schooling WS children

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Jill Mann

Jan 24, 2008, 12:12:05 PM1/24/08
to Williams Syndrome grp
Thank you for all the replies and phone call I had re; anger and social management.
I really have enjoyed reading - the emails - I dont feel alone and it is so nice to share with other moms /dads who understand. thank you.
Luke does not read -
I homeschool Luke as our local system where not able to teach Luke either.
We live in the country (farming comunity) and although we have a very good local school. Luke was also not received very well by the parents and children (although his pre-school teacher did her utmost to try and fit Luke into the system)
(eventually his little class grp began to accept his differences and actually helped him)
Luke became even more agressive and angry and very tense whenever I took him to school-
So I found out more about home-schooling and we are progessing well- although slowly.
I have a long list of Homeschooling resources if anyone is intrested - (although all are in english (mostly American programmes).
Luke loves the computer and I find it the best way to teach him -
Luke also recognises the letters and sounds but we are still working on blending to make words. I am trying all kinds of methods. Phonetic approach mainly (but as soon as he is in front of the computer he responds the best).
Writing is still a challenge and so we are doing tracing, dot-dot. He does not enjoy this- so rewards and small goals have to be set all the time to get him to do even I line of work.
He does seem to be so slow with counting. (any ideas welcome)
We attend a childrens church on Sundays and Luke often does not want to go- It is a mixed group,lots of different ages + other children with behavioural problems (perhaps too much for him)?
I do have friends over and we go on outings with other homeschool children. (Luke loved the hiking and even tried the tree-climbing).
Luke does have to be watched as he does tend to roar at the other children (playfully) and chase them-(they do get irritated and scared). Luke loves to swim and today he played very well at our local swimming pool with 2 other boys aged 5 (he is 8) (I think it was because he could swim well and felt part of the game instead of frustrated that he could not keep up).
What I love about WS children is their honesty (although embaressing).
Luke just goes up to anyone and says hello- and then will follow up with - "whats that on your face" or "why do you look cross".
When I am sad he says "come on mom dont be sad" and smothers me with a wet kiss and a strangling hug- which really makes me cheer up immediately.
They are special beyond our knowledge.
Love and blessings from Jill Mann
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