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Fw: WFPI CR events for the 2nd half of July ...

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Cole Christy

Jul 12, 2019, 10:58:11 AM7/12/19
to Noreply-spamdigest via Women for Peace Iowa


  • Mall Walking for Peace
    Sunday, July 14th
    Starting at 2:00 pm, and we walk for about 45 minutes.
    Lindale Mall, 4444 1st Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids
    We gather at center of the Food Court
    If you have our latest matching T-shirt that says, "If war is the answer, we're asking the wrong question", please wear it, but come to walk with any peace/anti-war shirt you have. 
  • Alternative Discussion Group
    Tuesday, July 16th
    7:00 to 9:00 pm
    We meet at the dining room at the Hy-Vee on 32nd
    at the intersection of 32nd Street NE & Oakland Road NE in Cedar Rapids
    We are reading Second Nature by Michael Pollan, finishing that book on July 16th. We will then choose another book for our next meeting. 
  • Potluck and Movie Night
    Friday, July 19th
    Potluck at 7pm, 8pm movie
    Wendy's house at 2308 C Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids
    Movie: The Manchurian Candidate
    Join us for our famous potluck and enjoy an evening with some like-minded folks.
    Sponsored by Arts Cinema~Free Friday Night Flicks and Workers for Peace Iowa. Contact: John ( 3l9 ) 247·26l2. 
  • WFPI General Membership Meeting
    Tuesday, July 23rd
    7:00 to 9:00 pm
    Mount Mercy University
    Mercy Drive NE, Cedar Rapids
    The new venue for these meetings is Campus Ministry lounge space in the Busse Building
        Enter opposite the doors for the library side of the building.
    Cole Christy will do a brief presentation and review of three books: 1) Drift by Rachel Maddow, the MSNBC personality, traces the history of the US military freeing itself of civilian control. 2) Days of Defiance by historian Maury Klein about the lead up to the Civil War. 3) Fantasyland, an idiosyncratic look at American History by novelist Kurt Anderson. Three very different books, hopefully will lead to some good discussion.
    Please plan to come and shape the future!
    Those who do not learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them. 
  • Street Witnessing for Peace
    Every Friday
    Meeting regardless of weather!
    4:30 to 5:30 pm
    at 1st Avenue & 1st Street NE, Cedar Rapids
    Across from the old Federal Building ( now City Hall ) at the Tree of Five Seasons
    Bring your own sign or hold one of ours. Spread the word!
    Contact Bob at ( 3l9 ) 36O·5ll9 for more vigil information.
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