Website and Application not Working

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Dec 12, 2022, 1:37:06 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Since about 5 hours ago, and the iOS/Android applications are not working.  Checking from another location yields the same result, so it is not my Internet connection.

Can someone take a look?

Dec 12, 2022, 2:03:32 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Same for me

Dec 12, 2022, 2:08:17 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Same for me

Gilberto Grazzini

Dec 12, 2022, 2:26:27 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Same for me

Scott McInness

Dec 12, 2022, 2:54:38 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags still seems to work. It displays an error about SQL connectivity, but tags are updating. The Android app is working ok for me, too, but also displays the SQL error.

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Gilberto Grazzini

Dec 12, 2022, 3:45:49 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags

My Tag manager is also not working, showing red indication as soon as it turns on.
Is it same for you?


Dec 12, 2022, 4:41:46 AM12/12/22
to Gilberto Grazzini, Wireless Sensor Tags
I woke up to a cold house.  Seems like my tag manager has been off (and the site is completely down) for about 4 hours.  I’ve tried tweeting and the Reddit page.  Hopefully someone sees it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 12, 2022, at 2:45 AM, 'Gilberto Grazzini' via Wireless Sensor Tags <> wrote:


Dec 12, 2022, 5:01:00 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Same with me. I cannot swap to other tag managers

Scott McInness

Dec 12, 2022, 5:33:54 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags

My tag managers are both still happy but they’ve likely been connected for days or weeks.

Brian Begun

Dec 12, 2022, 9:10:24 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Same problem here. also appears to be down.  Both of my wireless tag managers stopped reporting at around 8:35pm (PST) last night.

John Arington

Dec 12, 2022, 9:18:58 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Tag manager keeps going online and offline repeatedly--internet connection is fine. 

Stefan van der Eijk

Dec 12, 2022, 9:19:25 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
My tags last updated in the middle of (my) night, 5:44 CET (4:44Z).

I understand that the team maintaining the service is probably in
-0800 (PST) timezone, and that this happened on a sunday evening.
Assuming that monitoring is in place, then it should have been noticed
and could have been acted on.

I'm still surprised that local URL calling also stops working. Would
be nice if they'd keep working when the "cloud" is down. Perhaps
something to add to the RFE list.

with kind regards, / met vriendelijke groet,

Stefan van der Eijk
> To view this discussion on the web visit

christopher joseph

Dec 12, 2022, 9:28:56 AM12/12/22
to steve, Wireless Sensor Tags
Same for me. 
I’ve not had an issue with the tag manager in 5 years. 
…and now this 🤷🏽‍♂️

Conor Twomey

Dec 12, 2022, 9:31:07 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags and are the same IP address and it is down

while is a different IP address and is fine

Brian Powell

Dec 12, 2022, 10:54:15 AM12/12/22
to Stefan van der Eijk, Wireless Sensor Tags
My local URL calling is still working. (I'm not able to login to, though.)
I have seen issues in the past, but I've usually associated those with losing internet connectivity to the building. My local URL hardcodes the IP address of a local Raspberry Pi, which ought to work without connectivity to the outside world.



Dec 12, 2022, 11:30:07 AM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Same here. Solid Red on manager.

John Effland

Dec 12, 2022, 11:54:03 AM12/12/22
to Catman, Wireless Sensor Tags
The web site is just now working for me.  Went down about 12:23 AM EST.

On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 11:30 AM Catman <> wrote:
Same here. Solid Red on manager.

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John Effland

Dec 12, 2022, 11:56:15 AM12/12/22
to Catman, Wireless Sensor Tags
... and it just went down again with server reporting 503 errors.

Dec 12, 2022, 12:24:42 PM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Now it works for me

Dec 12, 2022, 12:37:37 PM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
It appears to be functioning again after being down for ~12 hours.  My tags started reporting again, though the data during the down period appears to be missing.  I would be interested to know what had happened.  This has made me realize that I can't rely on only one provider for anything critical (reasonable, though I would like some sort of status update if anything were to go down, even during times where the staff may not be available - perhaps through an automated system).

John Arington

Dec 12, 2022, 1:24:26 PM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Agree--working now, but getting tired of reliance on this vendor and platform.  We don't pay for this service per se, but it is an expectation of purchasing the sensors and tag manager(s) that they will operate as advertised.  An occasional disruption is expected and not going to bother me, but a 12 hour outage with no communication or status regarding the service outage is really poor customer service and has me looking seriously at alternatives. 


Dec 12, 2022, 1:39:53 PM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Its the same discussion that seems to pop up every few years - especially after an outage..  local hosting of the tag manager and data.  It was heavily discussed a few years ago but never went anywhere.. not sure that CAO is up for it.. although.. id be happy to host my own stuff locally - the tags are great.. but thats way above my paygrade.. I am just happy I got it integrated with homeassistant :)

Brian Powell

Dec 12, 2022, 3:02:23 PM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
I try not to lose sight of the fact that the system works great 99% of the time.
I used to get really frustrated by the occasional unreliability of KumoApps and IFTTT.  It's not so much that I needed 100% uptime; it's more that I felt like I had no control when things weren't working.  E.g., I couldn't restart the KumoApp server or fix the IFTTT integration, and I couldn't tell if anybody who could was responding.

In my case, I control a Wemo switch based on a temperature reading.  It's protecting wine, and I don't mind over- or under-cooling for an hour or two, but not any more than that.
I use local URL calling from the tag manager to a Raspberry Pi, which invokes simple PHP scripts running under a web server.  These PHP scripts invoke open-source shell scripts which communicate directly to the Wemo device without needing any Wemo cloud infrastructure to work.  I run a script every hour to check to see if the Wemo's network port has changed, which it does randomly.  You don't need a Pi to make this work; it's just a Linux computer that's on 24x7, so it's a convenient place to run the scripts and serve up the PHP on a web server.  I haven't set up any sort of alarm system--calling or texting or emailing--but it could be added.

In short, with some work you can build a system that doesn't depend on the WirelessTag cloud infrastructure or even the internet.  I like the WirelessTag internet portal and apps for managing everything, viewing historical data, etc.  But for the low-level temperature control, the KumoApps and IFTTT are just too risky and unreliable for me.


PS: Earlier I said that I sometimes had problems with local URL calling without internet service, but I think the problem was with the Wemo. My current Wemo scripts seem to work okay without internet.

Wireless Sensor Tags

Dec 12, 2022, 5:37:35 PM12/12/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
This time it is 100% caused by Rackspace.  See below response from Rackspace:

Valeria, Racker
Monday, December 12, 2022 at 2:29 PM PST

On 12 December 2022, at 15:37 UTC, a portion of customers may have experienced latency or packet loss when two aggregation routers, aggr1501a-2.ord1 and aggr1501b-2.ord1, in the ORD1 data center became inaccessible.

Cloud Switches affected:

Network Operations and DC Ops Engineers were engaged. They reconfigured AGGRs then brought them back up. They then got console access to the Top of Rack (TOR) switches and bounced their uplinks to resolve this issue by 16:53 UTC.

Thank you,

Rackspace Technology

Monday, December 12, 2022 at 9:02 AM PST
My Cloud server ff58a7cf-c99c-4586-8627-2e62679dc77e was completely unreachable (including Remote Desktop) from Dec 12 4:53AM UTC until 4:28PM UTC after I hard rebooted from control panel. Checking Event viewer, no event of any kind has been recorded during this time. None of the disk was full. Please provide explanation. Is this a hardware failure? How can you prevent this from happening again in the future?
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Cloud server ff58a7cf-c99c-4586-8627-2e62679dc77e Completely unreachable (including Remote Desktop) until Hard Reboot

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Stefan van der Eijk

Dec 13, 2022, 2:17:11 AM12/13/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
I wouldn't accept their explanation. As you mentioned in your email,
the service was down from Dec 12 4:53AM UTC until 4:28PM UTC.
Rackspace only acknowledges an outage from 15:37 UTC to 16:53 UTC.
What happened between 4:53 and 15:57?

with kind regards, / met vriendelijke groet,

Stefan van der Eijk

with kind regards, / met vriendelijke groet,

Stefan van der Eijk

> To view this discussion on the web visit

Wireless Sensor Tags

Dec 13, 2022, 10:05:43 AM12/13/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
I checked both Web server log and Windows Event Viewer log.  Nothing was recorded (not even normal events which these log always contain every minute or so) from 4:52AM.  It is almost as if the entire machine was shutdown suddenly. 

Something like this never happened for the past 10+ years with Rackspace.   They always provided 2 week notice if they have to shutdown the server for hardware maintenance and always provided ways to avoid down time. 


Nov 17, 2023, 10:35:44 AM11/17/23
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Can you comment on your local URL calling experience?  I just got that working with my Hubitat (yay!) and then discovered that if I pull the internet connectivity off my router, the wireless tag stuff stops working.  This does make some sense - you can see logs of all url calls, whether local or cloud, via, so the cloud infrastructure at least knows about the calls.  And the Ethernet Tag Manager product page does explicitly say internet connection is required.

So - @Brian Powell, it sounds like you've found a way to get things working *without* the internet connectivity.  Can you say more?  Have you tried pulling internet access completely and still had success?

@Wireless Sensor Tags - is there capability in any way for the Tag Manager to make local network calls ("URL Call from Tag Manager: PRIVMSG") with *no* internet connectivity?  Is that a feature that's even realistic to request?

Tony Green

Nov 17, 2023, 7:02:21 PM11/17/23
to Tim, Wireless Sensor Tags
Tim - local url calling is working fine for me.  I simply ticked the ‘This URL uses private IP address box’.

The destination addresses are all 172.24.x.x so they it’s definitely not routing via

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Tim Curtin

Nov 17, 2023, 7:25:09 PM11/17/23
to Tony Green, Wireless Sensor Tags
Hi Tony!

I assumed that too, because the the urls are definitely internal only, but both my and Brian Powell's experience is that a connection to the internet is still required.  From what I can deduce, minus confirmation from Wireless Sensor Tag support, the choices you make for URL are stored only in the cloud.  (This makes sense since you can't sign into your tag manager directly.)  It appears that when the tag manager has to send a notification, it calls the cloud to get the url for that kind of notification, and the cloud sends back the url to use.  (Not sure if the cloud server would contact a non-local url, or the tag manager would do that too?)

To prove it to yourself, pull the internet cable out of your router or modem (or see Brian Powell's email with the hosts to block at your firewall) and see if the tags still report in.  All the local URL calls will stop until the internet comes back.

If that doesn't happen, and even without internet you still have local URLs being called, I'd love to know how your setup is different, because that's the behavior I was hoping for.


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