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how to configure HA high availability

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Rúu Too

Dec 20, 2024, 4:24:40 PM12/20/24
to WildFly
I have the following setup: a server running Ubuntu with WildFly installed, and two Debian servers functioning as slave nodes, all connected in a domain. I have deployed the application in two groups. My goal is to ensure that if one of the servers fails, the other continues to operate without interruptions, maintaining service availability for clusterjsp.war. I have been researching high availability and found relevant information, but I am struggling to fully understand how to implement it in my environment. Could you help me configure high availability in WildFly so that the servers remain active even in the event of failures?

Rúu Too

Dec 20, 2024, 4:24:41 PM12/20/24
to WildFly


Dec 21, 2024, 12:59:27 PM12/21/24
to WildFly

Paul Ferraro

Jan 9, 2025, 4:51:54 PMJan 9
to WildFly
Based on the "clusterjsp.war", I assume that yours is a web application?
High-availability of a web application is typically achieved by a cluster of application servers behind a load balancing tier, using distributed application state.  In such a configuration, sessions created on any server are available to all servers, such that a failure of a single server does not impact overall availability of the application, and any sessions active on the failed server are able to be serviced by any remaining cluster members.
Primary/backup style setups are typically relegated to use cases where some service must be limited to a single instance/process.
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