Hi Tin,
I apologize for the late reply. I looked at the gpml of the pathway you mentioned (
WP4346), and I'm not sure I understand your question.
Here is the "4alpha-methyl zymosterol" node in the gpml:
<DataNode TextLabel="4alpha-methyl zymosterol" GraphId="ec117" Type="Metabolite">
<Graphics CenterX="810.1057346255649" CenterY="940.5615678516264" Width="197.3203410475032" Height="24.50000000000003" ZOrder="32940" FontSize="12" Valign="Middle" Color="0033ff"/>
<Xref Database="LIPID MAPS" ID="LMST01010202" />
The node label, which is what you see in the graphical representation of the pathway, is "4alpha-methyl zymosterol", represented in the gpml as: DataNode TextLabel="4alpha-methyl zymosterol"
The node XRef ID is "LMST01010202", from the LIPID MAPS data source, represented in the gpml as: Xref Database="LIPID MAPS" ID="LMST01010202"
Can you explain what information you are missing, or give an alternate example?