Introducing Club Projects | Inviting Proposals

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Ranveer Aggarwal

Sep 21, 2014, 10:23:06 AM9/21/14
Hey all,

Well, we realized we don't have many projects going on as of now. Well, we took this as a suggestion and now we are introducing club projects! So here's how they'll be structured:
  • You guys propose projects. The projects can be of any scope or scale. Web dev, Mobile apps, NLP-ML based, etc.
  • We select good ones.
  • We allot project managers. A project manager can be the person who proposes the project or someone who is enthu about it. A project manager needn't be a fourthie. A freshie with a good idea can become one!
  • We have a common portal where all enthusiasts can pick up the projects they're interested to work on and then we make teams.
PS: We'll give special preference to projects that go open-source (:D).
PPS: You needn't be a coder to propose projects.

So, we invite proposals from your side. If you have an idea, mail your abstract (in no particular format) to the managers, me ( or Manish ( with the subject WnCC Club Project Abstract <YourName>. We'll discuss the ideas and let out the best ones by Wednesday (24th September). Later on, we'll move on to team formation.

If you think we can do things better, do reply to this mail. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Ranveer Aggarwal
Manager WnCC

Ranveer Aggarwal

Sep 23, 2014, 11:32:25 AM9/23/14
A gentle reminder.
The deadline is tomorrow.
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