I’ve been sending out these messages again lately (messages put together by our fantastic website manager, Franklin), because our usual PR guy, Cole, has been on the mend from bypass surgery. He’ll be back at it soon, I think.
But I wanted to wish you all happy holidays while I have this chance. We all have our traditions or favorite pastimes we might indulge to brighten these dark days. Mine, bizarrely enough, is that because I belong to two different choirs at St. Pius Catholic Church, I’ll be singing at two different masses on Christmas Eve, roughly from 5 to 11 pm, including two Hallelujah Choruses. Christmas Day is then a matter of recovery more than anything else, whispering to my cats, sucking on lozenges, reading up on new hobbies like cooking, and maybe if the weather really is in the 40s again, getting out to work some more on winterizing my 2019 (and first ever) veggie garden or possibly even turning my compost pile. Not my Mama’s Christmas, but it sure sounds awesome to me! Whatever your thing is, Christmas or otherwise, religious or not, big group or a fair bit of restful solitude, I want to wish you the very best for this holiday season and the year to come.
Workers for Peace Iowa is a small group of active members with an incredibly life giving ability to keep us connected with others who keep us sane and comforted and energized in an often dispiriting world. To those of you who share in that little community with me, thank you so very much for the huge part you play in my life. And to the rest of you, please consider joining us once in a while as 2020 unfolds and the world gets crazier by the minute; we’d love to see you and hear from you on the issues of the day and/or on your favorite way to salve your soul in light of the issues of the day. Maybe, hopefully, you have some other circle of like-minded folk to fill this niche in your life, but cross-fertilization can enrich us all, no? So we’re keeping the light on for you, as the old ad said, ha ha.
Also, in a more mundane and particular vein, we are close to finalizing details about a new venue for Potluck and Movie night (and might be announcing a new place for our book group meetings sometime soon as well, though that’s just a vague possibility at this time). So stay tuned! It’ll be great to get the potlucks back on track. And I’d certainly be remiss if I failed to express our gratitude to Wendy for her years of generously providing her equipment for our monthly movie delight. Thanks, Wendy. And again, thanks to you all for being some of the best gifts under my Christmas tree year after year.

Steve Hanken arranged for a get-together to honor John Shumaker, who died on October 26, 2019 at age 70. Steve is sharing some memories of John at the Artisan's Sanctuary in Marion on Nov. 29, when John would have been 71
Mall Walking for PeaceSunday, December 29th
Starting at 2:00 pm, and we walk for about 45 minutes.
Lindale Mall,
4444 1st Avenue NE, Cedar RapidsWe gather at center of the Food Court
If you have our latest matching T-shirt that says, "If war is the answer, we're asking the wrong question", please wear it, but come to walk with any peace/anti-war shirt you have.
Alternative Discussion Group
Tuesday, January 7th
7:00 to 9:00 pm
We meet at the dining room at the Hy-Vee on 32nd
at the intersection of 32nd Street NE & Oakland Road NE in Cedar Rapids
Our latest book, by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, is Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, and we will be discussing chapters 2 and 3 on January 7th.
WFPI General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 21st
No December meeting
7:00 to 9:00 pm
Mount Mercy University
Mercy Drive NE, Cedar Rapids
The venue for these meetings is Campus Ministry lounge space in the Busse Building
Enter opposite the doors for the library side of the building.
Charlotte Martin will give an informal presentation, Eavesdropping on Conservative Podcasts: Observations and Thoughts.
Please plan to come and shape the future!
Those who do not learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them.
Potluck and Movie NightNormally the 3rd Friday of the month
CANCELLEDPotluck at 7pm, 8pm movie
We are looking for a new venue and projection system for this popular event, and are open to any suggestions people might offer. Please contact us with any thoughts you might have.Movie: TBA
Join us for our famous potluck and enjoy an evening with some like-minded folks.
Sponsored by Arts Cinema~Free Friday Night Flicks and Workers for Peace Iowa.
Street Witnessing for Peace
Every Friday
Meeting regardless of weather!
4:30 to 5:30 pm
at 1st Avenue & 1st Street NE, Cedar Rapids
Across from the old Federal Building ( now City Hall ) at the Tree of Five Seasons
Bring your own sign or hold one of ours. Spread the word!
Contact Bob at ( 3l9 ) 36O·5ll9 for more vigil information.