Allocate more resources to PathVisio - Importing expression data is very slow

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Pierre Klemmer

Mar 9, 2022, 5:45:36 AM3/9/22
to wikipathways-discuss
Hi everyone,

I want to import expression data into a pathway I am working on. However, this is very slow for me, taking a few minutes, while for my peers and supervisor the process is done in a few seconds. I've allocated 4GB of RAM in the pathvisio.bat and upgraded PathVisio's priority in the resource monitor to high, but have not noticed any improvements in importing speed. I also do not think the issue stems from limitations in my system components.
What can I do to speed the importing process up?

Pierre Klemmer

Martina Kutmon

May 18, 2022, 2:26:30 PM5/18/22
to wikipathways-discuss
Dear Pierre,

Which plugins do you have installed? Can you try to uninstall all plugins before you start the data import? 
Are you sure you are using the same dataset and mapping database? 

Best regards,

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