Server and Client Software Change Log

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Oct 9, 2014, 3:49:44 AM10/9/14
In this thread we will post detailed change log of the server and client software (iOS and android app), including those changes too minor for a blog article.

  • Adjusted tag manager transmission preamble length shorter, this has been shown to improve tag manager to tag communication reliability for some tag manager / tag combinations. If you had a problem when tag finishes beeping, it flashes more than once or twice (this is due to re-transmission of beep stopped event because acknowledgement from tag manager was not received by tag), this change will improve this. 
  • Fixed from server side, not correctly saving tag order after re-ordering from the Android and iOS app. You should notice tag order after re-ordering is correctly saved now. 
  • Fixed a bug introduced a week ago related to adding WeMo switches. 
  • Increased the robustness of Android app searching for WeMo switches on local network. You should see the green "Link WeMo" switch to show up if it did not show up before when you had WeMo switches. 
  • Disabled tag re-ordering on Android app due to performance issues. You can only re-order using mouse on a PC/Mac or from iOS app (gear icon->re-order tag) support

Oct 9, 2014, 5:22:08 PM10/9/14
10/9/14 support

Oct 22, 2014, 4:22:51 PM10/22/14
  • For the two wireless settings that are compatible with v1 tags, the preamble length was set too long, causing tags to not be able to receive acknowledgement packet from Tag manager in some cases, and resend temperature update many times. This has been fixed. This problem does not affect the default wireless setting for new systems consisting of only v2 (long range) tags. support

Mar 2, 2015, 3:16:20 PM3/2/15
Until now, we were keeping all temperature log data even for unassociated tags, so that if you use settings->undelete to bring unassociated tags back, you can still plot temperature graphs using data captured before the tag was unassociated.
Effective immediately, we will be permanently deleting any temperature/humidity data for tags unassociated more than 180 days ago. Purging old data like this from database should improve graph loading performance for everybody.

From now on, before you unassociate a tag, please be sure to download the temperature/humidity data captured (you can do this from more->temperature graph->download CSV) as a backup. 

If you have not done it, and the tags were unassociated less than 180 days ago, you can still undelete it, and download the CSV. support

Mar 11, 2015, 7:52:22 PM3/11/15
Starting today we have switched email sending server from WinHost to Elastic Email. In our tests, Elastic Email provides much shorter latency in email delivery. Notification emails will now come from If Elastic Email fails for some reason, old email sending server at WinHost will be used, in which case email will come from or

Cao Gadgets

Apr 2, 2015, 7:59:36 PM4/2/15
We have received multiple support requests about tag stopped working because battery getting drained quickly by user turning on LED light by mistake (and not turning off) and also turning on beep by mistake. 

Starting today we will automatically turn off LED light after 2 minutes even without user manually hitting the light OFF button as a precaution to save battery. We have determined that no user would want to keep the LED on for longer than 2 minutes and significantly shorten the battery life as a result (tag is not a lamp).  Of course, this only applies to actual tags not to WeMo and other linked 3rd party IoT devices.

Also, if you use "beep until stopped" command, the beeping will stop after 180 times even if you don't ever click the stop beep button. support

Feb 12, 2016, 3:20:46 PM2/12/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
We have improved the determination of "moved" event for regular 3D compass based wireless tags in motion detection mode. Now the "sensitivity" setting will be compared against the moved angle, e.g. at 50% sensitivity the tag must move by approx. 6 degrees for the moved event to trigger, at 90% sensitivity the angle will be less than 1 degrees. We believe this update will resolve most of magnetic noise induced false alarm in the moved event. However, if you have previously lowered the sensitivity significantly to reduce false alarm, the tag may fail to trigger moved event now for your application. We suggest that you perform some tests again to readjust your sensitivity setting. support

Mar 10, 2016, 6:56:04 PM3/10/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
We improved the persistence of KumoApp global variable with name starting with "$". Before we were saving entire Jurassic Javascript engine into disk when the app was stopped, this caused some kumoapp to encounter "using too much memory" "too much CPU" error after being stopped or started for many times (even if you don't restart it manually KumoApp engine restart will cause all KumoApp to go through this), possibly due to the highly complex nature of the Jurassic engine. 
Now we are saving only variables with name starting "$" in a more efficient way, and a new instance of Jurassic engine is created when you restart the app. This should eliminate the "too much memory" "too much CPU" problems, support

Apr 6, 2016, 8:50:32 PM4/6/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
iOS app version 2.7.0 bug:

This version contains a bug that causes error message to be displayed when opening the app from push notification message of tag events. If you click "Continue" the app will continue to function normally however it will not automatically update tag status until iPhone is back to home screen and app is opened to foreground again; or tag manager switch occurs. 

If you have 2.6.x installed please do not update to this version. 

Otherwise, please wait until 2.7.1 becomes available before installing this app. support

Sep 13, 2016, 7:26:23 PM9/13/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags

We have put online a new Wireless Tag Cloud architecture consisting of multiple database servers. This will remove the single bottleneck to scaling of our cloud platform that has been the SQL database. Instead of moving the SQL database to a larger server with more memory, CPU and disks, (which will create service interruption during the move, and will ultimately hit a limit,) with this architecture we can simply add more relatively small machines with own SQL databases as the number of Tags and Tag Managers grow. 

This will ensure very fast server response no matter how many people are using Wireless Tag. The newly added database server is "", which will run alongside "" All tag managers ship after September 14 will be hosted by the new server (until we add 3rd server). You will barely notice anything, as we have engineered the change to be as transparent as possible. However, if you use our API or refer to "" in your code, here is what you need to know:

  • All user accounts and tag manager accounts are automatically replicated on all servers, so you can login, create user account from tag manager, or add tag managers to your existing account, from any server. 
  • Mobile device tokens sent to the server when you login from the app, are also replicated, allowing the system to send you push notifications upon tag event regardless of the underlying server hosting the tag.
  • KumoApp code (not instance) are replicated to allow you to install the app you wrote anywhere. 
  • Everything else (tags, settings, logged events/data, etc) only resides on the database hosting the tag manager/tag. When you login or switch a tag manager from a client app, the ID of the database hosting the selected tag manager will be stored in the Cookie or your OAuth2 auth token. This allows the web server code to remotely retrieve data from the database hosting the selected tag manager, so most of the APIs on will work as they did before, even when acting on new tag managers hosted by This also makes IFTTT work no matter on which database the tag is hosted, because IFTTT uses OAuth2 to login.
  • However, APIs that do not require login, and only takes UUID of a tag, such as those in ethLogShared.asmx, will only be able to retrieve data for the tag it hosts. For example, you must use to access data from tag managers shipped after September 14. Simply login and click the "Share" button to find out which server to use. 
  • Even for APIs that require login or OAuth2, it is better to call their "local" versions, i.e. if your tag is hosted by call the API on that server for a faster response and avoiding unnecessary remote database connection. 
  • It is possible to add multiple tag managers hosted by different server under a single user account. You can even choose to view "All Tag Managers" from the drop down menu in this case and the app will get live data from each tag managers from their respective servers automatically. 
  • However, you are currently not able to view charts of tags hosted by different database server on one screen. (Of course if they are from different tag managers hosted by the same database, you can still plot them on one screen as before) If you need to do this let us know and we will move all your data to one database (or provide a user interface to allow people to do this on their own). 
  • There will be separate KumoApp engines running on each database server. They will never connect to remote database server and therefore can only work on tags hosted on the server. That is, you will only see KumoApps installed under, and when configuring the KumoApp will be only able to choose tags hosted by, the server hosting the currently selected tag manager. support

Sep 23, 2016, 12:09:49 AM9/23/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
For those customers who plan to add tag managers purchased after September 14 to their account that contains tag managers shipped before that date (hence connects to by default), you may notice that IFTTT triggers and actions will only work on (and allows you to select) tags on either or (depending on your currently selected tag manager) but not on both. 

 We realize that this is going to be a serious limitation, (you will have to create separate account for the new tag manager at and at IFTTT if you want your recipes to work for all tags simultaneously, which is quite a hassle.)  Therefore we have developed a tool that is triggered manually by you to move all data of any of your old tag manager hosted by to  Not only will all of your tag managers be on the new server so you don't have to create two accounts at wirelesstag and at IFTTT, but because the new server is faster and has fewer users, all the temperature charts will load much faster. 

Because there are so many types of data and scenarios, and we don't want to miss anything, we need to spend a lot of time testing this tool. But if you are already experiencing the above problem and would like to try this tool as soon as possible, please let us know. support

Sep 23, 2016, 1:53:01 AM9/23/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags

To run this tool, first login to

If the currently selected tag manager is in, you will be redirected back to but you are still already logged in to

Fill in serial number of the tag manager to move in below URL and open it. 

Depending on how many data you have, it may take up to 30 minutes. 

If there is an error causing it to end prematurely, you can run it again by refreshing the page (don't refresh the page until you see an error and the page stops loading!) and the tool will avoid creating any duplicate database entries as much as possible. 


Sep 26, 2016, 3:13:09 PM9/26/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Hi Support

I have now successfully moved all of my 3 tag Managers over to the .net servers and the speed is fantastic. I have 45 tags on one Manager alone and now the graphs load instantly. Kumoapps now works better and iphone app loads results and updates faster. Well done to the Support team for all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to make this product, in my option, the very best out there.


Cao Gadgets

Sep 26, 2016, 9:58:31 PM9/26/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Hi All:

I want to repeat the following:

If there is an error causing it to end prematurely, you can run it again by refreshing the page (don't refresh the page until you see an error and the page stops loading!) 

If the tool runs all the way to the end, you should see something like:

"Done moving tag manager XXXXX and its 9 tags from to"

If you see some kind of 

"Error: ...."

Then the tool finished prematurely (due to too many people using it at the same time if the error is "Query timeout expired" etc or, maybe due to deficiency in the tool which we fix as the error reports come in)
In that case, please rerun the URL at later time. 

Cao Gadgets

Sep 27, 2016, 12:30:37 AM9/27/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Also, I wanted to point out that when you are running this tool, you need to close all apps (iOS, Android or Web interface) or the tool will end prematurely because the app will hold a lock on the tag data records on
If you got error like "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_eth_TagsComet_eth_Tags" it is caused by having a open app somewhere. Simply close the app and run again later. At this stage where you get this error, it probably does not really matter as all of your data is already moved and tag manager rebooted. The error is only telling you that the last bit of data on (which was already copied) could not be deleted because an app was holding lock on it. 

Cao Gadgets

Sep 27, 2016, 12:35:14 AM9/27/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
We are temporarily suspending use of this tool because it was putting too much load on the old database causing other problems. 


Dec 1, 2016, 6:31:04 PM12/1/16
to Wireless Sensor Tags
tellme more about moving your tag manager over to the .net server... please.

pitmmam pit

May 9, 2017, 5:21:40 PM5/9/17
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Hi support

I have a bit question about select several tag managers at the same time.

How do I can select several tag managers without loss information from my apps (clients/request api-rest)?

I have several customers with your own tag manager making request to api-rest but every time that my  apps make a request at the same time the response for every app is an array empty.

I use the next endpoints to make request:

1) I do a select from my app the tag manager of my client with

2) Then I request by the data of my app client with

someone that advise me about how to do it?

best regards.

Zhiheng Cao

May 9, 2017, 7:05:47 PM5/9/17
to pitmmam pit, Wireless Sensor Tags
Use   and specify the UUID of the tag, which will not require the correct tag manager be selected. Of course the tag must belong to one of the tag managers added to your account. 

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Abdul Rehman

Oct 12, 2017, 7:54:07 AM10/12/17
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Hi Support,
I want to store data in my own data base. Is there any way for doing this?

Mark Otway

Oct 12, 2017, 8:05:48 AM10/12/17
to Abdul Rehman, Wireless Sensor Tags
Currently, there doesn't appear to be any way to have the data pushed directly from the Tag Manager into any sort of local (non-cloud) storage, nor have I found any intention of their being so. However, you can write code to pull the data out of the WirelessTag servers and then write it to a DB of your choice; I've done that in my project here, using ElasticSearch to collect the data.

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Oct 18, 2017, 11:29:12 PM10/18/17
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply. I need to fetch the latest data and use it daily. Can I do that with this method?
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Mark Otway

Oct 19, 2017, 12:21:00 AM10/19/17
to E.Eng, Wireless Sensor Tags

Yep. My process runs every 30 minutes, and pulls down and new data in that period. It could run more frequently but I don't need it to and the tags are only updating every 15 minutes so it wouldn't make that much difference.

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Sep 8, 2018, 6:17:57 PM9/8/18
to Wireless Sensor Tags
We have recently made a change in the KumoApp engine to improve reliability. 
The event handlers registered inside another event handler is no longer going to work.  You must register event handlers at the start of the app, i.e. in the top level of the app, and outside of any event handler. 

During the reboot of the KumoApp engine, some KumoApps that are intended to be executed only once may have been automatically executed by mistake.  Some KumoApps that you have enabled recently but did not trigger may have been turned off by mistake.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 
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Sep 22, 2018, 11:14:59 AM9/22/18
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Now on Web interface / Android app, like you already can in the iOS app, on the top screen, click/tap any of the temperature display (next to the signal bars) to cycle if temperature (default), humidity/soil moisture, last update time (e.g. "x min ago"), or battery voltage for all tags are displayed there.  

This is similar to the iPhone built-in "stock price" app, where you can tap the box next to the symbol to cycle what data is displayed in the list. 

When you cycle to "last update time" and "battery" mode, you can check the health of all of your the tags at one glance. We find this very helpful during our own use.  

Message has been deleted

eddie t

Mar 8, 2019, 8:28:57 PM3/8/19
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Is this change log still being updated?
Where are the details about the following changes:
- 4 sec Response Time no longer available
- Tag manager mode no longer available on web/Android only on iPhone

I've observed changed behaviours and some functions not working like they did before.  More details and graphs about degraded battery wear in this post

Wireless Sensor Tag Support

Mar 14, 2019, 12:18:37 PM3/14/19
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Sorry about the lack of updates. Here are some of the changes since last update:

- In web interface, the hamburger icon to download graph as PDF or image feature was greatly improved. Now the width/height of the PDF and image is not fixed to a small value but adjusted by the browser window. If you need a large PDF / image simply resize your browser window.  
- The download file name also now has meaningful info (rather than just "chart.pdf").  
- The legend in downloaded file sometimes get overlapped due to large font being used for readability in print. This was fixed. 
- In Android app, now you can sign out completely by clicking the "Forget Saved Password".  This is a response to a request by a customer who wants to install the app on people's phone so they can receive tag push notifications but not be able to login to change settings. 
- The tags are now programmed to respond faster for subsequent user commands issued within 2 minutes after the first command. This improves user experience without reducing battery life (as tag is back to low power mode after the 2 minutes) You have to unassociate/re-associate or change special option to have this take effect, as the programming is in the flash memory. 
- Fixed an issue when Outdoor Probe Thermocouple automatically switches from DS18B20 to thermocouple mode. This is sometimes caused by device automatically rebooting. 

Wireless Sensor Tag Support

Oct 1, 2019, 2:24:52 PM10/1/19
to Wireless Sensor Tags

Improvement of Radio Connectivity

Over the past several weeks, using only returned tags/sensors from customers who had "out of range" problem, we have identified some causes and extensive internal testing shows promising results. 

These "out of range" problem is quite rare, but when they happen, it if often when there are large number (10+) tags associated with a tag manager, and one or two of the tags have slight issues with the "frequency synthesizer" inside the radio IC, which causes it to "lose lock" due to a variety of reasons.  Once this happens, these one or two tags will go out of range first because the receive/transmit frequency will be inaccurate.  At the same time, because of the inaccurate transmit frequency,  it will "confuse" most of the other tags that would not otherwise go "out of range" without these one or two bad tags, causing them to eventually go out of range. The radio modulation is FM, so one can guess that inaccurate frequency may shift the bits to be received, causing a tag to tag manager transmission normally ignored by tags, to appears as tag manager to tag transmission. 

With a firmware update to re-calibrate the "frequency synthesizer", and eventually reset the entire radio IC when a tag does not get ACK from its periodic update, we can detect this "lose lock" issue happening and correct it behind the scene. The firmware will also periodically (every 4 hour) re-calibrate the "frequency synthesizer" when the tag is out of range, as a way to resolve an "out of range" tag not being able to reconnect when brought back in range, without removing/reinserting battery. 

For PRO/USB type sensor tags with internal memory,  we see tags getting stuck in uploading state problem and new firmware significantly improves this.  The stuck at "uploading 0/0" state is happens when a tag receives ping from the tag manager, then tells the tag manager there is data to upload (sends what we call "metadata", that includes timestamp and number of data-point etc), but fails to receive ACK from tag manager that it receives "metadata".  A tag will re-transmit if it were other types of event, but intentionally we do not make tag re-transmit metadata because we want to make sure the connection is reliable (i.e. ACK is received from just a single transmission by the tag) before starting data upload.  So, in the stuck at "uploading 0/0" state, the tag is still completely in local storage mode collecting data and storing in local memory, as if no ping is received from the tag manager, so there is no data loss.  

The stuck at "updating xx/yy" state where xx < yy happens when tag starts upload, but failed to receive ACK for one of the data packet (because another tag might be transmitting at the same instant).  The tag will start "exponential back-off" i.e. wait for increasingly longer time before re-transmitting the packet, to allow the other tag a chance to transmit.   Data collection is paused during this, because "metadata" is already ACKed by the tag manager and it cannot be changed with newly collected data.  

This "exponential back-off" is what causes the stuck at "updating xx/yy" issue.  Now in new firmware, another "update now" or ping from the tag manager will immediately cause the tag to resume upload. A new server algorithm now detects both the stuck at 0/0 and stuck at xx/yy state, and automatically sends the "update now" if tag stays in that state for a minute or longer.   As a result you should notice these stuck states less often. 

We collected customer returned tags with out of range issues, first without updating the firmware, reproduced the out of range in our lab (which happens within hours), then loaded the new firmware, and let them run for days to verify no more out of range issue or stuck at "updating ..." issue.  The out of range issue is completely gone, until the battery eventually dies. 

When placed inside freezer that are in different floor of the tag manager, the range is marginal so we sometimes see the "updating ... " state.  We then just open the fridge/freezer door,  hit the "update now" in app, and the tag uploads all the data within a couple of seconds.  

Furthermore, with the new firmware, it seems the frequency is generally more accurate, and one can keep the tag manager in "narrowband" mode with less issues. With the narrowband mode, we indeed see the tags in fridge can upload data better.  A tag inside fridge would say "tag did not respond this time..." when hitting "update now" if tag manager is in "wideband", after changing to "narrowband" and hitting the "update now" button causes the tag to be able to upload locally stored data. 

We are excited that these improvements may allow our product to have more applications. 

We encourage if you have had these out of range or stuck at uploading issue, to contact support or directly mail back the tags to

Cao Gadgets 
Attn: update firmware order #[your 5 digit order number]
50 Tesla
Irvine, CA 92618

Within one week after receiving, we will update the new firmware and send back by first class mail free of charge.

Jul 20, 2020, 12:45:10 PM7/20/20
to Wireless Sensor Tags

I put two tags on different doors to check the motion of main door/bedroom door. I have one tag manager, I need to extract continuously data from their respective server or cloud. How can I extract the data? Any API or any script? Please let me know. Thanks!

On Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 2:49:44 AM UTC-5, Wireless Sensor Tag Support wrote:
In this thread we will post detailed change log of the server and client software (iOS and android app), including those changes too minor for a blog article.

  • Adjusted tag manager transmission preamble length shorter, this has been shown to improve tag manager to tag communication reliability for some tag manager / tag combinations. If you had a problem when tag finishes beeping, it flashes more than once or twice (this is due to re-transmission of beep stopped event because acknowledgement from tag manager was not received by tag), this change will improve this. 
  • Fixed from server side, not correctly saving tag order after re-ordering from the Android and iOS app. You should notice tag order after re-ordering is correctly saved now. 
  • Fixed a bug introduced a week ago related to adding WeMo switches. 
  • Increased the robustness of Android app searching for WeMo switches on local network. You should see the green "Link WeMo" switch to show up if it did not show up before when you had WeMo switches. 
  • Disabled tag re-ordering on Android app due to performance issues. You can only re-order using mouse on a PC/Mac or from iOS app (gear icon->re-order tag)

Zhiheng Cao

Jul 20, 2020, 4:04:30 PM7/20/20
to, Wireless Sensor Tags
This thread is not the right place to ask this question.  If you want to learn about recent update log of the iOS or Android app you can find them in the app store pages:
The server has been very stable needing only regular maintenance, except for updates as response to changes in services we integrate (e.g. Google Home, Apple push notification, Wemo, IFTTT connect etc).  

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Michael Gochis

Jan 10, 2022, 5:02:13 PM1/10/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Is this still happening? I recently purchased 5 of the USB sensors and all 5 of them are experiencing the same issues explained above. They'll lose connection and go "out of range" until I physically unplug and plug them back in. Thank you. 


Jan 11, 2022, 9:14:38 AM1/11/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
I had this yesterday with one of Mine

Wireless Sensor Tag Support

Jun 2, 2022, 1:56:10 AM6/2/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
Today we fixed a server side bug that must had affected quite a lot of customers.  All tags / sensors that used 13-bit temp/humidity sensor were affected in that the "Update Now" button does not cause the sensor to read the current temperature and humidity (the sensors were sending them, but the server was throwing away these data).  Since this bug did not affect Outdoor Probes or External Power Sensors that were under active development, it took a very long time for us to realize that the bug was there. 
With this fix,  you can test the response time of the sensor by hitting the Update button repeatedly instead of waiting for the sensor to update per the record interval. 

Wireless Sensor Tag Support

Jul 6, 2022, 11:54:29 AM7/6/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
The IFTTT "updated" trigger stopped working since a while ago when IFTTT transitioned Wireless Tag service / channel to real time only (per our request).  We forgot to take into account that the "updated" trigger was not using the IFTTT real time API to reduce network traffic. 

We just fixed the "updated" trigger, now it will run when 12 or more data points are captured.  This achieves our goal to reduce network traffic (by buffering 12 data points) while allowing reasonable usefulness of applets such as logging data to Google Spreadsheet through IFTTT. 

Wireless Sensor Tags

Jul 23, 2022, 3:54:31 PM7/23/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
There has been a bug affecting Outdoor Probe Thermocouple in k-type thermocouple mode, that prevented locally stored temperature data to be uploaded. This did not affect the same product with DS18B20 probe connected.  

This bug has just been fixed.  Now the Outdoor Probe Thermocouple can be used without connecting any probe, either k-type or DS18B20, to online and offline record ambient temperature to be later uploaded.  
The internal temperature sensors (TI's ADS1118) in Outdoor Probe Thermocouple is higher quality than those in Tag Pro/External Power (HTU21DF). This combined with IP68 water proofing allows the most reliable temperature logging inside fridge/freezer. 
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Zhiheng Cao

Aug 10, 2022, 11:10:45 PM8/10/22
to Wireless Sensor Tags
We recently fixed a server side bug affecting Outdoor Probe Protimeter (Wood Moisture Equivalent, or WME) that caused WME to be displayed as 0% after the sensor updates. This has been only a display issue and did not cause loss of captured WME and temperature data that are displayed in graph and Trends page. 

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