Hi everyone
Results and PB's have been added to the website.
Nominations for Friday 18 November are:
[ ] 100 Breast (OPEN TO ALL SWIMMERS - no qualifying time required)
[ ] 25 Free OR [ ] 50 Free
[ ] 25 Fly OR [ ] 50 Fly OR [ ] 100 IM (ONLY for swimmers with QUALIFYING TIME ONLY)
[ ] 25 Back OR [ ] 50 Back
[ ] 25 Breast OR [ ] 50 Breast
Please have all nominations back to me NO LATER than 6.00pm this Thursday night. Nominations will close on Thursday night at 6.00pm with NO EXCEPTIONS, so be sure to make the entry deadline.
Just a reminder when nominating:
*Swimmers can swim as few as one event or they can nominate to swim up to five events on a club night.
*The open 100m event is available to all swimmers, but swimmers must meet qualifying time to be eligible for the additional 100m event
*Swimmers can only swim in 25m OR 50m event, not both
*Swimmers under 10 years old must meet the qualifying time before they are eligible to swim the 50m events
*All qualifying times are listed on the back of your record card. If you didn't receive a card on Friday, please come and collect one from the blue shed on Friday.