Towards WinPython 2022-01

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Feb 13, 2022, 1:53:49 PM2/13/22
to WinPython

The WinPython 2022-01 build1 is out for a release  around end march 2022.

This cycle aims to:
- provide a WinPython-3.10 with the full usual package list,
- upgrade to Jupyterlab-3.3, 
- a more complete PyPy release.
- provide PySide6 into all releases of WinPython
Changes from WinPython 2021-05:
- Infrastructure:
  - back to PySide6 as the target
- New Packages:
  - more package available for Python-3.10:  Torch nightly, vitables, botorch, umap-learn
- Upgraded Packages:
   - Pandas-1.4.1, SciPy-1.8.0, Statsmodels-0.13.2,
   - Jupyterlab-3.2.9,
   - PySide6-6.2.3, Spyder-5.3.0dev (hoping it will ease efforts to make them speak)
   - PyArrow-7.0.0, fastparquet-0.8.0
- variation per version:
Areas of particular interest for testers:
- solving Spyder/PySide6 incompatibility (Spyder can't boot, yet it can work with PySide2, so nothing impossible)
- torch nightly on Python-3.10
Next build effort:
- looking for Torch-1.11 closer to final for Python-3.10
- hoping for Spyder progress on PySide6

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                        
89de46b3f47e7715225ae03fa6c517a2 | 2e295d6998d47a106fe6129f7dfbf4db3b288033 | 027c9e3f6cf8b4216529d9f15b55356a8b36f9551d24c5e456dd3b2c2eeef35e | Winpython64-       |   26 867 649 Bytes | 41b86bc9c9fe019c72e49008700dfab048a9b2217c12c40075b139d72d5eee92
ffe8c397f9599f4d2db88d5527bde0a3 | 8ba201dbbb24fa8059837d44b6133171184cadc6 | f38d29110c5e808d45e76e5e81ba173837346879dd7e151687aaf1aab5d74a3b | Winpython32-       |   25 634 805 Bytes | 88f899a6f360242854760960a67759a9ab3141e091043d6ad66c793ff7d1fb41
49a310f874a29042af704ea1256e5d2b | 865bddc71ded7b518c9349380095e0e15c4ae6b6 | 11d549592e40149c1640fc65dfac3c93da7825e8b3870503fc5cadb5ef84e7f2 | Winpython64-          |  812 739 902 Bytes | e6d31020f18889a050205fab89ee7196d63b1fbd33d8bfa8524fbfeac883f665


Mar 27, 2022, 2:13:08 PM3/27/22
to WinPython

The WinPython 2022-01 build2 is out

Revisited target delivery is:
- when Spyder-5.3.0 is out and well, installed in its pure standard wheel form,
- PyPy-3.9 and numba-0.56 are far 

Changes from WinPython 2022-01 build1:
- Infrastructure:
  - nodejs-16.14.2
  - Python-3.10.4 ~~3.10.3~~
  - PyPy-3.8-7.3.9a0
- New Packages:
- Upgraded Packages:
   - Torch-1.11.0, Jupyterlab-3.3.2,
   - Spyder-5.3.0dev (still not compatible with PySide6 nor PyQt6, but reaches PyQt5-5.15 official compatibility)
- variation per version:
Areas of particular interest for testers:
- Spyder-5.3.0dev-20220326
Next build effort:
- Spyder-5.3.0 final,
- in an unpredictible timeline, so may be skipped
  - a PyPy with PySide6-6.3.0
  - numba-0.56

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                        
0bf91502565d5c4a3d6ba5ff68a91035 | 157ed8e2f4874b3a25c83d6465dfe903f46e6032 | 195cdf28957e40b1741a165e1c07d6215d45f71e759386f46a71da6d6de2ef01 | Winpython64-     |   27 162 780 Bytes | e25333d8f21d6bcfb14c1e1583490aa09d4bb92ecba7892c76068f4386854209
c7305128c557da9865b0c8bd7accc833 | 9c51102ab2fdc5edc18cf7711f10034096e6b9f8 | c84ff92b8a5d1c8296a46fdff28212d2963c267a227cf8ad8c697a59bd890fdf | Winpython32-     |   25 938 161 Bytes | be3c4c0e7e4854ac1e26b343dc97ed24c1bee2f25c8acc8447ac0d8663c0d427
93e651aa9cd0218bcab13ebb9f735b8c | fdae826d80aad8aa5c7acac209c7b23c60dbe2dc | b7535cee19d41af72677e59f88cd1930c29e35fc1287344a401e3c4d9f32352b | Winpython64-        |  790 810 736 Bytes | 713ef2e145a57ae35f1f39c972688fc8f33d9dc93091e5ec72706975424986f1


Apr 24, 2022, 4:26:09 PM4/24/22
to WinPython

The WinPython 2022-01 build3 is out ! 

Changes from WinPython 2022-01 b2:
- Infrastructure:
   - PyPy-3.8-7.3.9 final
- New Packages:
   - PySide-6.3.0 for PyPy
   - pygad (genetic algorithm experience)
- Upgraded Packages:
   - Jupyterlab-3.3.4,
   - Spyder-5.3.0
- variation per version:
   - PyPy variant uses PySide6, has no Torch or Numba, (but is a JIT Python implementation, the next efficiency frontier)
   - Python variant uses PyQt5 (to have Spyder natively, until spyder works with PySide6)
   - "dot" versions contain nearly zero packages.

Areas of particular interest for testers:
- PySide-6.3.0 for PyPy and other Qt packages (Qtconsole, Pyzo, ..) have integration problems on Windows, maybe easy papercuts to fix
   - for example PyQtGraph [call to the enthousiast fixers army]( )

Next build effort:
- fixes to PySide6/Qt stack on PyPy environment,
- WinPython Build clean-up,
- "student classroom" documentation effort

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                        
35c63fd4b5041385aa919fc227b4cf59 | c7269588f10ec3d28788f5474e6e161df7b4539f | def7a9ec69baad02c15f3b22146ad67c863dba94363d6783ed11092054a6f593 | Winpython64- |   27 069 779 Bytes | 5c6318cd6a327b59e7f31971db76248ca029705608788eb4d5db473426cab211
6a121137ed0cb8806e6668cc2f707cdd | eeb8fa279fd679596968f5a2eef9f37e3fda5b97 | 57dd0ccf8ce9b4d2a08b7a4bf56c8df6a5bd10d0bb6358988e263345ac31ca4f | Winpython64-     |   27 238 642 Bytes | ebfa27da76361607ca91335d369afd631889c78742f3898e90698e79f86857ff
62bbff757bf43bf5e05dfeea82e21f29 | e68507e93d2b09ffa8e06a9fb5dee30861197657 | d48a780800c56df6c94932550e877e2d01d8be2b7b27d540c8c1c13fcc687fd6 | Winpython32-     |   26 014 323 Bytes | 7e6eec0c3053968b96163891bf5e6d1194c67830939e4436334dfb6dc14e8271
7ad75f78c37a940d28c495716d64cf51 | b48234c42414c22a66af0c0551af531e18f60384 | 810ce80ded719b03c8991938252c6afbc0cb8225d05c30d297e11c9f911f5ee2 | Winpython64-    |  673 287 524 Bytes | 0483a2d1f7db514eec76a57920301b2d5bb3b912a4cbe11cb6ac7753d087b728
102f58f137e0892977fdd0a07a8f8b69 | eae629a2b46164e4cb26532fe9d54f1ae7f9e15f | 53b4c49af2daa8800bd94fe9a0ca2496ba16988d2e13680b5bee9e0de6056aea | Winpython64-        |  793 766 046 Bytes | 4352bcc1dc13b4c6a14ef70eba223d87eba6df9c826b6238f994f3744f01b735


May 2, 2022, 1:32:14 PM5/2/22
to WinPython
Hello WinPython 2022-01 rc is out !

From initial plan:
- we traded PySide6 for Qt5-5.15 in Python-3.10 to get a "standard" and upgradable Spyder,
- PySide6-6.3 nevertheless made it to PyPy-3.8 and bug squashing parties within the Qt packages community can happen,.

rc binaries will be re-tagged as final in a few days if no major issue is discovered (and resolved).

Changes from WinPython 2022-01 b3:
- New Packages:
   - deap (genetic algorithm)
   - Django
- Upgraded Packages:
   - fastAPI (with an example of Flaks / FastAPI / Django solving the same problem)
   - fastai-2.6.3 for Python-3.10

- variation per version:
   - PyPy variant uses PySide6, has no Torch or Numba, (but is a JIT Python implementation, the next efficiency frontier)
   - Python variant uses PyQt5 (to have Spyder natively, until spyder works with PySide6)
   - "dot" versions contain nearly zero packages
   - please note that PyPy / PySide6 ecosystem is brand new, so in ironing out problems phase.

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                        
95e819597c5818a4fcff147b9ce6a99e | 0fa05795b825fcf1da40cd663232c7d5f08cbf3c | 1392f19ebe51faeeaf361f0712356b94a0c18333fc37998425c76791efc99fd8 | Winpython64-     |   27 238 910 Bytes | 7fe53ff86b66b3507672ff95186feeea858e352bdbc46b1618532ef2ec355b97
154ed6d36a666e4183730bbc7bdba523 | c7a999cca14ff66748c9dcc4d14e0927bc13a795 | 644c435bdc234d9b7e5fa4f34cc30d16bc0ee7cae46377da8f3d264d38c37263 | Winpython32-     |   26 014 914 Bytes | b86f14bee5517f351959b0a65f44e0c2bb05312e4a7b0f18ee213e0fcfcc8ae2
9bd5be2f6871b5160296f750f9e09d94 | 9ebd35edf2fbadec4c1aaf8bfa17fa80265b6eeb | 478372b1cffad26ddba5fcb00635be441a1936fdeeb2956d5790d0867c5e46fd | Winpython64- |   27 085 897 Bytes | 61c8cdbb6c40b9cd3a3e1f8ecb3ad157d3066de68ec3d497f9f62e1ddb0ef7c9
e5fb40eb047bf554bcbd8f404b7d1c8c | d0ecf697bb44898ce319bdd8e1c90a4821435af4 | 6d8a1019ba8ad425fb67edde7a629a3177dd29e03c3daafe0c0c139645dc1b0f | Winpython64-    |  676 889 530 Bytes | c5978332bffb545fda114d5c772fb3459245ec4c6c30a2d33838f44274ab385f
c69faaa09b1b899577cf1631acfe9e69 | 33130e513535fbb61faa28ba73a1acc94fdcc5f7 | 5dfd616e1eb129c4afd11089c137aabb37a5959b1ae1f3d01a5341b3f4805a2b | Winpython64-        |  801 723 867 Bytes | 534fcbfe4c88bbfccd3340cff783eeb19b49abb4faef0cd569d1a8c6e279aa2e

 details at


May 3, 2022, 2:44:47 PM5/3/22
to WinPython
  Hello WinPython 2022-01 rc2 is out !

Complement and re-spin from initial rc:
- Infrastructure:
  - add a Winpython-3.10 BLAS variant, that removes MKL and  Torch, to be 200 Mo smaller
- Packages removal:
  - Django, as it has unexpected side-effects in Jupyterlab

- variation per version:
   - PyPy variant has PySide6, no Torch or Numba, (but is a JIT Python implementation, the next efficiency frontier)
   - Blas variant has  PyQt5 and Spyder, no MKL nor Torch
   - default (biggest) version has  PyQt5, Syder, MKL and Torch
   - "dot" versions contain nearly zero packages

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                        
95e819597c5818a4fcff147b9ce6a99e | 0fa05795b825fcf1da40cd663232c7d5f08cbf3c | 1392f19ebe51faeeaf361f0712356b94a0c18333fc37998425c76791efc99fd8 | Winpython64-     |   27 238 910 Bytes | 7fe53ff86b66b3507672ff95186feeea858e352bdbc46b1618532ef2ec355b97
154ed6d36a666e4183730bbc7bdba523 | c7a999cca14ff66748c9dcc4d14e0927bc13a795 | 644c435bdc234d9b7e5fa4f34cc30d16bc0ee7cae46377da8f3d264d38c37263 | Winpython32-     |   26 014 914 Bytes | b86f14bee5517f351959b0a65f44e0c2bb05312e4a7b0f18ee213e0fcfcc8ae2
9bd5be2f6871b5160296f750f9e09d94 | 9ebd35edf2fbadec4c1aaf8bfa17fa80265b6eeb | 478372b1cffad26ddba5fcb00635be441a1936fdeeb2956d5790d0867c5e46fd | Winpython64- |   27 085 897 Bytes | 61c8cdbb6c40b9cd3a3e1f8ecb3ad157d3066de68ec3d497f9f62e1ddb0ef7c9
15e69aeac0aee7c8371874da08e36350 | e8d8a241d1a887e80ebd4fd4dd67bd29ea23979a | 0a379c8a8d09ff083fd9a7b5cdb30d60d4446efaefdccae71f67f0602222f636 | Winpython64-   |  588 926 769 Bytes | 28b4bccc46179eebf971a59f0b8aca97f894ad9cc14a359c6170c14bfafea31a
5759ac25156174ee1ad02afa2991357c | ba495c787ec432eb572124d96b4773102d4ce274 | c4f2ac9b326df4b9c2dcf31edd8bb1f5329cd2c7e5ba4c6fbab8fcdc019e2132 | Winpython64-       |  805 194 942 Bytes | 9d2f7256bca12bbc540a514f7948dcebb5ddf5d366f581caa4abd8e37f2da02a
6d9714a923f6e96350e9a5a29bc2be22 | 5becd78d61872bfa6dc4452d6ec3cfd5fcd4ae70 | 975fd43430f7373246731dc5eae1549944c1755f4de077aacd9d2d8af6d2d241 | Winpython64-   |  672 300 425 Bytes | fc9552d0cb3dafef09aa95ce7cf8326163631e0ead0623a018b8430efb555305

rc2 binaries will be re-tagged as final in a few days if no other major issue is discovered (and resolved).


May 7, 2022, 6:29:00 AM5/7/22
to WinPython

rc2 binaries are now re-tagged as final.

Next release will focus on:
- PyPy-3.9 with better PySide6 experience, (Speed)
- an half-size WinPython,  (Flexibility)
- exploring what pyodide/jupyterlite/pyscript do allow (Reach)

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                        
95e819597c5818a4fcff147b9ce6a99e | 0fa05795b825fcf1da40cd663232c7d5f08cbf3c | 1392f19ebe51faeeaf361f0712356b94a0c18333fc37998425c76791efc99fd8 | Winpython64-       |   27 238 910 Bytes | 7fe53ff86b66b3507672ff95186feeea858e352bdbc46b1618532ef2ec355b97
154ed6d36a666e4183730bbc7bdba523 | c7a999cca14ff66748c9dcc4d14e0927bc13a795 | 644c435bdc234d9b7e5fa4f34cc30d16bc0ee7cae46377da8f3d264d38c37263 | Winpython32-       |   26 014 914 Bytes | b86f14bee5517f351959b0a65f44e0c2bb05312e4a7b0f18ee213e0fcfcc8ae2
9bd5be2f6871b5160296f750f9e09d94 | 9ebd35edf2fbadec4c1aaf8bfa17fa80265b6eeb | 478372b1cffad26ddba5fcb00635be441a1936fdeeb2956d5790d0867c5e46fd | Winpython64-   |   27 085 897 Bytes | 61c8cdbb6c40b9cd3a3e1f8ecb3ad157d3066de68ec3d497f9f62e1ddb0ef7c9
15e69aeac0aee7c8371874da08e36350 | e8d8a241d1a887e80ebd4fd4dd67bd29ea23979a | 0a379c8a8d09ff083fd9a7b5cdb30d60d4446efaefdccae71f67f0602222f636 | Winpython64-      |  588 926 769 Bytes | 28b4bccc46179eebf971a59f0b8aca97f894ad9cc14a359c6170c14bfafea31a
5759ac25156174ee1ad02afa2991357c | ba495c787ec432eb572124d96b4773102d4ce274 | c4f2ac9b326df4b9c2dcf31edd8bb1f5329cd2c7e5ba4c6fbab8fcdc019e2132 | Winpython64-          |  805 194 942 Bytes | 9d2f7256bca12bbc540a514f7948dcebb5ddf5d366f581caa4abd8e37f2da02a
6d9714a923f6e96350e9a5a29bc2be22 | 5becd78d61872bfa6dc4452d6ec3cfd5fcd4ae70 | 975fd43430f7373246731dc5eae1549944c1755f4de077aacd9d2d8af6d2d241 | Winpython64-      |  672 300 425 Bytes | fc9552d0cb3dafef09aa95ce7cf8326163631e0ead0623a018b8430efb555305

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