Letter from Wolf PAC State Leader of the #5 State to pass our resolution to us here in TN...

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Teresa Miller

Jun 18, 2016, 6:23:38 PM6/18/16
to Wolf PAC Tennessee
Hey Team Wolf PAC;

As you may have already heard, Rhode Island is officially the 5th state to call for a national amendments convention to reverse Citizens United and restore Free and Fair Elections.  Here's Cenk breaking the news on facebook live:  https://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks/videos/10153706648954205/

The local team of volunteers is one of the best in the country - a great group of solid folks who have earned every inch of this victory.  Led by Josh "Aces" Aciz and Justin Roias, they've been a continuous presence at their statehouse for the last few years.  Here's Josh talking about what it feels like to win:

Josh Aces
Warren, RI ·

For those of you who may not know....My name is Josh Aciz, everyone calls me Aces, and I am Co-State Director of Wolf PAC RI with my brother from another mother Justin Mason Roias. We have an AMAZING group of passionate and dedicated volunteers. Gregory Greco aka Big Swag, Bob Raphael aka The God Father, Bryant Lemay aka the Mechanic, Jonathan Hutton aka the Political Huntsman, Martha DiMeo, Mary Redway, Ethan Comtois Huckel, Matt Keefer, Bera Dunau, Myrianette H Aciz, Joe Gomes, Peter, Bryon Sarza, Max, Yasmin, Alan and Dan. Last night WE made history. Rhode Island has become the 5th state to call for a National Convention which calls for an amendment to our U.S. Constitution that will restore Free and Fair Elections in America. The resolution calls for a limited amendment convention to propose an amendment that would deal with the influence of corrupting influence of big money in our elections and overturn Citizens United. What WE did over the last 2 years and especially over last 2 weeks to become the 5th state was amazing and beautiful to be a part of. I ask that you watch last night's Senate Vote, 36 - 0, to see how much power united volunteers actually have on our legislators. Share with others so they can see the power WE have as citizens. It was moving to listen to our Senators talk about our team and it's something for me that is somewhat surreal. Amazing amazing amazing I know I have used that word a lot in this post but it's the only word to describe what WE did. A BIG thank you to our National team Alison Hartson aka F-Bomb, Mike Monetta aka IPA Monetta, Clayton Ryan aka Get it done and Offfff Couuurrrssssseee I have to give the biggest thank you to Cenk our founding father, host of TYT and founder of Wolf PAC. There are so many Americans just like me who are angry about our broken campaign finance system but don't know what they can do to help fix it. You have provided us with the outlet and the tools to fight back for all of the voices that have been silenced my big money! Thank you again to everyone who played a role in helping RI make history. This is one of the proudest moment of my life! ‪#‎RI5‬

A UNANIMOUS vote in favor - every Democrat, every Republican.  There's no better proof that we could have that this is not a left or a right issue - this is an American issue.  When we as Americans show up to our statehouses, where "the beating heart of democracy is still alive" as one volunteer said, we can win, we can make history, and we can create a more perfect union.

Now for some exciting extra news:  If I get the green light from the Top Wolf, then we're going to push this story as national news.  This will intensify the spotlight on our efforts, likely bringing more adversaries but also additional allies into the fight.  It's time to go public - because of the conversations we've all collectively had with thousands of state legislators and fellow volunteers, we now know how to convincingly make our case in the court of public opinion.  

Thank you to everyone who's helped get us here, and we need your state to be one of the next 29, so let's get to work.  10% of the United States have now called for a convention - it's time for the rest of them to join us... or at least expect us.  See ya in the states, y'all.  Let's do this!

This is what victory looks like:

This is what victory feels like:
Inline image 1

Here's hoping we're taking that same picture in your statehouse someday soon!

Teresa Miller

Jun 18, 2016, 6:25:20 PM6/18/16
to Wolf PAC Tennessee
There is a lovely picture of a very excited RI WP team.  I'll figure out how to make it work here!  
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