Final steps for Æthelflæd article

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Thomas Shafee

2018-11-05 18:34:532018-11-05
kam:, WikiJHum, WikiJournal (currently at Wikiversity)
Hello all!

Super exciting to see the Æthelflæd published on the front page of!

There are a last couple of steps to do. I'm happy to help out, but as always, I'm keen to teach WikiJHum editors:
  1. We'll need to make a PDF with this template. Mostly a copy-paste job. Instructions here
  2. Integrate the text back into Wikipedia. Again, mostly copy-paste. Could ask the author to do it.
  3. Promotion
Great to hear that a couple of the other articles inthe pipeline are getting close too.
Well done WikiJHum team!

AgriBio & La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science | Postdoctoral research fellow

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