Michael Friedlander talk at the NYU Tandon ECE Seminar Series on Modern AI: TOMORROW!!!

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Anna Choromanska

Sep 25, 2021, 1:41:29 AM9/25/21
to nycml...@cs.nyu.edu, Urs Muller, Alina Beygelzimer, Yoshua Bengio, Umar Syed, Apoorv Agarwal, Kurt Becker, Kaan Ozbay, c2s...@nyu.edu, in...@catt.poly.edu, IN...@nycmedialab.org, C...@nyu.edu, bakh...@nyu.edu, Kate Crawford, Steven Kuyan, kcg...@cs.nyu.edu, fergu...@cs.nyu.edu, lecungroup, Eve D Henderson, Prof. Sandeep Shukla, jmil...@g.harvard.edu, Sparsh Mittal, deb...@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in, Women in Machine Learning, deep-l...@googlegroups.com, Vikram Kapila, Iskender Sahin, Magued Iskander, Gene DiResta, Guido Gerig, sha...@cs.cmu.edu, Joanne Walsh, Samory K. Kpotufe, daniel....@yale.edu, koh...@seas.harvard.edu, rox...@cs.columbia.edu, Rosemary Addarich, machine-lear...@googlegroups.com, collo...@lists.cs.columbia.edu, fran...@orabona.com, Daniel Hsu, AI Now Info, Lisa Hellerstein, Jelena Kovacevic, katepalli....@nyu.edu, ecefac_nyu.edu <ecettt_nyu.edu>,, CSEFac <csefac-group_nyu.edu>,, ecefac_nyu.edu, Krzysztof Choromański, Narges Razavian, Razavian, Narges, Mary K Cowman, Berman, Russell, Jennifer Stein, Wenbo Gao, Semiha Ergan, Sergül Aydöre, Raquel C Thompson, Mohamed....@shell.com, valeri...@nyu.edu, Michele James, Rocio Araujo, Yann LeCun, Martin M Frank, Riccardo Lattanzi, Cesar Lema, Larry Jackel, Justin Hendrix, Public Affairs, Kathryn Angeles, Erica Matsumoto, Julia Kempe, Joan Bruna, Remi Moss, Brian Kingsbury, Ronny Luss, Murray Campbell, dpenn...@gmail.com, John Langford, Christopher Musco, azelc...@gmail.com, jne...@nyu.edu, agpa...@gmail.com, Rose Ampuero, David Blei, Michael Richardson, Ingrid Redman, Mari Rich, Karl P Greenberg, Anup Ved, Sheldon C Smith, Kathleen Hamilton, Elena Olivo, mere...@ainowinstitute.org, mar...@ainowinstitute.org, Zexing Xu, nt2...@nyu.edu, Jingtong Su, Yunzhen Feng, Jing Wang, td2...@nyu.edu, hz1...@nyu.edu, sf2...@nyu.edu, ans...@nyu.edu, yt1...@nyu.edu, maryam....@gmail.com, RE...@schools.nyc.gov, ena...@hewittschool.org, caba...@hewittschool.org, sna...@hewittschool.org, prob...@hewittschool.org, jrb1...@nyu.edu, kod...@nyu.edu, lm4...@nyu.edu, jbr...@nyu.edu, kmi...@nyu.edu, sp6...@nyu.edu, asm...@nyu.edu, dg3...@nyu.edu, cew...@nyu.edu, nai...@nyu.edu, jcp...@nyu.edu, at3...@nyu.edu, pjv...@nyu.edu
Dear All,

Michael Friedlander, professor in the University of British Columbia will be with us on the 23rd of September (TOMORROW!!!). His talk is scheduled at 1 pm and you can use the following zoom to connect:

NYU Tandon is looking forward to seeing you all!!!

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

NYU Tandon - Born Anywhere, Made in Brooklyn

Date: Thursday Sept. 23
Time: 1:00 PM EST

Contact: ece-anno...@nyu.edu

Zoom Link

Michael P. Friedlander
University of British Columbia

Michael Friedlander is IBM Professor of Computational Mathematics at the University of British Columbia. He was Professor of Mathematics at UC Davis (2014--2016), and has held visiting positions at Berkeley's Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing (2013), and at UCLA's Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010). From 2002 to 2004 he was the Wilkinson Fellow in Scientific Computing at Argonne National Laboratory. He received his PhD in Operations Research from Stanford University in 2002 under the supervision of Michael A. Saunders. He received his BA in Physics from Cornell University in 1993. He currently serves as Area Editor for Continuous Optimization for the journal Mathematics of Operations Research. His research is primarily in developing numerical methods for large-scale optimization, their software implementation, and applying these to problems in statistical learning.

Geometric Duality in Optimization

Convex duality flows throughout optimization, its algorithms, and its connections to efficient computation. I will describe a fundamental and intuitive form of geometric duality based on convex cones, which provides a lens through which to interpret an important class of algorithms used in statistical learning theory. I'll demonstrate a Julia software package that implements a calculus based on these ideas.

This event is free and open to the public.

The Seminar Series in Modern Artificial Intelligence is held at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and is hosted by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Organized by Professor Anna Choromanska, the series aims to bring together faculty and students to discuss the most important research trends in the world of AI. The speakers include world-renowned experts whose research is making an immense impact on the development of new machine learning techniques and technologies and helping to build a better, smarter, more-connected world.


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NYU Tandon School of Engineering, 1 MetroTech Center, 19th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Anna Choromanska

Assistant Professor

Alfred P. Sloan Fellow

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

NYU Tandon School of Engineering

New York University

Room 802

370 Jay Street

New York, NY 11201, USA

Office phone: 646.997.0269

ac5455 at nyu dot edu

achoroma at gmail dot com


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