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Identity Propagation with OpenID Connect

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jyoti grover

Dec 25, 2024, 1:59:44 PM12/25/24
to WildFly

This is in reference to the article  -

I am using Wildfly 30 -  WildFly Full 30.0.1.Final to be precise

I have a deployable i.e an EAR consisting of a WAR which is my web module and a JAR consisting of various beans configured for remote invocation. 

I have applied Elytron OIDC client as explained in the article above to integrate with keycloak using the subsystem -
<subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron-oidc-client:2.0">

The web module works fine after the integration  - redirection to the keycloak happens and even authorization and authentication work fine here.

To apply the same virtual domain to the beans now in the JAR, I am required to specify an annotation @SecurityDomain to each bean.

I was expecting instead of adding an annotation it is possible to specify virtual domain in the jboss-ejb3.xml (bundled in META-INF) as follows -


But this does not seem to take effect. Is this a bug or any additional configuration is needed in jboss-ejb3.xml for identity propagation to work without annotation but with configuration instead? 

Can anyone please share any insights on the issue or an example where such a configuration works ? 

Thanks !
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