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DSImport Syntax Violation

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Jul 29, 2011, 4:24:19 PM7/29/11
to WSTools

I am encountering a syntax violation when attempting to create new
user objects through DSImport. When loading the CSV everything looks
correct, and it seems to process the first column (CN) and then I
receive the error " 1/1 - adding "tuser" -> 0xFFFFFD9B (SYNTAX
VIOLATION) (tuser) - "User1"... Continue anyway?"

The value "User1" is the Surname, as we are currently testing the use
of DSImport for a mass user creation of 600 users. (60 users x 10
sites). Copying straight from the CSV does not yield value seperators,
so I have added comma's into my example. Please see below for an
example of the csv.

CN, Surname, Given Name, Full Name, L, Title, Home

tuser, User1, Test, Test User, Test Lab, Ultimate Test User,

There are numerous other attributes I have not included, but will be
using in the final object creation. I also received an error that the
Password attribute was not valid. In documentation DSImports states
this value will be handled when the object is created. Is the warning
normal, or is this something we should be concerned about?

We are hoping to have this completed by our clients start date of
8/12/2011. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Wolfgang Schreiber

Aug 2, 2011, 3:11:11 PM8/2/11
to WSTools
Have you tried something like this:

CN, Surname, Given Name, Full Name, L, Title, Home

tuser, User1, Test, Test User, Test Lab, Ultimate Test User,



Aug 2, 2011, 7:18:01 PM8/2/11
to WSTools

I made the specified change to the Home path and still receive the
error: " 1/1 - adding "tuser" -> 0xFFFFFD9B (SYNTAX
VIOLATION) (tuser) - "User1"... Continue anyway?". I took a look at
Novell's Base Attribute Definitions list and everything in the csv
seems to follow the specified formatting. Any thoughts on what else
could be causing this?

This seems to be a very powerful app and I would love to get this
working. Your help is greatly appreciated.


On Aug 2, 3:11 pm, Wolfgang Schreiber <>

Wolfgang Schreiber

Aug 3, 2011, 2:27:16 AM8/3/11
to WSTools

are you sure that you have an attribute named "Home"?
The std eDirectory attribute would be "Home Directory"

Will the import succeed if you exclude this attribute (click on the
column header to mark it read)



Aug 3, 2011, 9:47:11 AM8/3/11
to WSTools

I apologize, that was a typo. In the CSV the attribute is "Home
Directory". If I remove the Home Directory attribute the users create
correctly. I've used both syntax methods listed below to no avail.

1.) CN=DELA3_DATA.OU=Server.OU=OHDELA.O=DELAS:HOME\tuser (Original)
2.) .DELA3_DATA.Server.OHDELA.DELAS:HOME\tuser (Suggested)

Making 60 users in the blink of an eye gave me chills.:-) Now I just
need to get it to include the "Home Directory" during the creation and
I'll be good to go. Do you have any other suggestions that could
correct this issue?

Thank you so much for your help.


On Aug 3, 2:27 am, Wolfgang Schreiber <>

Wolfgang Schreiber

Aug 3, 2011, 2:20:14 PM8/3/11
to WSTools
Works for me ...

Make sure that:
* the dn part of the path represents the volume dn correctly
(like ".NW60SRV_SYS.resources.central.novell:/test")
* you're using the current version of DSImport (2011/01)


Wolfgang Schreiber

Aug 3, 2011, 3:25:37 PM8/3/11
to WSTools
... then, on a 2nd look I noticed some memory issue with the PATH
I've just uploaded a fix (DSImport v1.2b) to

Feedback appreciated



Aug 3, 2011, 3:29:51 PM8/3/11
to WSTools

We figured out what was happening. It was two different issues, 1 our
side and 1 the app seems to be glitching for us.

Issue 1: .DELA3_DATA.Server.OHDELA.DELAS:HOME\tuser is the correct
format. However, the path we were provided with was incorrect.
("Server" was not a valid OU in the path.) after removing that, the
first user processes properly.

Issue 2: After the first user is created, we receive the Syntax Error
message for subsequent users. We found a way around this, but I don't
believe this is how the app was designed to run. We had to disable the
Home Directory Header, re-enable it, and then Right-Click and add each
record one at a time. Sometimes it would make it through 5-10 users,
and then it would give the Syntax Error again, so we repeated the
disable/enable of the Home Directory Header.

Any ideas why it would be doing this?


P.S. - Even with this small hiccup, this method of account creation
has already saved us days of work. Paired with Homes v4, your tools
are a Godsend.

On Aug 3, 2:20 pm, Wolfgang Schreiber <>
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