Multiple login-config

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Mansour Al Akeel

Nov 25, 2024, 10:21:11 PM11/25/24
to WildFly
We are migrating older authentication to using bearer_token.
The current setup is using


The newer one is:


To avoid breaking existing client, we would like to allow both authentication methods to co-exists, and be utilized. Since web.xml allows only one <login-config>, I started looking for ways to accomplish this through elytron components.

My understanding, http-authentication-factory allows configuring "Mechanism Configurations". The question is how to associate the realm with the auth-method?

I am not sure how others deal with this but I feel a bit lost.
I  highly appreciate an advice.


Dec 21, 2024, 8:07:15 PM12/21/24
to WildFly
It is possible to use multiple authentication mechanisms OIDC in oidc.json file:
"enable-basic-auth" : true,    
"bearer-only" : false,

Check the guide:

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