For same endpoint returning different responses

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Rishav Srestha

Dec 29, 2022, 12:22:03 AM12/29/22
to wiremock-user

We are writing integration tests wherein we have multiple tests around a single endpoint.
Now we need to return different responses for each of these tests for that same endpoint.
Test1 :
request URL: /some/path [GET]
response : 200 

Test2 :
request URL: /some/path [GET]
response: 400

request URL: /some/path [GET]
response: 500

Note that these are multiple individual tests in a single test file. 

We were wondering if it is possible to use the JSON mappings approach for such a scenario. That is, could we do something like:
                "test" : "Test1",
                "request": {
                                   "method": "GET",
                                    "urlPath": "/some/path" 
                 "response": {
                                    "status": 200,
                 "test" : "Test2",
                "request": {
                                   "method": "GET",
                                    "urlPath": "/some/path" 
                 "response": {
                                    "status": 400,
                 "test" : "Test3",
                "request": {
                                   "method": "GET",
                                    "urlPath": "/some/path" 
                 "response": {
                                    "status": 500,
Any suggestions as to deal with such a scenario is most welcomed.
Note: we are using wiremock 2.35.0 with Java's Spring f/w. 

Thank you,

Dec 29, 2022, 10:00:05 AM12/29/22
to wiremock-user
If you wanted to use the mappings file, you could use Scenarios to achieve this.

  "mappings": [
      "scenarioName": "Foo",
      "requiredScenarioState": "Started",
      "newScenarioState": "Test 1 Complete",
      "request": { ... },
      "response": { ... }
      "scenarioName": "Foo",
      "requiredScenarioState": "Test 1 Complete",
      "newScenarioState": "Test 2 Complete",
      "request": { ... },
      "response": { ... }

Things to note: 
  • Your requests would need to have the same "scenarioName". 
  • All scenarios, on WireMock starting up, begin in a state of "Started", which is why the first mapping has that "requiredScenarioState".
  • At the conclusion of your last test, if you wanted to cycle through again, you'd need to set the "newScenarioState" to "Started".
  • Using this requires you to have your tests always execute in a certain order. Otherwise, you'd match to the incorrect scenario state.
If you're using Spring and starting/controlling WireMock via Java, you can add/remove stubs in the tests.

Rishav Srestha

Jan 2, 2023, 4:37:37 AM1/2/23
to wiremock-user
Hello ,

Thanks for the quick response.
There is, however, a catch with the above approach which I observed, please correct me if I'm wrong-

It seems the scope of changing/chaining the scenarios is limited within the test itself.
I.e. Each test is always matching with the "Started" scenario first and always returning the first response. 

So, unless there is a call to that endpoint in that same test, ie. if the same test hits the endpoint 3 times only then the different scenarios are picked up.

Hence, I'm not sure if scenarios could be useful for this use case. 
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Here is the mappings file I was using-- 
"mappings": [
"scenarioName": "API1",
"requiredScenarioState": "Started",
"newScenarioState": "test1done",
"request": {"method": "PUT","urlPath": "/v1/endpoint"},
"response": {status": 200},
"scenarioName": "API1",
"requiredScenarioState": "test1done",
"newScenarioState": "test2done",
"request": {"method": "PUT","urlPath": "/v1/endpoint"},
"response": {"status": 400},
"scenarioName": "API1",
"requiredScenarioState": "test2done",
"newScenarioState": "test3done",
"request": {"method": "PUT","urlPath": "/v1/endpoint"},
"response": {"status": 500}

And I have 3 Different tests, each of which are hitting the same endpoint but expecting different response for their specific testcase.

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