Towards WinPython 2020-05 (so, in 2020)

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Nov 22, 2020, 9:07:25 AM11/22/20
to WinPython

The WinPython 2020-05 build1 is out for a release target before end 2020.

This cycle will caustiously trying to push Jupyterlab-3.

To avoid a last minute rollback as for last release:
- the WinPython-3.9 branch will remain on Jupyterlab-2.2.9 until we are sure Jupyterlab-3 and essential plugins are there for mid-december
- the WinPython-3.8 branch will follow Jupyterlab-3rcs

Changes from WinPython 2020-04:
- Infrastructure: 
  - Jupyterlab: until we know for sure if Jupyterlab-3 + main plugin are going to make it for mid-december: 
     - Jupyterlab-3.0.0rc10 for Python-3.8 branch
     - Jupyterlab-2.2.9 for Python-3.9 branch
     - nodejs-14.15.1
  - VScode:
    - launcher no longer enforce the default "notebook" directory (may should it be done for other launchers)
    - VSCode-1.51.1 + vscode-python-2020.11.371526539 + vscode-jupyter-2020.11.372831992
  - pip-20.3.dev1-2020-11-21 new resolver
- New Packages: 
- Upgraded Packages: 
  - Spyder-4.2.0, SciPy-1.5.4, Pandas-1.1.4, numpy-1.19.4, statsmodels-0.12.1
- variation per version:
  -  Tensorflow and Pytorch in standard branch only,
  -  portable VSCode in "cod" branch only. (but you can copy the "\t\cod" directory from one to the other)

Areas of particular interest for testers:
- Jupyterlab-3rc10 on Python-3.8 branch (Jupyterlab-2.2.9 for Python-3.9)
- VScode tweaks

Next build effort:
- python-3.9.1rc, python-3.8.7rc1
- another look into launchers tweaks

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                          | Size              
fea8e49f68205ed5b1d74dfe256cea45 | 60bcbab1bf51f8d2c0c64b87e0be56421d5cecc7 | a4d1edd3a7c32b781aa7409fe6bccf1041c4a06182eb93034054eabc7f2843b3 | Winpython64-    |  791 802 919 Bytes
0a2beceb6f5f8f19f03d2099d1ad1bbb | c65e499039cfd302f9a3897146f7a90cd337051d | fb597e79f54e82be063803fa3b6bca6b3a932e5ad5e1d70a653f0d344c3a5ecf | Winpython64-    |   25 059 890 Bytes
67b1c8114105a333ff286a14a51cd90a | 7130492aef264094de2a8a497286ac921d329940 | 194cac7b47c9b75808c43ba859e9d2cab13eec66ee30858c39103e444a43ec74 | Winpython32-    |   23 902 399 Bytes
1cab58c1fcfe786dc475a9b69e2977f3 | f0eb0b138412dc18108b4ce9726520475cb4d136 | b738690437b9d799ae269e9aead09148d1127a7afa31b597c506bb8f0088e5fc | Winpython64-    |  798 407 624 Bytes
623116a6604b02181a39bc2f05f5993a | 151dabc5761a7a6215666086fdd9cada38d9eed0 | 01c2408d6efac650d6d6832ed3b02b352af4d6a744f262dcbdeed1aeca1d5af4 | Winpython64-    |   25 522 491 Bytes
3de6d423a48ce93e21ad88664598398d | bba3d2eb737a23bf7b9dcf2ffe0e4b2d7858c2fc | d7ea1a4705691b94dd84b774d6671c372a27a29c9fa61f413dfeba4a2231ba1a | Winpython32-    |   24 377 947 Bytes


Dec 25, 2020, 5:28:04 AM12/25/20
to WinPython

The WinPython 2020-05  release candidate is out !

Changes from WinPython 2020-04:
- Infrastructure: 
   - Python-3.8.7 , Python-3.9.1
   -  pip-20.3.3 with the  new "Resolver": 
      - now pip wants to install & maintain a "coherent" set of wheels, like in a Distribution,
      - WinPython has been tweaked to it, but there will remain an issue with Spyder if you auto-update it : it will downgrade PyQt5.
   - Jupyterlab-2.2.9
   - VScode-1.52.1
- New Packages: 
   - testing packagse: coverage, nbval
   - sklearn_contrib_lightning, onnxruntime, anyio
- Upgraded Packages: 
   - spyder-4.2.1,
   - scikit_learn-0.24.0, scikit_image-0.18.1, joblib-1.0.0, sympy-1.7.1
   - seaborn-0.11.1, dask_labextension-4.0.1
   - numpy-1.19.4, SciPy-1.5.4, Pandas-1.1.5, statsmodels-0.12.1 
   - matplotlib-3.3.3, holoviews-1.14.0
- variation per version:
  -  Pytorch in standard branch only
  -  in Python-3.9 branch, but with no official support yet: PyTorch, Numba
  -  portable VSCode in "cod" branch only. (but you can copy the "\t\cod" directory from one to the other)

final release :
- these binary will just be re-tagged as final if no major issue shows up next few days,
- next release should be end February 2021.

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                          | Size              
0b1c9b43c03767fda4656ed240aa42df | 2ecd8996fce3d25d6d8fccf43f8576438ba1eeee | 87d5e586a52113b7d28f613e0c70a4973f659649e3ca5aae2cfe139dc1162f22 | Winpython64-    |   25 345 933 Bytes
53334a80740c60d9f6a6a1094e984b3b | 184728336d7a2df25f81e63f5130953b7e4fcc20 | 8f5e054486ec5ce0cbd834221881bb5018e391d61dbe60dba156433088e7a1e7 | Winpython32-    |   24 270 449 Bytes
8f81b3417f2082a4ae80b5dcaabfd10c | 4d64a3f1b98904e5c9bab6f3f80a7894d597fbbe | 687585ca7a546e9e393802d11fa505468adcf5aff844019dc0f396dfc3dab562 | Winpython64-       |  762 745 203 Bytes
1bba03d0d796b02e273e9e6d56483349 | 8e9a1066cbd06292056e1ddc8bd58f2e798f4aef | d17e9f0b837d1f9d63909ff39b7c44545b79268affd0ac848fd8f05af57745ea | Winpython64-    |  815 119 173 Bytes
6fe21b99f8536182e33f958a407248b1 | c42334b4ae1cd3871e7cbfbbca19b828a2c2cedc | 5a9044f51ba20fa443163013765889c5c1f13e747cf018ac9c2b2c629112762d | Winpython64-    |   25 779 527 Bytes
1fcec7ae0f6e0ed075d1f288905d8e93 | 5754ed0de9c19af18fac1944a6f56eb7be12c18a | cef2b71ea5ed1272d11d3b837b8fa9e6f80bc653ee958aa126d1fcb272ba16b7 | Winpython32-    |   24 710 010 Bytes
715c4a0ebfad9f227958f0c179fb4642 | 0b9c1ba15e94c0f77ff1b41762b9783543ccfcac | 7ecdb34ba326925096e6179277a3b0d031f19898731ec16f44fe9aecebca3dba | Winpython64-    |  805 932 757 Bytes
792f2e4540b08ac3ef202e8086c8781e | 3312dae22ced6d80a1272735a810fb2cd8339ff8 | 2ed6a095513587b18c61ec0e20610a96cdc6f419507c38f73a2538f2e11b5412 | Winpython64-       |  754 649 487 Bytes


Dec 28, 2020, 2:25:48 PM12/28/20
to WinPython
Hi all,

WinPython 2020-05 is equal to the rc version.

Binaries have been renamed on Sourceforge, and pushed to github

 MD5                             | SHA-1                                    | SHA-256                                                          | Binary                          | Size              
0b1c9b43c03767fda4656ed240aa42df | 2ecd8996fce3d25d6d8fccf43f8576438ba1eeee | 87d5e586a52113b7d28f613e0c70a4973f659649e3ca5aae2cfe139dc1162f22 | Winpython64-    |   25 345 933 Bytes
53334a80740c60d9f6a6a1094e984b3b | 184728336d7a2df25f81e63f5130953b7e4fcc20 | 8f5e054486ec5ce0cbd834221881bb5018e391d61dbe60dba156433088e7a1e7 | Winpython32-    |   24 270 449 Bytes
8f81b3417f2082a4ae80b5dcaabfd10c | 4d64a3f1b98904e5c9bab6f3f80a7894d597fbbe | 687585ca7a546e9e393802d11fa505468adcf5aff844019dc0f396dfc3dab562 | Winpython64-       |  762 745 203 Bytes
1bba03d0d796b02e273e9e6d56483349 | 8e9a1066cbd06292056e1ddc8bd58f2e798f4aef | d17e9f0b837d1f9d63909ff39b7c44545b79268affd0ac848fd8f05af57745ea | Winpython64-    |  815 119 173 Bytes
6fe21b99f8536182e33f958a407248b1 | c42334b4ae1cd3871e7cbfbbca19b828a2c2cedc | 5a9044f51ba20fa443163013765889c5c1f13e747cf018ac9c2b2c629112762d | Winpython64-    |   25 779 527 Bytes
1fcec7ae0f6e0ed075d1f288905d8e93 | 5754ed0de9c19af18fac1944a6f56eb7be12c18a | cef2b71ea5ed1272d11d3b837b8fa9e6f80bc653ee958aa126d1fcb272ba16b7 | Winpython32-    |   24 710 010 Bytes
715c4a0ebfad9f227958f0c179fb4642 | 0b9c1ba15e94c0f77ff1b41762b9783543ccfcac | 7ecdb34ba326925096e6179277a3b0d031f19898731ec16f44fe9aecebca3dba | Winpython64-    |  805 932 757 Bytes
792f2e4540b08ac3ef202e8086c8781e | 3312dae22ced6d80a1272735a810fb2cd8339ff8 | 2ed6a095513587b18c61ec0e20610a96cdc6f419507c38f73a2538f2e11b5412 | Winpython64-       |  754 649 487 Bytes
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