WJHS News for June 11, 2019

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E. Mead

Jun 11, 2019, 1:45:15 PM6/11/19
to WJHS News

****BOE Meeting****

There is a BOE meeting
 on June 17th at Wappingers Junior High
Meetings begin on or about 8:30 pm.

****Bus Passes****
Beginning next week bus passes will only be issued for emergencies.
Emergency situations will be verified before issuing a pass. 
There is limited seating on buses and we cannot guarantee room for additional students. 
Thank you in advance for your understanding with this request.
****Late Bus****
Please be aware that Wednesday, June 12th is the last day for late buses this school year.
Yearbooks can be purchased for $35 cash or check payable to WJHS PTA. Please send payment in with your child before June 20. 
You can also order through the PTA MemberHub store: https://wjhspta.memberhub.store/shopping/items/50083
Testing Schedule
See Attached
****Moving Up Flowers****
The PTA has arranged for a vendor to come to the school. 
Please see attached for details.
****Intramural Basketball****
There is morning basketball intramurals each day this week starting at 6:40 am.

****Jazz Band Auditions****
Anyone interested in Auditioning for the RCK Jazz Ensemble please see Mrs. Daniels in room 131 for the audition music. 
Auditions will be after-school on Wednesday, June 12 in the auditorium
****Jazz Band****
There is rehearsal on Wednesday. 
****Art Work****
Artwork from Mrs. Attlesey-Steger's 8th-grade classes is now ready for pick up.
Please see Mrs. Attlesey-Steger in room 217.
Please collect your work by Friday, 6/14.

Any 7th graders who had their work at the Festival of the Arts, please go to room 223
to pick up no later than Thursday, June 20th. 
Work left after June 20th will be discarded.
Anyone interested in Hockey conditioning and drills may pick up a flyer in the Main Office.
****Library Materials****
All library materials are now due.
To avoid being billed please return your books as soon as possible.
Thank you!

****RCK Girls Soccer****
Attention any girls interested in playing for the Fall 2019 RCK Girls Soccer team head to the team website to fill out a prospective player form. 
 Tryout dates and summer workout times are listed.  Sign up for Remind messages by texting @rckgsoccer to the number 81010. 
Any questions email Coach Deck at Amand...@wcsdny.org.

Summer Camps
Registration is now open for WCSD Summer Camps! We have camps available for students in grades 7 & 8 including Computer Game Design, Young Hacks Academy, Horseback Riding, String Orchestra and several theater camps. For more information and to register, go to www.wappingersschools.org/page/204
Wappingers Lacrosse Summer Camp
Please see the attached for information.

8th Grade 6 Flags

Applications are available during lunch periods in the cafe or see Mr. Ramirez.

All the buses have been filled, students submitting applications will be put on a waiting list.


Fall Sports

Attention parents of current 7th grade students interested in a Fall Sport for September of School Year 2019-2020

Modified Fall Sports at Wappingers Junior High are as follows:

Boys: Soccer

Boys: Modified Football 

Boys and Girls: Cross Country

Girls: Cheerleading

Girls: Field Hockey

Girls: Volleyball

 CURRENT 7TH GRADE students at WJHS will SUBMIT their physical to the WJHS Health Office to prepare for 8TH GRADE fall sports. You ONLY need to do this if your current physical has not been approved to play a sport. If you are unsure, please check on FamilyID for the last sport your child tried out for and check the physical date. In order for it to be valid for Fall Sports at Wappingers Junior High, it will have to be dated September 1, 2018 and later.

If you are interested in any of these sports, PLEASE submit a VALID physical dated 9/1/18 or later AND  complete the attached Health History Form (*SIGN AND DATE *) and return to the WJHS Health Office ASAP. We are currently awaiting confirmation from Health Quest (School Medical Director) for limited dates of Chart Reviews.  Act NOW, Act FAST!

Family ID will be open for REGISTRATION for your SPECIFIC Wappingers Junior High FALL SPORT 30 days prior to Fall Sports beginning on August 10, 2019.  

Please see attached.
8th Grade Class Ketcham Shirts
Limited Class of 2023 Ketcham Nation shirts are on sale now! Use the link below to order. Shirts are 1st come, 1st served until sold out! 
Payment is due upon ordering! https://wjhspta.memberhub.store
Spring Pictures
Spring Pictures have arrived and have been distributed to students.  Students should have given the pictures to you to view.   
If you would like to purchase them, you can do so online or students can bring the money to Room 244.  You keep the pictures you purchase. 
 ANY pictures NOT purchased are to be returned to Room 244 as soon as possible.  
After School Academic Program
This program has ended for the school year.
Look for announcements next September on meetings.
School Notes
All school notes should be handed in to Period 1 teacher at the beginning of the class.
Walker and Pick Up Forms
Any student who wishes to be put on the walker and/or pick up list should pick up the forms at the main office.

Have a terrific evening!
2019 End of Year Testing Calendar WJHS.pdf
health hx.pdf
Wappingers JHS.jpg
WGLAX camp 2019.pdf
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