WMT General MT - Ukrainian, Croatian, Livonian as new LPs

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Tom Kocmi

Mar 24, 2022, 5:53:22 PM3/24/22
to wmt-...@googlegroups.com

Hi All,


I am happy to announce that we have added four new language pairs into the WMT22 General MT task:


Ukrainian <-> Czech

Ukrainian <-> English

Croatian <-> English

Livonian <-> English


And we are working to collect resources for Yakut<->Russian. Testsets of these language pairs are likely not going to contain multiple domains. The domain for Ukrainian>CS/EN is going to be focused on humanitarian needs.

If you know about any available resources not listed on the WMT webpage for Ukrainian<>Czech/English, let us know.

We would be happy to welcome any additional sponsor who could support human evaluation with Ukrainian bilingual annotators.


We introduce a new approach to download training data simply via command line: https://www.statmt.org/wmt22/mtdata/index.html


Have a lovely day,


(in Germany, he/him)

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