[Wikimediauk-l] CREWE session in May

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Thomas Morton

Mar 29, 2012, 5:34:25 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
Hey all,

Some of you may be aware of the CREWE Facebook group; which is a group of PR types interested in opening a dialogue with Wikipedia over the current issues of COI and paid editing. There has been interest in having a session for CREWE members to meet some Wikipedians, discuss the issues, and learn about Wikipedia (and hopefully we could learn something too).

The idea is very early stage at the moment; guaging interest from both communities. I sent an email to Daria last night to see if the WMUK office could assist. 

But what sort of interest is there within the rest of the Chapter?

We are aiming for around May - probably a small group of representatives, presentations from us and them, a Q&A/round table and probably a practical session.

- Are there any dates in May to avoid?

- Anyone interested in attending/engaging?

- Venue ideas?

- Format ideas?

- Anything else I missed?

I'd love to have a broad spectrum of editors involved - perhaps 5 or so (we're likely to have ~20 from CREWE) - so we can have a proper discussion. I know even within the community there is disagreement on some of the issues, and representing all of those (constructively) would be good.



Mar 29, 2012, 5:58:43 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
Steve Virgin has been doing a lot of work in this area and should be
involved. Though my "file" for the chapter is mainly GLAM, I do
(apparently) cover governance and I am personally very interested in
ensuring that the outreach initiative that Jimbo started has a
positive practical outcome. If we can establish good working practices
with the PR sector, this will make other commercial sectors seem a
doddle. ;-)

May is full of AGM - so give those dates a wide berth!

As for venue, I'm sure our PR friends will be able to fund or provide
a venue; I suggest we are open to venues outside of London and this
could be a chance to show off our progress in Wales (or alternatively
Bristol) and discuss that as a good news partnership case study. Steve
has been working on some plans with that in mind, which I am sure he
will be happy to share with you on request, though they may not be
available for open publication yet.

PS costs of travel or venue are not an issue for this one; doing it
well, sustainably and being seen to do the right thing are a

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David Gerard

Mar 29, 2012, 6:01:58 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
On 29 March 2012 10:58, Fae <fae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Steve Virgin has been doing a lot of work in this area and should be
> involved. Though my "file" for the chapter is mainly GLAM, I do
> (apparently) cover governance and I am personally very interested in
> ensuring that the outreach initiative that Jimbo started has a
> positive practical outcome. If we can establish good working practices
> with the PR sector, this will make other commercial sectors seem a
> doddle. ;-)

I posted about this on my blog:


This comes from popping into WMUK to meet Stevie. We discussed this issue.

Not everyone agrees with what I wrote there, e.g. Thomas Morton :-) So
it's something we need a broad swathe of input concerning.

- d.

Thomas Morton

Mar 29, 2012, 6:07:13 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
Steve Virgin has been doing a lot of work in this area and should be

I will reach out to him - it is on my list :)

May is full of AGM - so give those dates a wide berth!

In the middle! :)

This would likely have to be on a week day anyway (at least from what I have gathered so far), which makes it a lot less likely to clash with anything (although a lot less convenient for Wikipedians, possibly).

It may end up getting pushed later though, depends how fast things move.

As for venue, I'm sure our PR friends will be able to fund or provide
a venue; I suggest we are open to venues outside of London and this
could be a chance to show off our progress in Wales (or alternatively
Bristol) and discuss that as a good news partnership case study. Steve
has been working on some plans with that in mind, which I am sure he
will be happy to share with you on request, though they may not be
available for open publication yet.

Sounds interesting; I'd certainly be interested to hear Steve's thoughts (he did express support I think, when I first mentioned this, but not heard anything since - so I presumed to take an initiative... ;))

Personally I am not adverse to heading outside London. In my initial discussions, though, the suggestion was the outside London attendance was unlikely to be as good.

PS costs of travel or venue are not an issue for this one; doing it
well, sustainably and being seen to do the right thing are a

Agreed; a slick session would be great.


Stevie Benton

Mar 29, 2012, 7:10:36 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
This sounds really interesting. Please let me know if there's anything I can do from the office perspective to support this. I'm also happy to come along if I can be of use.

Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org

Stevie Benton
Communications Organiser
Wikimedia UK
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Roger Bamkin

Mar 29, 2012, 7:26:30 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
I've been involved a bit with the CREWE page and supporting Steve Virgin with this. We are VERY involved with this group. There have been several meetings and we are intending to see if we can find a speaker for the AGM


Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org

Roger Bamkin
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Thomas Morton

Mar 29, 2012, 7:37:00 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org
Ah! I hadn't seen anything so I revisited my original idea, sorry! No one mentioned existing contact so I assumed no one had got that far yet :)

Thanks Roger.


steve virgin

Mar 29, 2012, 7:54:38 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi All


The Chartered Institute of Public Relations has offered Wikipedia training slot(s) at their own ‘Summer School’ that it runs for the PR industry. CIPR is a training-driven organisation. It also sanctions members that infringe Best Practice rules in terms of PR. Its desire is to ‘get hold of’ the issue of poor ethical editing of Wikipedia and work with us to slowly ‘win our trust’ and ‘educate its own members in best practice over time.’ It is talking to its members internally about ‘Principles’ and ‘Good Practice Standards’ now and *may* have an initial discussion document ready for the Wikimedia UK Board meeting on April 21st in Monmouth. If it does, and the Board finds it acceptable, I have suggested to the PRCA/CIPR that they put forward that document and their desire to work with us in a talk at the AGM in front of all community members. Assuming we can get a consensus – this would lead to opportunities for members to run the summer school training programmes. But there is no commitment beyond the Science Museum AGM meeting in May on our part.


The Public Relations Consultancy Association (a sister group) is also interested in a similar arrangement. Though nothing specific has been discussed, they recognise they have a *longer journey to make* as they have most of the PR Agencies and their members on its books. This is where the commercial interest/conflict of interest problem kicks in. They are seeking ways to develop a training program in a way outlined above. And would work with the CIPR as *a single entity* in the arrangement mentioned above.


In addition, both bodies are keen on pulling together a single document that scours and collects all Wikipedia editing policies, guides to Best Practice, How to Do edit, What to Do, What Not to do etc (anything that could help them begin to structure a guide that PR industry members could be ‘taught’ formally by their industry body (CIPR). They also have a range of ideas on what the PR industry thinks would work and would not. In meetings with both bodies I stressed this is a slow process. It is about winning trust on both sides. And it won’t be sorted out quickly.


However, a positive discussion has begun. And both bodies are looking for ways in which they can encourage their own members to work with us in some small way and, in so doing, learn more about what we do and how we do it. They think better understanding and ‘doing editing’ will help the industry begin to learn how to edit Wikipedia properly and what is Best Practice. Some PRCA/CIPR members may be stepping forward to lend a hand in promoting our work in Monmouthpedia, a project which I commend to you all and recommend you read up on. 


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:GLAM/MonmouthpediA (the project)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:GLAM/MonmouthpediA/Public_Relations (Key messages for the press)


http://monmouthpedia.wordpress.com/ (this latter is only a potential press content site under development)

steve virgin

Mar 29, 2012, 7:57:57 AM3/29/12
to wikime...@lists.wikimedia.org


Not strictly accurate - *we want to become* fully involved with this group. But are not formally yet


See earlier mail from me about 10 mins ago for full explanation



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