Assistance Needed with Installing wkhtmltopdf in Azure Serverless Functions

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Vamshidhar Reddy Beecharla

Dec 25, 2024, 5:43:02 AM12/25/24
to wkhtmltopdf General

Dear wkhtmltopdf Support Team,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am currently using Azure Serverless Functions for a project where I need to utilize wkhtmltopdf to generate PDFs dynamically. However, I am encountering difficulties installing and configuring wkhtmltopdf within the Azure serverless environment.

My Environment:
  • Platform: Azure Functions (Linux Consumption Plan)
  • Language: Python (v3.11)
  • Deployment Method: CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps
  • Binary Deployment: wkhtmltopdf binary is included as part of the build artifact.
  1. The wkhtmltopdf binary needs to be executable within the Azure Function environment.
  2. I am unsure about the best practices for installing or configuring wkhtmltopdf in a serverless setup like Azure Functions, given its dependency on libraries like libxrender, libfontconfig, etc., which might not be available out of the box.
Request for Guidance:
  1. Could you please confirm if wkhtmltopdf can be used reliably in an Azure Functions Linux Consumption Plan environment?
  2. Are there specific steps or configurations required to install and use wkhtmltopdf in such environments?
  3. If additional dependencies are required (e.g., libraries or system packages), what would be the best approach to include and configure them for Azure Functions?

Your support and insights on this would be greatly appreciated, as wkhtmltopdf is a critical part of our application workflow. If there are any specific examples or documentation you can share regarding its use in serverless or restricted environments, that would be immensely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to your guidance.

Best regards,
Vamshidhar Reddy.

Umesh D

Dec 26, 2024, 1:04:45 AM12/26/24

Hi all,

We have deployed the same in pivotal cloud foundry as normal EC2 instane using java resources, we keep wihtmtopdf in resource as executable, not as installed one.  While converting html to pdf we can call from resource and proceed.

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