Funded PhD with Intelligent Instruments Lab | Reykjavik, Iceland

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Jack Armitage (jarm)

Mar 7, 2023, 11:30:20 AM3/7/23
to WiMIR

We are seeking applications for the 3rd PhD position on the ERC-funded Intelligent Instruments research project hosted at the Iceland University of the Arts. This is a three-year fully-funded scholarship. The candidate will propose their own project under the rubric of Intelligent Instruments (see advert) and work in our exciting lab in the heart of Reykjavik, Iceland. Further information on the lab here:

We are looking for a person with a background in sound and music computing, digital humanities, human computer interaction, cyberfeminism, data science, machine learning or other related fields. The research will focus on how embodied sonic interfaces and tactile and wearable technologies can be applied in knowledge production in the interpretation of large datasets. See advert for further information.

The deadline for applications is on April 17th and the start date for the project is Sept 1st, 2023.

Advert and further information here:

In this blog post we introduce the role more informally:

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Looking forward to hear from you. Our PI Thor is happy to answer any questions at

Kind Regards,
Jack Armitage
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