Witches Of Michigan

Contact owners and managers
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Hi and Welcome,

    We hope that you will make many new friends as well as be an active member of our community. Please have a look around, we are trying to make it easy for our members to interact on line as well as in real time.

    This community was created for the witch family and a place for witches to join together in a sometimes harsh world, it was created for our children to make friends with other children of the craft as well as a way for us to interact in real time. It was and is inspired by Tempest and Denessa Smith.

    Thank you for joining us. We promote family values. We will not tolerate cybor stalkers, stalkers or the use of drugs at any of our activity's, we lead by example and our children are watching!

    We will not tolerate trouble makers or the bulling of our members or the fabrication of lies...there are plenty of community's that promote such activity's..we suggest if the above is your motive for joining us please save us the heartache of removing you and leave now. This is a safe haven for the witch family as a whole and skulduggery or the use of foul language will not be tolerated.

    We are the real community that was started on March 2001 and migrated here when MSN closed it's communities...do not be fooled by imposters!

                                                                                                                                                                           Merlyn Founder