Rhino Users - a clean .3DM file of WikiHouse v3.0

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Mar 23, 2013, 7:22:21 AM3/23/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com

I thought it would be useful to upload an imported copy of v3.0 all cleaned up for Rhino. I found some strange surfaces after importing from the .skp so I thought I'd save people the same work in the future. If you find any problems that I haven't spotted (or that I've created) please re-post the file here.

I'm an architecture student at Oxford Brookes University doing a masters in Development and Emergency Practice. I'm currently undertaking a research project into the evolution of open source design in post-disaster situations and I hope to be putting together a WikiHouse iteration in the next month or so here in Oxford to test some of the ideas that pop up. I'll be uploading things across the groups as I find more out - I imagine there will be some desperate pleas for help along the way too.


P.S. I'm using Rhino because it's the software I'm most familiar with and I have more experience with grasshopper than Ruby. Big believer in this project staying in a free universal format so I would re-convert everything back to Sketchup before sharing outside these groups.

Wikihouse v3_rhino.zip


Mar 23, 2013, 7:43:57 AM3/23/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com
There is a small raised section on every other rib (I've highlighted red). Is this used for something?


Mar 23, 2013, 8:06:40 AM3/23/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com
No, that'll be human (namely, me) error!

Martin Luff

Mar 25, 2013, 5:49:08 AM3/25/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Charlie - much appreciated. We're slowly doing more of our work in Rhino - seems like it offers a lot of advantages (much easier to work with 'real' curves, looks like we can take parametrics a whole lot further, can much more easily go to g-code and so on) and export back to SU seems pretty decent as well.

Regards  Martin


Mar 26, 2013, 12:28:21 PM3/26/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com

Do you know if anyone has started producing any grasshopper scripts yet that they would be willing to share? I plan to have a go this weekend at simply affecting the height of the foundation ribs for flood-prone areas. If you had anything I could work off that would be great, I'm still learning grasshopper myself.


Martin Luff

Apr 3, 2013, 3:11:25 AM4/3/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com
Hi Charlie - sorry for slow reply - a bit manic this end right now. 

We've not done anything yet from our team (although have a few ideas in pipeline and possibly a couple of very competent Rhino users who might join our efforts over next few months so will keep posted). However, I remember someone posted some initial experiments on the original WikiHouse forums on Get Satisfaction...

We're still struggling to get enough funding for a few Rhino seats plus some add-ons but hope to make the transition to that for most of our work over next six months or sooner if we can... not that we'll stop using SU (still great for some stuff) or exporting stuff back to this format for sharing; but struggling to get SU to work hard for us so feels like we're always working hard for SU instead - which doesn't feel quite right ;)




Apr 4, 2013, 4:06:30 PM4/4/13
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com
Paul Taylor emailed his grasshopper script to me but I've had very little time to go through it in the past week (and they don't seem to quite work with the newest version of grasshopper). It's the old 'bolts' version of WikiHouse so it'll take a bit of altering to get up to scratch but the costing bits of the script are a nice inclusion. If I manage to update it I'll post under a new thread hopefully as v3. 

As for funding software I'm lucky to be at University until September but after that I'll be looking back to free software again.


p.s. Paul's script folder added. It has a share-alike license in there so I assume it'll be fine for me to put it up here?
Wikihouse in grasshopper.zip

Danny Squires

Jan 29, 2014, 10:48:01 PM1/29/14
to wikihouse...@googlegroups.com
Hi Charlie,

We are using rhino for our ongoing modelling now and have imported our original sketchup model of our latest release in as we needed to fillet some corners to specific radii. When we exported the rhino model back to SketchUp we found that the wikihouse plugin would not generate the cutting sheets thus making the sketchup model useless for publishing into the library.

We have tried many different combinations and file formats but none have achieved the result we are hoping for. The problem may be generated when importing SketchUp > Rhino so wondering what you referred to when talking about 'cleaning up' the rhino file. Can you outline your process for SketchUp > Rhino > Sketchup and did the final sketchup model allow you to generate cutting sheets from plugin?


Danny - WkiHouseNZ
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