Unstable operation of WildFly on port 9993

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Alexander Belya (AlexSW)

Dec 3, 2024, 12:42:16 AMDec 3
to WildFly
Hello everyone. I am facing the following problem. There is a WildFly server that is monitored by Zabbix (monitoring is performed on port 9993). In the normal state, the number of connections between WildFly and Zabbix servers can be 1-2, but there are times when the number of such connections can reach the order of 100-120 (we observe this through the netstat utility). Because of this, port 9993 is clogged, and the connection to the jboss-cli fails with the error: "Connection timed out", or such a connection takes a very long time. What parameter can be responsible for the maximum number of connections to port 9993, where can it be found, and can it be changed?

Brian Stansberry

Dec 11, 2024, 8:58:36 AMDec 11
to WildFly
In WildFly 34 we introduced the ability to configure the backlog, connection high and low water marks and request timeouts on the HTTP management interface:

This basic functionality was previously available starting in WildFly 32.0.1, but configuration could only be done via system properties.  Before 32.0.1 this could not be configured.

Best regards,

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