Towards WinPython 2021-03

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May 10, 2021, 2:29:53 PM5/10/21
to WinPython
The WinPython 2021-03 build1 is out for a release  end june 2021.

This cycle aims to:
- introduce a PyPy3 branch, with PyPy (a JIT Python) instead of  cPython inside,
- publish a big Python-3.10 beta branch,
- continue on Jupyterlab journey with Jupyterlab-3.1,
- Push on Data Engineering, Web technology, Integrated ML
- Explore Qt-6 options.

Changes from WinPython 2021-02:
- Infrastructure: 
  - Python-7.3.10 on PyPy3-7.3.5**rc2** 
  - Python-3.8.10, Python-3.9.5, 
  - Python-3.10.0b1, 
  - pip-21.1.1
- New Packages: 
  - matplotlib_inline-0.1.2   
- Upgraded Packages: 
  - VSCode-
  - Matplotlib-3.4.2, scikit_learn-0.24.2, scipy-1.6.3, xarray-0.18.0
- variation per version:
  - no Qt nor ML nor Jupyter package in PyPy3 versions yet,
  - Pytorch in standard branch only,
  - portable VSCode in "cod" branch only. (but you can copy the "\t\cod" directory from one to the other)
Areas of particular interest for testers:
- Winpython version pypy3  (in there, type pypy3 instead of python to call the interpreter)
- python-3.10.0b1

- a big PyPy3 distro was build, but without the "Jupyter" nor "Qt" nor "cython" packages yet it was felt too much incomplete ... so it will wait next round, as "you never have a second chance to make a first impression".

Thanks to the <detail> markdown tag, you can see a full detail of Build1 packages  in

## hash codes 

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
31e370ecd303fe216ba682383e3ec39a | d2ad834d2d09a28028247fc6ecb569e8815faf7a | 041a2452c111e4ad0a357607c5dd7c0fe3b2469b349591d7ec0e8dfcff55e2e1 | Winpython64- |   25 227 738 Bytes | 1fd39b18a97475e3fb704ffae13b2f12689cc1534df329eaa9faea2b6dbed4a1
f47e31fe14e06fc07686a89977510d1b | 28877b620a3be335b00e15a15b4a3d07b9dda4ee | 7fae6acbb7a6ffe2294536951d4850db02721904e4141a1720f41f277a6e3d02 | Winpython64-     |   25 312 328 Bytes | 37cfd3898435903cee3815014f93278eac32404afdcf59334e8e9eb741f756db
2afe7c7d321ddcda41d071e0fbbc3fb3 | dc6bac28032d3f81b2907ae89f1b50cb10510994 | 9d565e42cbc79896655e9e404a2f53555bbf7313d0fc557b8e4c8e296e2960f3 | Winpython32-     |   24 165 653 Bytes | 37d057821687bb1ef156e627a265307f31e17f73b0757a2eb93484965e23bf7e
2519be9e3a21a7a9c3e8a0bca64fb2f2 | 19499a35073e26cfd9773c9e7858893319348530 | 477c49f5672be7d0c52da29eedc16d51a86176155d2a638c8307004348065ac7 | Winpython64-      |   25 769 633 Bytes | 996cdc62e7ead9f9549e50184b7418dca45a67bf5c0bb17b6a897afb2e454188
e49e5ca2aa10d11e7b658d9f41fc257f | 11782dac1c9aef33abd650a5f3343525edd7672e | e61d605863b369d7cacfa217d13880a8d569142c873c00170e1ca8814c890a92 | Winpython32-      |   24 628 742 Bytes | 8ca72db3cfce740b50cbe73c3bb35d0a5c321b503c0db11cea9ce14e0a410b5d
d7d0e339401a1b2a8aa0abb8bdb4c301 | e88a69f88e72659dddcccddffe8986e658c5f4bf | aad0cb1014ee1c3ca587c23fd540a6f4678582d95c942f5a42747693766443c1 | Winpython64-     |   25 483 649 Bytes | af8451aa2cd2b48823f1268b0c75a138dcd0bd0870c8bf0e35e2bb1699dd7aa9
c7e23565fb3c4819393107b8c9c28fc6 | e264c537cb7e5f4bcba399601056748a49be7457 | 6a07429ca93fd7d26300ab040697f816c97047516149271b9684f3a508a0b431 | Winpython32-     |   24 359 135 Bytes | 325d6cbd1c6b31c14a54549ce2ccd34efd7e244174fcd2384e3fe5dec3bc3591
549edac709087cde8e4089b73e923aaf | 1b5caff040d2ee07a9e55132ce6749f62e6abdcb | a30bc7e2d0ab1907dd4f946a7e0d5dab0da236baa9f9cdf754c24f3f37c27345 | Winpython64-         |  762 936 079 Bytes | 78b31d1aad33b9aa2b2e32266e672f0df37395ce3505a019ae95175fd74d4817


May 23, 2021, 1:46:49 PM5/23/21
to WinPython

The WinPython 2021-03 build2 is out  ! 

Effort was on PyPy3 and Flask-2.0

Changes from WinPython 2021-03 build1:
- Infrastructure: 
  - Python-7.3.10 on PyPy3-7.3.5 final
  - pip-21.1.2
  - a big (Work-In-Progress) PyPy3 version, still full of compatibility bugs to iron out: 
     - 408 packages included (out of 520 in a Cpython version) 
     - is ok: Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, seaborn, sympy, holoviews
     - is not yet ok:
           - jupyter_core because of pywin32 dependancy on [three functions to re-write using ctypes ]( instead, and a [PyPy3 old miss](
           - statsmodels has apparently an uncompatible practice with [its "docstring" ](
     - is missing: Qt Stack (but [under investigation per Qt Company]( )
- New Packages: 
  - csvs_to_sqlite , datasette_graphql, sqlite_utils
  - python_picard
- Upgraded Packages: 
  - jupyterlab-3.0.15, spyder-5.0.3, bokeh-2.3.2
  - Flask-2.0
  - xlwings-0.23.3, dask-2021.5.0
- variation per version:
  - no Qt nor ML package in PyPy3 versions yet,
  - Pytorch in standard branch only,
  - portable VSCode in "cod" branch only. (but you can copy the "\t\cod" directory from one to the other)
Areas of particular interest for testers:
- finding and narrowing  down issues in  PyPy3 version (some are PyPy3 issues, some are packages issues, but issues shall be identified to be nailed down).
- PyPy3 issues or non-understood issues are to report there:
- packages issues with PyPy3 are to check also on their issue list are sometimes already created, like [here for Matplotlib 

Next build effort:
- pushing on PyPy3 pain points :
  - statsmodels incompatible practice
  - jupyter_core pywin32 replacement
  - pyside6-6.1 for PyPy3 investigation
  - slow parts of PyPy3 vs PyPy2
  - slow parts of PyPy3 vs standard cPython
  - lag vs cPython-3.9

## hash codes 

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
e102698c1750f525ed9c3b45a7d54f48 | 89fc4b4a4f213f1ffc7606fe37f102d09531ba5f | 5884c7967b2567e3248df44b1d7f9b53ef3afc6f824a0d0013c2246a59ea7ecd | Winpython64- |   25 693 798 Bytes | a6f2769195268ab38eb1059c90aa5551960c55301d43ff145afc23b427400c85
2d1df1a9466235b44aa132a6eba93f94 | 8eb9e4881d9c01a4f8bc24090ab7b47d723e4a59 | 64093a5ba8f46eb88382eff09255e3240e09fe08204853ef63a52886bae54b3a | Winpython64-     |   25 310 862 Bytes | 30514f22d98965b9bf72c531e9d2d418a6c6877f7da7210de432a430374671ae
47b9e3df072e40e244e407d043aecd30 | 8f4b77dcf8f86d8951d8e84814f4491fa82acb65 | 8528a187114c7c1f8ae9db9c873c8cc7363a7b50957ef20aa64669f1a615fe1f | Winpython32-     |   24 156 283 Bytes | 5bcc693f217dd322b079889d8562d04ce89de3ee12cf0aa8c4b88473e0fb09e4
dc0e82018b9206b243c58a5141b55a8e | 5aa114fedbd7db70706cba1f90cc407b8151849a | d65e770a2726b2efdc9a5f8f00e57887e6af0ccdd3e0bf6a4c8a8e7ac50be603 | Winpython64-      |   25 769 490 Bytes | 55c486650e7863adce7a7cc1e33a65c3c84af571e3103c2d68fc20793bfab040
1d10aedcf724345628c167fe3badfc9c | b76141148c6eac0515ba2ec1453768d0da281d06 | 6e2e879622fdd55a525dcc8657ffaecbe8cd79439a86ef879ba980ed90ffde5a | Winpython32-      |   24 623 148 Bytes | 13a607e28b2e71a2b303cf66ca50e9db98fe98556fee79f1155acb4801d8343b
f990b71d263324b435433bb587e49c31 | ced18815c0c2b16df4d50ed49cf47abb7910ed2c | c683e708467713fe6cde3af15f75f184055da39fb2b152943ebff4dd29aef667 | Winpython64-         |  759 482 448 Bytes | b6dc9a31c20fbf5ca0421d5e5c5bbec020fdcdcf0e6edddfe0c54f3257d4eac8
cc03c21f42d1c0510dad50cfff68240e | 508d6f445e1d47ddb94e623d853326884bec6b01 | d85667894857543149fe5fc12944bbce8698772b8a0c639bb38cd1d15ec80227 | Winpython64-    |  430 515 205 Bytes | e9e08132d644100ffdfdcf18f7296f3ceea88bc1111940ed325573dd4c4d1405


May 30, 2021, 6:48:31 AM5/30/21
to WinPython
Hi all,

The WinPython 2021-03 build3 is out  !

Effort continues on PyPy3, with two milestone successes:
- it's working on Jupyter !
- only 100 packages missing to reach parity with cPython (420 vs 520 packages, less than 20%)
Changes from WinPython 2021-03 build2:
- Infrastructure: 
  - PyPy3 progress:
    - 420 packages are ok, especially : Jupyterlab + Jupyter Notebook, statsmodels, plotnine 
    - hint of some core dev interest on [writing performant Python code for PyPy](  

Interest for users:
 - helping iron out next issues (discovered or to discover) at this new stage : 

Next builds effort:
- pushing further on PyPy3 pain points :
    - PyPy-7.3.6 will suppress some slow behaviours on pure Python Code: import of modules, close of files, list mutation ...
    - Qt Stack ([pyside6-6.1 for PyPy3 under investigation per Qt Company]( )
   - pushing PyPy to reduce its lag of being on 3.7:
      - 3.8 will provide typed-ast
      - lag reduction will increase core Developer interest and "big money" from the general Python "speed-up" effort.

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
0d8d10133b0d45ceb86e7d173a190337 | 66fcc8d4868e8fcc815573cff1dc6001680c4215 | c63da802ea39f51ec2f321cbcc18dd8cdbda66a52e81ae6fcfba4ece68ca79ab | Winpython64-    |  437 356 017 Bytes | b8a012634c76119f14c595d232414bafe70b50ce1a19957213ca3eddb604bab3
775f2a7b4aab11ba13055656f0536cba | 394997e7fc377fca028f1792b704a5f4adaf796b | cebe8f17111dfd9a1f5d112b3e75fb5682dfc7f39026efa827b01d8c20d4ed37 | Winpython64- |   25 716 848 Bytes | 3311887e1e71cb5e22c9354c4c2b3e0fe3f6c240ce0e81f10979ae5667c8707c


Jun 6, 2021, 4:27:12 PM6/6/21
to WinPython
Hi All,
The WinPython 2021-03 build 4 is out !

Changes from WinPython 2021-03 build3:
- Infrastructure: 
  - PyPy3 (python-3.7) progressing as [hoped]( :
    - 440 packages are ok, notable newcomers:
       - ceODBC, pypyodbc,
       - rasterio, fiona , pyproj, python_snappy, pywinusb, astropy, cytoolz, fast_histogram, llvmlite, mpl_scatter_density,
       - wordcloud, astroml, h5py, GitPython, cached-property, gitdb, jupyterlab-git, nbdime
    - PyPy3 with 'natural' VsCode detection currently requires to copy pypy3.exe as python.exe, a temporary hack    
- New Packages:
  - maturin is now inside all big versions
- Upgrade Packages:
  - jupyterlab-3.0.16, notebook-6.4.0
  - pygit2-1.6.0, GDAL-3.3.0, datasette-0.57

Interest for users:
 - the goal for WinPython 2021-03 PyPy3 is achieved ...
 - ... please help iron out next issues (discovered or to discover) at this new PyPy3 stage : 
    - solving  "Shapely" ,  "orjson" and "reportlab" problems would be [helpfull ](
    - the PyPy3 team needs support and help in any form to speed-up further and get more momentum
Next build effort:
- pushing on PyPy3 next pain points :
    - missing: "Shapely" ,  "orjson" and "reportlab"  packages (or a replacement, like for PyODBC), 
    - coming: 
      - PyPy-7.3.6 to suppress some slow behaviour vs cPython Code: import of modules, close of files, list mutation ...
      - Qt Stack ([pyside6-6.1 for PyPy3 under investigation per Qt Company]( )
       - some PyPy3 progress [towards 3.8 compatibility]( ), that will bring typed_ast

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
ebf4e9e614aa562a417ed6c4359e433b | 4d8e042592828eb99dcd30e8ace960f989b6b346 | d5a4215d8cd627b69d397e477ded58df984a217233cde65243891b194bc0c499 | Winpython64- |   25 771 409 Bytes | 148a1160d9d6083401429db4fd9326330d51d4a45cb41fcbf3df7f5a88137713
431861dc5efeb5b168d01803b0dd9b15 | f06bf478024e30a8e65a1441c9b42cc8e6086592 | f5de53fe850edfb452c5a74486f0af0d204b512e476095107c65a07fbfa29b0d | Winpython64- |  665 714 786 Bytes | 1e0d27eb7594ebf44d500cf7d3a9053e46ad82412faef33b2667a693a3e489af
b1664cd5721dfbe64fc6c36db4433e75 | 12dd69c42bd82ab9a47b49a4d0433a35ce479171 | 38b941137ec7c4f33ace6236ab44c1662091bff705c9af0e9c30299b4ff4aebf | Winpython64-      |   25 839 156 Bytes | 7e4323bafc4839c29090478f2380308456567fc0eddf813ea5a59a68bb79d12e
90f4cf27d2ef1def21c47ab2959aecc2 | 1550624e1bde7077f55dbd4d6ec11bb8fc81e160 | f178ea3ad4ce7453017e6e57d533862cd3c2e097915124661bcf60c50b9ad15d | Winpython32-      |   24 679 103 Bytes | cebd8d90ab18fe530196f2eec9011388bb1285e0f697963a40e63e4d904ea12f
847bcaf7aaa9a88511bc0b916fabf3c9 | c183c5774a385ba975bdf04d08113fbaa4ee8eeb | 8e5e9ab5d0f6680638acf34db71ae8b7f97182d93ff18fb3ef550a92580514c3 | Winpython64-         |  764 512 319 Bytes | e9173a43be280e03c6566508349feb0344094e46eacd1c59f48fcc25d0f5c5aa


Jun 13, 2021, 2:39:50 PM6/13/21
to WinPython
Hi Al,,

The Winpython 2021-03 build 5 is out !

Changes from WinPython 2021-03 build4:
- Infrastructure: 
  - PyPy3 (python-3.7) progressing:
    - 12 more packages are included:
       - shapely, ipyleaflet, geopandas,
       - reportlab, nbconvert_reportlab, scs, sounddevice,
       - wasmer, wasmer_compiler_singlepass, wasmer_compiler_cranelift
    - ... [work ongoing on PyPy for 'hpy' in Cython, Python-3.8 compatibility (may take the summer)](
- New Packages:
  - maturin is now inside all big versions
- Upgrade Packages:
  - mypy-0.902 (will be friendly to next PyPy Python-3.8)
  - numpy-1.21.0rc2 and Cython-3.0a7 for Python-3.10 

Interest for users:
 - check new packaged and resolved problems for PyPy3:
     - shapely, reportlab, ipyleaflet, ...  
 -   help iron out next issues (discovered or to discover) at this new PyPy3 stage : 
    - solving  "orjson" or "cartopy" or "pyproj" problems on WinPythonChecker would be [helpfull ](
    - the PyPy3 team needs support and help in any form to speed-up further and get more momentum
Next build effort: (should be rc)
- pushing on PyPy3 next pain points :
    - missing:  "orjson" and "cartopy"   packages (or a replacement, like for PyODBC), 
    - following progress on : 
      - PyPy-7.3.6 to suppress some slow behaviour, 
      - hpy integration in cython3
- wait or not: numpy-1.21, Jupyterlab-3.1

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
01d46be920a98fcab642d48cc9a98e37 | 1647c9f8babd7418a389e51c8c9b0b4d94a22d33 | 06e814a35f55d7707abc498126a60af04a60f6e1a040720972f831dd234ad754 | Winpython64- |  678 049 368 Bytes | e21d8e02490853218bf36abdd54b056ba367647154f0272ddf5e20b3038785e5
4e2387c5e4c7092b417a96dbc6ffe39b | 98123509375e12232127bebd02555ba056fac09c | 3c53b07910320f6ec719845be81df39486ea72e9ebbde634f55c904933768095 | Winpython64-         |  767 597 287 Bytes | 4c8699d34c78cc267541b95abd6b2868229da5e4efe78b7f8f2783644f47553d


Jun 27, 2021, 9:36:19 AM6/27/21
to WinPython
Hi all,

WinPython 2021-03 rc is out !  

If no major problem is detected, these binaries will be re-tagged as final in a few days.

Main Outcome of this cycle is a PyPy branch, featuring a JIT Python-3.7 on Windows 10 64 bit:
- It has IDLE and Jupyter / VScode compatibility,
- it has not yet Qt ecosystem compatibility, nor Deep Learning modules,
- it can be slower when using some c-extensions, while in pure Python mode it can be 3x Quicker  (see
- ...but it's assumed that solving the "cPython" slowness handicap:
  .  is equal to solve  "cPython"  non-JIT-ability problems in the future, (after today low-hanging fruits)
  . and so is equivalent to solve the PyPy compatibility and slowness problems now. 

Changes from WinPython 2021-03 build5:
- Infrastructure: 
  - PyPy3 (python-3.7) progressing:
    - ipycanvas , pymc,, sklearn_contrib_lightning, cartopy, pyproj, reportlab
    - removed the fake 'python.exe', in hope VSCode will detect 'pypy3.exe' more automatically in the future
    - now we roughly have all that was possible, in wait of : pyside6-6.1 compatibility, python-3.8 compatibility, hpy, packagers making some effort.
- New Packages:
  - fastai
- Upgrade Packages:
  - numpy-1.21.0, scipy-1.7.0, mypy-0.910
  - spyder-5.0.5, plotly-5.0.0

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
fa2715d98015019192ebf728f253ae9c | ba4f263ef533df404f7c8cc0b47a6eb78f429bfa | 489ab15c35336cdac32b88a5282d7b5631af74afba34ac6cee3ac475ffd7c7dd | Winpython64- |   25 763 221 Bytes | 8758c48b8c74ba3621989b9abf2ddcfcd38049de21512ffcc9ae2688156508c9
819d5da22c5b2f025eba789ea3edf725 | 4e67187e3bf949ee7ab85d7fbc873f2ac7691c5a | 959d3f7a29134ec758a048217c3bee1010dd1322c98f2452b853796360b748fd | Winpython64-    |  486 605 762 Bytes | a686ffa27b8cfe96aa227cec7ca1ace5da744ea969dfbdbc76c96f2c9c63d514
2f730858920f12c65991b7f7490bbdd2 | f26b443eaad4727c3e765af85e08081772e48bed | 7e95875b3217429b54939d45d69f87b6f2013a6cbd2e08b52429b466785bdba2 | Winpython64-     |   25 375 720 Bytes | 96ef274f4691a66386d173d873e187259729773cb8e3ef6dc224b82493ca6759
6033a8688e3e10c7f2000b1529683abe | 289f45be877469c8237f373b62eaa280f739ed10 | f63295ee104790e80ca1a7e67274d57f1a22aa33dce5850bd9f3464b709739d6 | Winpython32-     |   24 217 953 Bytes | a1946929a4d5c3d58e4413aa43131eefd14db6bb0291c9cd29a161940adabe21
dc35b0436535d39166fbc97d0915d22a | a62f1ce23f4569a995368b31599f67a9ab308a69 | 01f2a00265110a51f1fc91a058f1698aef1ef9a1b70f4e6d09f2c9fdccf6edf8 | Winpython64-      |   25 839 482 Bytes | 020906ab69e829447cfaa8058863636e4af22e35288ad94081c2416db676d71a
5fd4f594ce5219db3c1269cc79d5f0b6 | bcba1b841afeb476a171af4342703ec962ef247e | 5dc6715618e58944668c28525b2dc7aeacc1a38d9a7df75070ee639e10429b05 | Winpython32-      |   24 682 542 Bytes | 87638c83b59a952a71fcaa90aa834634b39c08cea4130342be04635e5cb368ba
dc35b0436535d39166fbc97d0915d22a | a62f1ce23f4569a995368b31599f67a9ab308a69 | 01f2a00265110a51f1fc91a058f1698aef1ef9a1b70f4e6d09f2c9fdccf6edf8 | Winpython64-      |   25 839 482 Bytes | 020906ab69e829447cfaa8058863636e4af22e35288ad94081c2416db676d71a
5fd4f594ce5219db3c1269cc79d5f0b6 | bcba1b841afeb476a171af4342703ec962ef247e | 5dc6715618e58944668c28525b2dc7aeacc1a38d9a7df75070ee639e10429b05 | Winpython32-      |   24 682 542 Bytes | 87638c83b59a952a71fcaa90aa834634b39c08cea4130342be04635e5cb368ba
1783b1eb3e7d124e481898db5c94aeff | ed1476a8122ab2b65cc5b31e5de6691c39da6f15 | 9a2f25ee58a35656a06bafeddba87c47de28cf11931cdbafe0ebd5b5a4eac2d5 | Winpython64-         |  790 159 865 Bytes | dd5d79c6e306597d51b57f87aabb725028eecf5f3018d2ef6644327bca8604cf


Jul 4, 2021, 4:25:22 AM7/4/21
to WinPython
Hi all,

As no complaints were received since rc, WinPython 2021-03 is equal to the rc version.

Binaries have been renamed  on Sourceforge, and will be uploaded to Github later this week.

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                            | Size               | SHA3-256                                                         
fa2715d98015019192ebf728f253ae9c | ba4f263ef533df404f7c8cc0b47a6eb78f429bfa | 489ab15c35336cdac32b88a5282d7b5631af74afba34ac6cee3ac475ffd7c7dd | Winpython64-   |   25 763 221 Bytes | 8758c48b8c74ba3621989b9abf2ddcfcd38049de21512ffcc9ae2688156508c9
819d5da22c5b2f025eba789ea3edf725 | 4e67187e3bf949ee7ab85d7fbc873f2ac7691c5a | 959d3f7a29134ec758a048217c3bee1010dd1322c98f2452b853796360b748fd | Winpython64-      |  486 605 762 Bytes | a686ffa27b8cfe96aa227cec7ca1ace5da744ea969dfbdbc76c96f2c9c63d514
2f730858920f12c65991b7f7490bbdd2 | f26b443eaad4727c3e765af85e08081772e48bed | 7e95875b3217429b54939d45d69f87b6f2013a6cbd2e08b52429b466785bdba2 | Winpython64-       |   25 375 720 Bytes | 96ef274f4691a66386d173d873e187259729773cb8e3ef6dc224b82493ca6759
6033a8688e3e10c7f2000b1529683abe | 289f45be877469c8237f373b62eaa280f739ed10 | f63295ee104790e80ca1a7e67274d57f1a22aa33dce5850bd9f3464b709739d6 | Winpython32-       |   24 217 953 Bytes | a1946929a4d5c3d58e4413aa43131eefd14db6bb0291c9cd29a161940adabe21
dc35b0436535d39166fbc97d0915d22a | a62f1ce23f4569a995368b31599f67a9ab308a69 | 01f2a00265110a51f1fc91a058f1698aef1ef9a1b70f4e6d09f2c9fdccf6edf8 | Winpython64-        |   25 839 482 Bytes | 020906ab69e829447cfaa8058863636e4af22e35288ad94081c2416db676d71a
5fd4f594ce5219db3c1269cc79d5f0b6 | bcba1b841afeb476a171af4342703ec962ef247e | 5dc6715618e58944668c28525b2dc7aeacc1a38d9a7df75070ee639e10429b05 | Winpython32-        |   24 682 542 Bytes | 87638c83b59a952a71fcaa90aa834634b39c08cea4130342be04635e5cb368ba
dc35b0436535d39166fbc97d0915d22a | a62f1ce23f4569a995368b31599f67a9ab308a69 | 01f2a00265110a51f1fc91a058f1698aef1ef9a1b70f4e6d09f2c9fdccf6edf8 | Winpython64-        |   25 839 482 Bytes | 020906ab69e829447cfaa8058863636e4af22e35288ad94081c2416db676d71a
5fd4f594ce5219db3c1269cc79d5f0b6 | bcba1b841afeb476a171af4342703ec962ef247e | 5dc6715618e58944668c28525b2dc7aeacc1a38d9a7df75070ee639e10429b05 | Winpython32-        |   24 682 542 Bytes | 87638c83b59a952a71fcaa90aa834634b39c08cea4130342be04635e5cb368ba
1783b1eb3e7d124e481898db5c94aeff | ed1476a8122ab2b65cc5b31e5de6691c39da6f15 | 9a2f25ee58a35656a06bafeddba87c47de28cf11931cdbafe0ebd5b5a4eac2d5 | Winpython64-           |  790 159 865 Bytes | dd5d79c6e306597d51b57f87aabb725028eecf5f3018d2ef6644327bca8604cf

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