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Kevin Woods

Sep 3, 2023, 6:49:44 PM9/3/23
to WoAD Support
I'm looking for a "simple, light, cheapest possible" kit. I'm impressed with the potential for Woad and my Samsung Tab E.

I'm successfully using a 5$ SABRENT dongle with Winlink under Windows for sound in and out, together with my KX3,  ACC1 control cable, on HF.   Seems virtually as robust as my home station $100 Signalink. 

I communicate recreationally - not for life and death applications.

Can I just get a USB to Micro-USB adapter  to connect ACC1 cable on the KX3 and use my 2 sound in/out  TRS plugs through a TRRS merge adapter, to get the sound to flow between the KX3 and Android Tablet?

Simple, small and trail packable is what I'm after.  Or does there have to be a box of some sort between Rig and Tablet?

Thank you,

Kevin Woods, VE7KHI

Andrew Walker

Sep 15, 2023, 12:44:07 PM9/15/23
to WoAD Support
Hi Kevin,

I didn't see anyone taking a stab at this, so despite my complete ignorance of the KX3 will give a reply (or at least ask questions). Please correct any incorrect assumptions I make in the following.

I'm assuming the SABRENT dongle has a USB connection to the PC and 2 TRS 3.5mm outputs (or possibly a single TRRS 3.5mm output) which you connect to the PHONES and MIC jack on the KX3.
I'm also assuming there is a second USB connection from the PC to the ACC1 jack on the KX3, which are connected using a KXUSB cable.

What software are you running on the PC in addition to Winlink (Direwolf, VARA HF, ARDOP, etc.)? What is the ACC1 control cable being used for (PTT, frequency control, etc.)?
WoAD uses the USB connection for sound (this is done automatically if a USB sound device is detected) and PTT control if configured in the associated session. 

As long as the ACC1 cable is using a standard chip (which I would expect) it should work (or can be made to work relatively simply in a future release of WoAD).

My apologies for not even coming close to answering your question, but hopefully a step in the right direction.

All the best,


Kevin Woods

Sep 16, 2023, 12:47:59 PM9/16/23
to Andrew Walker, WoAD Support
Andrew, thank you - not only for this note, but for all of the excellent work you've done to unleash the magic of simple digital Comms.

Yes, it is as you say.  Sabrent with 2 TRS connections to Phones and Mic.  The USB / ACC1 cable does operate the PTT switching, and "occasionally"  it cooperates to change frequency on command from Winlink.  This is annoyingly intermittent and I often have to switch freq manually.  The cable does work 100% for N1MM and LOG4OM, but somehow, my relationship with Winlink is touchier.

I only use HF for connection to Winlink on this rig - so I only need Winlink itself with Ardop.  Lately, the character rates on Ardop have been impressive, 2-3K.

Sounds like an experiment with a USB adaptor from my ACC1 Cable to the Mini-USB on the Samsung tablet is the next step.  A single cable would be a dream solution.

Is there a Brand / Model / Vendor  for a cable you would suggest?

Kevin VE7KHI

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Andrew Walker

Sep 29, 2023, 5:53:36 PM9/29/23
to WoAD Support
I replied to Kevin on this a while ago but just realized I didn't send it to the group. Message follows


Hi Kevin,

I'm unfamiliar with the radio, but any VHF/UHF radio with a mic and speaker inputs should work. 

Keep in mind that you'll also need to connect the Android device to the radio, which both operates the PTT and provides isolation between the circuitry. Digirig ( and Mobilinkd ( both seem popular, although there are several other options. You would need to ensure the device is compatible with your android device (mobilinkd uses a bluetooth connection from the Android device and the digirig provides an external sound device via a USB connection). You should be able to locate the cable you would also need at their websites, or get in contact with them to confirm that they have a cable for your particular radio model.

All the best,


Kevin Woods

Jun 19, 2024, 8:35:45 PMJun 19
to WoAD Support
Its been a while, but I'm a few steps closer to Winlink Packet over WoAD via Digirig through my

Kevin Woods

Jun 19, 2024, 9:07:25 PMJun 19
to WoAD Support
Reload . . . I misfired on that last send.

So I have the Android device / WoAD, talking to the Digirig and then to my Yaesu FT60 HT through store-bought cables.  It uses the Audio port on the Digirig, without the Serial port.   Its an older model, but capable and robust.  I am able to enter into the "introductory handshake" with a local Winlink portal - specifically Texada Island from my home on Hornby island.  No problem.

There is some packet Squacking / Jousting back and forth to establish the session, but eventually, my end seems to become stone deaf to the portal at the end, which, itself goes on and on TXing to me - but my end just "hangs".  I feel guilty when this happens.

In contrast, using the Winlink on a Windows machine ( I never loved windows!) , through the digirig, thence to the FT60, the same portal connection works just fine - going through the handshake process, and then it completes the Send and Receive business just fine.

To be clear, I'm thrilled at the thought of using a light-weight, easily portable Android device.   WoAD is the cats whiskers through TELNET I love it. 

Is there a way to keep the WoAD end of the dialogue engaged within the adjustable Audio settings? 

Packet Volume 83%   ( Is this a Transmit Level or a Receive Level?)
PTTUSB RTS selected, / Checked, and it works
FX.25 FEC 16

I'm open and appreciative of any Elmering on this one.

Kevin VE7KHI, BC

WoAD Support

Jun 20, 2024, 12:18:09 AMJun 20
to WoAD Support
Hi Kevin,

The packet volume (which you have set to 83%) is the transmit level. This should automatically set the volume of the phone. The receive level is determined by the volume that you have the radio set to.

I would recommend the following:

* make sure you don't have any sound processing enabled on the phone (switch off dolby, thx, atmos, etc).
* make sure you have the latest version of WoAD installed (currently 1.5.0)
* switch off the FX.25 FEC by setting it to None. This is designed for noisy connections which might benefit from error correction. Otherwise it just adds extra overhead to each packet
* play around with the radio volume to see if that helps in receiving
* check the log (from the top menu select Logs). Feel free to send a copy if there is nothing obvious indicated there. You can export the log in the following way:

1) select where you wish to export the log to by selecting Settings... Export location...
2) go to the Logs screen 
3) clear the log (select Clear from the lower menu)
4) run the session that is failing to connect
5) return to the Logs screen and export the Logs (select Export from the lower menu)
6) the log will be saved to your selected export location with a name like WoAD_log_<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd> <hh>-<mm>-<ss>.txt

Hope something in there helps. All the best,


Kevin Woods

Jun 20, 2024, 1:07:36 AMJun 20
to WoAD Support
Thank you Andrew.  I will work through your recommendations and report back.  I trust that your info will be of interest to others too.


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Scott Currie

Jun 20, 2024, 1:36:36 AMJun 20
to WoAD Support
And as always, listen to your own signal with another radio. Compare your packets to other stations. They should sound about the same and not be much louder or much quieter. You can learn a lot just by listening.

Getting connected, but not transferring any messages is a common issue when levels are not set correctly. The connect request and response on packet are very short, just a few bytes. The handshaking with the gateway, exchanging calls, passwords, etc. is much more data in each frame, and it only takes on bit error on packet to cause the frame to be rejected and then resent. Retry a frame enough times, and one end or the other will give up and disconnect.

-Scott, NS7C

Kevin Woods

Jun 21, 2024, 1:02:27 AMJun 21
to WoAD Support
Yes, thank you Scott - it's really erie to watch the RX and TX bars flash silently on the radio with no sound, on the phone or tablet.  I have occasionally used a baofeng to listen in.  I will take some efforts now to match the send and receive levels in the future.

I'm curious whether it would be possible to have the Log capture and record  something like the SoundModem does On Windows?  while im not a tech guy, i do find the real-time back and forth visual event tracking to be helpful.

Perhaps such an extra logging function could be switched on/off in settings - for occasional diagnostic purposes.

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