Support for declarative configuration of infinispan-clustered-lock via Wildfly configuration XML

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borna brozovic

Jun 17, 2024, 10:27:35 AMJun 17
to WildFly
Hello, currently using Wildfly 31.0.1.Final, which ships with Infinispan 14.0.24.Final module. 

Since resolution of this proposal:,
  • org.infinispan.cdi
  • org.infinispan.query
  • org.infinispan.counter
  • org.infinispan.lock 
are also included in modules, but Wildfly configuration schema does not yet support elements specific to these modules.

Minimal cache-container configuration which enables infinispan-clustered-lock with default settings:

<cache-container name="lock" marshaller="JBOSS" modules="org.infinispan.lock">


    <replicated-cache name="repl"/>


creates internal caches with default settings, but elements defined by infinispan-clustered-lock namespace "urn:infinispan:config:clustered-locks:14.0" are not supported like described in Infinispan's Declarative configuration procedure

<clustered-locks xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:clustered-locks:14.0"

num-owners = "3"


        <clustered-lock name="lock1" />

        <clustered-lock name="lock2" />


After a thorough research, I was unable to find a solution and would appreciate confirmation that I am not missing something before opening an issue for it.

Paul Ferraro

Jun 27, 2024, 9:41:55 AM (10 days ago) Jun 27
to WildFly
Support for clustered locks are currently limited to programmatic creation.

Given that using clustered locks requires the same code (whether the locks are declared or not) there is not much added value to using declarative configuration, beyond auto-generation of the cache configuration and ClusteredLockManager.defineLock(...) call (easy enough to do via @Startup @Singleton EJB).

Can you file a feature jira?


borna brozovic

Jun 27, 2024, 10:36:37 AM (10 days ago) Jun 27
to WildFly
Hi Paul, 

thank you very much for your reply. 
During my research, I have read through complete infinispan-clustered-lock implementation so I am aware of the Lock usage and of the InfinispanLockServlet class. 
I have read my initial post once again and came to conclusion that my problem is possibly not presented specific enough, apologies for that.

In my initial post, I pasted an example of all elements supported by namespace "urn:infinispan:config:clustered-locks:14.0" and I see how <clustered-lock> elements might suggest that I am looking for a way for declarative creation of named locks but I actually require declarative configuration of <reliability> property which is positioned just above <clustered-lock> element.

Using the class you linked as an example, cm is already fully started during invocation of EmbeddedClusteredLockManagerFactory.from(cm), including all internal caches and I am unaware of a way that allows changing reliability property once cm is started.

@Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/infinispan/container/lock")
private EmbeddedCacheManager cm;

 public void init() throws ServletException {
      clm = EmbeddedClusteredLockManagerFactory.from(cm);

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