Wikinews Reader (for Android) application Beta

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Jon Davis

Apr 14, 2010, 7:01:03 PM4/14/10
to, Wikinews mailing list
Howdy All,
For those that don't know, we've at the tech center have been working on a "Reader" application for Wikinews.  Just like there are Wikipedia applications for the iPhone, this application would function much the same way (on Android), except for Wikinews.  Of course it is tailored for our specific use case, in the fact that it gives you the ability to easily read (on your mobile device) the latest news (and not the entire site).   Noting fancy or complicated (at least not for 1.).

If you're interested in learning more, you can stop by and find out about the goals/roadmaps/screen shots/etc.

The reason I'm writing today is that I'm hoping to drum up some help from the community in testing the application & getting some feedback.  At this point in time we've completed all the necessary features for 1.0, and I've worked out a few major bugs.  The 1.0 release wont be anything complicated or fancy, but I would like a solid base from which we can build upon.  So, if you happen to own an Android powered device, I'd love to get you to install the app and give it a spin.    The instructions are all on wiki:

If you're interested in helping out, I'd appreciate it if you pop'd me a message off list. 


PS. Feel free to FW'd this app to anyone you know that uses Wikinews, has Android and you think might like to help.  This isn't a "public" release, but right now we've got very little in the way of beta-testing help.

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