It's more or less what I was going to ask! Crazy coincidence! :P
Anyway, more formally put, I have a set of terms, which scales up to 10000+, and I want to compute similarities between them. Obviously this adds up to 50 million comparisons, which is not feasible using wn::similarity, since every one comparison needs about 3 seconds on a fast pc, regardless of which similarity measure is selected. My initial approach was to find a way to pick, say, 100 of the terms, and do the trick with them. But then I figured: is there a way, apart from e.g. taking the other members of a synset to which a term belongs, to take a term and then produce all the terms which have > c similarity to this one, with regard to a similarity measure? Sort of like an inverse wn::similarity! :P
Also I would like to ask if there's somewhere around a version of wn::similarity able to handle stems of words.