. Dr. SE in Cedar Rapids
    Our latest book, by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, is Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, and we will be discussing chapters 2 and 3 on January 7th.
  • Mall Walking for Peace
    Sunday, January 12th
    Starting at 2:00 pm, and we walk for about 45 minutes.
    Lindale Mall, 4444 1st Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids
    We gather at center of the Food Court
    If you have our latest matching T-shirt that says, "If war is the answer, we're asking the wrong question", please wear it, but come to walk with any peace/anti-war shirt you have.
  • WFPI General Membership Meeting
    Tuesday, January 28st
    7:00 to 9:00 pm
    Mount Mercy University
    Mercy Drive NE, Cedar Rapids
    The venue for these meetings is Campus Ministry lounge space in the Busse Building
        Enter opposite the doors for the library side of the building.
    Charlotte Martin will give an informal presentation, Eavesdropping on Conservative Podcasts: Observations and Thoughts.
    Please plan to come and shape the future!
    Those who do not learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them.
  • Potluck and Movie Night
    Our revived tradition of potluck and movie night begins
    Friday, February 21st
    third Friday as before
    Starting at 7:00pm
    Our new host will be:
    Artisan's Sanctuary in Marion, 1070 7th Avenue
    NOTE: cost is $5 per person
    Artisan's Sanctuary requires this very reasonable charge from us for the use of their space and their projection equipment.
    The movie for this first month in our new venue will be
    The Victors
    This restoration of a scratchy old version we showed over five years ago is an anti-war movie that's worth seeing again, with George Peppard, Melina Mercouri, George Hamilton, Rome Schneider, Eli Wallach, Elke Sommer, and many more.
    Join us for our famous potluck and enjoy an evening with some like-minded folks — Sponsored by Arts Cinema~Free Friday Night Flicks and Workers for Peace Iowa.
  • Street Witnessing for Peace
    Every Friday
    Meeting regardless of weather!
    4:30 to 5:30 pm
    at 1st Avenue & 1st Street NE, Cedar Rapids
    Across from the old Federal Building ( now City Hall ) at the Tree of Five Seasons
    Bring your own sign or hold one of ours. Spread the word!
    Contact Bob at ( 3l9 ) 36O·5ll9 for more vigil information.
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